// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an // MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:sass/sass.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; void main() { group("true", () { late Value value; setUp(() => value = parseValue("true")); test("is truthy", () { expect(value.isTruthy, isTrue); }); test("is sassTrue", () { expect(value, equalsWithHash(sassTrue)); }); test("is a boolean", () { expect(value.assertBoolean(), equals(value)); }); test("isn't any other type", () { expect(value.assertColor, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertFunction, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertMap, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.tryMap(), isNull); expect(value.assertNumber, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertString, throwsSassScriptException); }); }); group("false", () { late Value value; setUp(() => value = parseValue("false")); test("is falsy", () { expect(value.isTruthy, isFalse); }); test("is sassFalse", () { expect(value, equalsWithHash(sassFalse)); }); test("is a boolean", () { expect(value.assertBoolean(), equals(value)); }); test("isn't any other type", () { expect(value.assertColor, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertFunction, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertMap, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.tryMap(), isNull); expect(value.assertNumber, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertString, throwsSassScriptException); }); }); group("new SassBoolean()", () { test("returns sassTrue", () { expect(SassBoolean(true), equals(sassTrue)); }); test("returns sassFalse", () { expect(SassBoolean(false), equals(sassFalse)); }); }); }