// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an // MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. @TestOn('node') @Tags(['node']) import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:js_util'; import 'package:js/js.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import '../ensure_npm_package.dart'; import 'api.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; void main() { setUpAll(ensureNpmPackage); useSandbox(); group("rejects a signature", () { test("with an invalid argument list", () { var error = renderSyncError(RenderOptions( data: "", functions: jsify({"foo(": allowInterop(neverCalled)}))); expect(error.toString(), contains('Invalid signature')); }); test("that's an empty string", () { var error = renderSyncError(RenderOptions( data: "", functions: jsify({"": allowInterop(neverCalled)}))); expect(error.toString(), contains('Invalid signature')); }); test("that's just an argument list", () { var error = renderSyncError(RenderOptions( data: "", functions: jsify({r"($var)": allowInterop(neverCalled)}))); expect(error.toString(), contains('Invalid signature')); }); test("with an invalid identifier", () { var error = renderSyncError(RenderOptions( data: "", functions: jsify({"~~~": allowInterop(neverCalled)}))); expect(error.toString(), contains('Invalid signature')); }); }); group("allows a signature", () { test("with no argument list", () { expect( renderSync(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({ "foo": allowInterop(expectAsync0( () => callConstructor(sass.types.Number, [12]))) }))), equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 12; }")); }); test("with an empty argument list", () { expect( renderSync(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({ "foo()": allowInterop(expectAsync0( () => callConstructor(sass.types.Number, [12]))) }))), equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 12; }")); }); }); group("are dash-normalized", () { test("when defined with dashes", () { expect( renderSync(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo_bar()}", functions: jsify({ "foo-bar": allowInterop(expectAsync0( () => callConstructor(sass.types.Number, [12]))) }))), equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 12; }")); }); test("when defined with underscores", () { expect( renderSync(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo-bar()}", functions: jsify({ "foo_bar": allowInterop(expectAsync0( () => callConstructor(sass.types.Number, [12]))) }))), equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 12; }")); }); }); group("rejects function calls that", () { test("have too few arguments", () { var error = renderSyncError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({r"foo($var)": allowInterop(neverCalled)}))); expect(error.toString(), contains(r'Missing argument $var')); }); test("have too many arguments", () { var error = renderSyncError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo(1, 2)}", functions: jsify({r"foo($var)": allowInterop(neverCalled)}))); expect(error.toString(), contains('Only 1 argument allowed, but 2 were passed.')); }); test("passes a non-existent named argument", () { var error = renderSyncError(RenderOptions( data: r"a {b: foo($val: 1)}", functions: jsify({r"foo()": allowInterop(neverCalled)}))); expect(error.toString(), contains(r'No argument named $val.')); }); }); group("passes arguments", () { test("by position", () { expect( renderSync(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: last(1px, 2em)}", functions: jsify({ r"last($value1, $value2)": allowInterop(expectAsync2((value1, value2) => value2)) }))), equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 2em; }")); }); test("by name", () { expect( renderSync(RenderOptions( data: r"a {b: last($value2: 1px, $value1: 2em)}", functions: jsify({ r"last($value1, $value2)": allowInterop(expectAsync2((value1, value2) => value2)) }))), equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 1px; }")); }); test("by splat", () { expect( renderSync(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: last((1px 2em)...)}", functions: jsify({ r"last($value1, $value2)": allowInterop(expectAsync2((value1, value2) => value2)) }))), equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 2em; }")); }); test("by arglist", () { expect( renderSync(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: last(1px, 2em)}", functions: jsify({ r"last($args...)": allowInterop(expectAsync1( (NodeSassList args) => args.getValue(args.getLength() - 1))) }))), equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 2em; }")); }); }); group("rejects a return value that", () { test("isn't a Sass value", () { var error = renderSyncError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({"foo": allowInterop(expectAsync0(() => 10))}))); expect(error.toString(), contains('must be a Sass value type')); }); test("is null", () { var error = renderSyncError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({"foo": allowInterop(expectAsync0(() => null))}))); expect(error.toString(), contains('must be a Sass value type')); }); }); test("gracefully handles an error from the function", () { var error = renderSyncError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({"foo": allowInterop(() => throw "aw beans")}))); expect(error.toString(), contains('aw beans')); }); group("render()", () { test("runs a synchronous function", () { expect( render(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({ "foo": allowInterop((_) => callConstructor(sass.types.Number, [1])) }))), completion(equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 1; }"))); }); test("runs an asynchronous function", () { expect( render(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({ "foo": allowInterop((done) { Timer(Duration.zero, () { done(callConstructor(sass.types.Number, [1])); }); }) }))), completion(equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 1; }"))); }); test("reports a synchronous error", () async { var error = await renderError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({"foo": allowInterop((_) => throw "aw beans")}))); expect(error.toString(), contains('aw beans')); }); test("reports a synchronous sass.types.Error", () async { var error = await renderError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({ "foo": allowInterop( (_) => callConstructor(sass.types.Error, ["aw beans"])) }))); expect(error.toString(), contains('aw beans')); }); test("reports an asynchronous error", () async { var error = await renderError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({ "foo": allowInterop((done) { Timer(Duration.zero, () { done(JSError("aw beans")); }); }) }))); expect(error.toString(), contains('aw beans')); }); test("reports an asynchronous sass.types.Error", () async { var error = await renderError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({ "foo": allowInterop((done) { Timer(Duration.zero, () { done(callConstructor(sass.types.Error, ["aw beans"])); }); }) }))); expect(error.toString(), contains('aw beans')); }); test("reports a null return", () async { var error = await renderError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({ "foo": allowInterop((done) { Timer(Duration.zero, () { done(null); }); }) }))); expect(error.toString(), contains('must be a Sass value type')); }); test("reports a call to done without arguments", () async { var error = await renderError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({ "foo": allowInterop((done) { Timer(Duration.zero, () { done(); }); }) }))); expect(error.toString(), contains('must be a Sass value type')); }); test("reports an invalid signature", () async { var error = await renderError(RenderOptions( data: "", functions: jsify({"foo(": allowInterop(neverCalled)}))); expect(error.toString(), contains('Invalid signature')); }); group("with fibers", () { setUpAll(() { try { fiber; } catch (_) { throw "Can't load fibers package.\n" "Run pub run grinder before-test."; } }); test("runs a synchronous function", () { expect( render(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({ "foo": allowInterop( (_) => callConstructor(sass.types.Number, [1])) }), fiber: fiber)), completion(equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 1; }"))); }); test("runs an asynchronous function", () { expect( render(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({ "foo": allowInterop((done) { Timer(Duration.zero, () { done(callConstructor(sass.types.Number, [1])); }); }) }), fiber: fiber)), completion(equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 1; }"))); }); test("reports a synchronous error", () async { var error = await renderError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({"foo": allowInterop((_) => throw "aw beans")}), fiber: fiber)); expect(error.toString(), contains('aw beans')); }); test("reports an asynchronous error", () async { var error = await renderError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({ "foo": allowInterop((done) { Timer(Duration.zero, () { done(JSError("aw beans")); }); }) }), fiber: fiber)); expect(error.toString(), contains('aw beans')); }); test("reports a null return", () async { var error = await renderError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({ "foo": allowInterop((done) { Timer(Duration.zero, () { done(null); }); }) }), fiber: fiber)); expect(error.toString(), contains('must be a Sass value type')); }); test("reports a call to done without arguments", () async { var error = await renderError(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: foo()}", functions: jsify({ "foo": allowInterop((done) { Timer(Duration.zero, () { done(); }); }) }), fiber: fiber)); expect(error.toString(), contains('must be a Sass value type')); }); }); }); // Node Sass currently doesn't provide any representation of first-class // functions, but they shouldn't crash or be corrupted. test("a function is passed through as-is", () { expect( renderSync(RenderOptions( data: "a {b: call(id(get-function('str-length')), 'foo')}", functions: jsify({ r"id($value)": allowInterop(expectAsync1((value) => value)) }))), equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 3; }")); }); }