// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an // MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:charcode/charcode.dart'; import 'package:grinder/grinder.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart'; import 'package:string_scanner/string_scanner.dart'; import 'standalone.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; @Task('Create a GitHub release for the current version, without executables.') githubRelease() async { var authorization = _githubAuthorization(); var response = await http.post( "https://api.github.com/repos/sass/dart-sass/releases", headers: { "content-type": "application/json", "authorization": authorization }, body: jsonEncode({ "tag_name": version, "name": "Dart Sass $version", "prerelease": Version.parse(version).isPreRelease, "body": _releaseMessage() })); if (response.statusCode != 201) { fail("${response.statusCode} error creating release:\n${response.body}"); } else { log("Released Dart Sass $version to GitHub."); } } /// Returns the Markdown-formatted message to use for a GitHub release. String _releaseMessage() { var changelogUrl = "https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#" + version.replaceAll(".", ""); return "To install Dart Sass $version, download one of the packages above " "and [add it to your PATH](https://katiek2.github.io/path-doc/), or " "see [the Sass website](https://sass-lang.com/install) for full " "installation instructions.\n\n" "## Changes\n\n" + _lastChangelogSection() + "\n\n" "See the [full changelog]($changelogUrl) for changes in earlier " "releases."; } /// A regular expression that matches a Markdown code block. final _codeBlock = RegExp(" *```"); /// Returns the most recent section in the CHANGELOG, reformatted to remove line /// breaks that will show up on GitHub. String _lastChangelogSection() { var scanner = StringScanner(File("CHANGELOG.md").readAsStringSync(), sourceUrl: "CHANGELOG.md"); // Scans the remainder of the current line and returns it. This consumes the // trailing newline but doesn't return it. String scanLine() { var start = scanner.position; while (scanner.readChar() != $lf) {} return scanner.substring(start, scanner.position - 1); } scanner.expect("## $version\n"); var buffer = StringBuffer(); while (!scanner.isDone && !scanner.matches("## ")) { if (scanner.matches(_codeBlock)) { do { buffer.writeln(scanLine()); } while (!scanner.matches(_codeBlock)); buffer.writeln(scanLine()); } else if (scanner.matches(RegExp(" *\n"))) { buffer.writeln(); buffer.writeln(scanLine()); } else if (scanner.matches(RegExp(r" *([*-]|\d+\.)"))) { buffer.write(scanLine()); buffer.writeCharCode($space); } else { buffer.write(scanLine()); buffer.writeCharCode($space); } } return buffer.toString().trim(); } @Task('Release Linux executables to GitHub.') @Depends(packageLinux) githubLinux() => _uploadExecutables("linux"); @Task('Release Mac OS executables to GitHub.') @Depends(packageMacOs) githubMacOs() => _uploadExecutables("macos"); @Task('Release Windows executables to GitHub.') @Depends(packageWindows) githubWindows() => _uploadExecutables("windows"); /// Upload the 32- and 64-bit executables to the current GitHub release Future _uploadExecutables(String os) async { var authorization = _githubAuthorization(); var client = http.Client(); var response = await client.get( "https://api.github.com/repos/sass/dart-sass/releases/tags/$version", headers: {"authorization": authorization}); var uploadUrl = json .decode(response.body)["upload_url"] // Remove the URL template. .replaceFirst(RegExp(r"\{[^}]+\}$"), ""); await Future.wait(["ia32", "x64"].map((architecture) async { var format = os == "windows" ? "zip" : "tar.gz"; var package = "dart-sass-$version-$os-$architecture.$format"; var response = await http.post("$uploadUrl?name=$package", headers: { "content-type": os == "windows" ? "application/zip" : "application/gzip", "authorization": authorization }, body: File(p.join("build", package)).readAsBytesSync()); if (response.statusCode != 201) { fail("${response.statusCode} error uploading $package:\n" "${response.body}"); } else { log("Uploaded $package."); } })); await client.close(); } /// Returns the HTTP basic authentication Authorization header from the /// environment. String _githubAuthorization() { var username = environment("GITHUB_USER"); var token = environment("GITHUB_AUTH"); return "Basic ${base64.encode(utf8.encode("$username:$token"))}"; }