## Testing # Set the language to Ruby so that we can run sass-spec tests. language: ruby env: global: - DART_CHANNEL=dev - DART_VERSION=2.0.0-dev.63.0 matrix: # Language specs, defined in sass/sass-spec - TASK=specs - TASK=specs ASYNC=true # Unit tests, defined in test/. - TASK=tests # This should be NODE_VERSION=latest, but that's breaking due to # laverdet/node-fibers#378. - TASK=tests NODE_VERSION=v10.1.0 # Keep these up-to-date with the latest LTA Node releases. They next need to be # rotated October 2018. See https://github.com/nodejs/Release. - TASK=tests NODE_VERSION=lts/boron - TASK=tests NODE_VERSION=lts/carbon # Miscellaneous checks. - TASK=analyze - TASK=format rvm: - 2.3.1 # Only building master means that we don't run two builds for each pull request. branches: only: [master, "/^feature\\..*/", "/^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+([+-].*)?$/"] cache: directories: - $HOME/.pub-cache install: # Install the Dart SDK. - curl -o dart.zip "https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-archive/channels/$DART_CHANNEL/release/$DART_VERSION/sdk/dartsdk-linux-x64-release.zip" - unzip dart.zip - export PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/dart-sdk/bin" - pub get # Install the Node SDK if we're running Node tests. - if-node() { if [ ! -z "$NODE_VERSION" ]; then "$@"; fi } - if-node . "$HOME/.nvm/nvm.sh" - if-node nvm install "$NODE_VERSION" - if-node nvm use "$NODE_VERSION" - if-node pub run grinder before_test # Download sass-spec and install its dependencies if we're running specs. - if-specs() { if [ "$TASK" = specs ]; then "$@"; fi } - if-specs export sass_spec_ref=`tool/travis/sass-spec-ref.sh` - if-specs git init sass-spec - if-specs git -C sass-spec fetch git://github.com/sass/sass-spec "$sass_spec_ref" --depth 1 - if-specs git -C sass-spec checkout FETCH_HEAD - if-specs bundle install --gemfile=sass-spec/Gemfile --jobs=3 --retry=3 script: tool/travis/test.sh ## Deployment jobs: include: # Deploy to GitHub. - stage: deploy if: &deploy-if (type IN (push, api)) AND (repo = sass/dart-sass) AND tag =~ ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+([+-].*)?$ env: &github-env - GITHUB_USER=sassbot # GITHUB_AUTH="..." # # Note that this overrides the read-only auth token that's set for all # builds. - secure: "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" script: skip # Don't run tests deploy: provider: script script: pub run grinder github_release skip_cleanup: true # Don't clean up the Dart SDK. # This causes the deploy to only be build when a tag is pushed. This # is because the `tag` attribute in `if:` statements has a different # understanding of the "current tag" than this, which uses the # `TRAVIS_TAG` environment variable. `if:` statements check whether a # tag exists that refers to the current commit, whereas `TRAVIS_TAG` # checks whether the current build was caused by a tag. # # We check `if:` because it avoids unnecessary build steps, and # `on: {tags: true}` ensures that we only deploy on the build caused # by pushing a tag, not the build caused by pushing master. on: {tags: true} # Deploy to npm. - if: *deploy-if script: skip deploy: provider: script script: tool/travis/deploy/npm.sh skip_cleanup: true on: {tags: true} # Deploy to pub. - if: *deploy-if script: skip deploy: provider: script script: tool/travis/deploy/pub.sh skip_cleanup: true on: {tags: true} # Deploy to Homebrew. - if: *deploy-if env: *github-env script: skip deploy: provider: script script: pub run grinder update_homebrew skip_cleanup: true on: {tags: true} # Deploy to Chocolatey. - if: *deploy-if env: # CHOCO_TOKEN="..." - secure: "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" script: skip deploy: provider: script script: pub run grinder update_chocolatey skip_cleanup: true on: {tags: true} # Redeploy sass-lang.com when a build succeeds. - stage: site if: *deploy-if env: # HEROKU_TOKEN="..." - secure: "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" install: skip script: skip deploy: provider: script # Heroku doesn't have a public API endpoint for this yet, so we use the # private endpoint instead. script: tool/travis/deploy/heroku.sh on: {tags: true}