// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an // MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. @TestOn('vm') import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart' as d; import 'package:sass/sass.dart'; import 'package:sass/src/exception.dart'; void main() { // TODO(nweiz): test SASS_PATH when dart-lang/sdk#28160 is fixed. group("importers", () { test("is used to resolve imports", () async { await d.dir("subdir", [d.file("subtest.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create(); await d.file("test.scss", '@import "subtest.scss";').create(); var css = compile(d.path("test.scss"), importers: [FilesystemImporter(d.path('subdir'))]); expect(css, equals("a {\n b: c;\n}")); }); test("are checked in order", () async { await d .dir("first", [d.file("other.scss", "a {b: from-first}")]).create(); await d .dir("second", [d.file("other.scss", "a {b: from-second}")]).create(); await d.file("test.scss", '@import "other";').create(); var css = compile(d.path("test.scss"), importers: [ FilesystemImporter(d.path('first')), FilesystemImporter(d.path('second')) ]); expect(css, equals("a {\n b: from-first;\n}")); }); }); group("loadPaths", () { test("is used to import file: URLs", () async { await d.dir("subdir", [d.file("subtest.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create(); await d.file("test.scss", '@import "subtest.scss";').create(); var css = compile(d.path("test.scss"), loadPaths: [d.path('subdir')]); expect(css, equals("a {\n b: c;\n}")); }); test("can import partials", () async { await d.dir("subdir", [d.file("_subtest.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create(); await d.file("test.scss", '@import "subtest.scss";').create(); var css = compile(d.path("test.scss"), loadPaths: [d.path('subdir')]); expect(css, equals("a {\n b: c;\n}")); }); test("adds a .scss extension", () async { await d.dir("subdir", [d.file("subtest.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create(); await d.file("test.scss", '@import "subtest";').create(); var css = compile(d.path("test.scss"), loadPaths: [d.path('subdir')]); expect(css, equals("a {\n b: c;\n}")); }); test("adds a .sass extension", () async { await d.dir("subdir", [d.file("subtest.sass", "a\n b: c")]).create(); await d.file("test.scss", '@import "subtest";').create(); var css = compile(d.path("test.scss"), loadPaths: [d.path('subdir')]); expect(css, equals("a {\n b: c;\n}")); }); test("are checked in order", () async { await d .dir("first", [d.file("other.scss", "a {b: from-first}")]).create(); await d .dir("second", [d.file("other.scss", "a {b: from-second}")]).create(); await d.file("test.scss", '@import "other";').create(); var css = compile(d.path("test.scss"), loadPaths: [d.path('first'), d.path('second')]); expect(css, equals("a {\n b: from-first;\n}")); }); }); group("packageResolver", () { test("is used to import package: URLs", () async { await d.dir("subdir", [d.file("test.scss", "a {b: 1 + 2}")]).create(); await d .file("test.scss", '@import "package:fake_package/test";') .create(); var config = PackageConfig([Package('fake_package', p.toUri(d.path('subdir/')))]); var css = compile(d.path("test.scss"), packageConfig: config); expect(css, equals("a {\n b: 3;\n}")); }); test("can resolve relative paths in a package", () async { await d.dir("subdir", [ d.file("test.scss", "@import 'other'"), d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: 1 + 2}"), ]).create(); await d .file("test.scss", '@import "package:fake_package/test";') .create(); var config = PackageConfig([Package('fake_package', p.toUri(d.path('subdir/')))]); var css = compile(d.path("test.scss"), packageConfig: config); expect(css, equals("a {\n b: 3;\n}")); }); test("doesn't import a package URL from a missing package", () async { await d .file("test.scss", '@import "package:fake_package/test_aux";') .create(); expect( () => compile(d.path("test.scss"), packageConfig: PackageConfig([])), throwsA(const TypeMatcher())); }); }); group("import precedence", () { test("relative imports take precedence over importers", () async { await d.dir( "subdir", [d.file("other.scss", "a {b: from-load-path}")]).create(); await d.file("other.scss", "a {b: from-relative}").create(); await d.file("test.scss", '@import "other";').create(); var css = compile(d.path("test.scss"), importers: [FilesystemImporter(d.path('subdir'))]); expect(css, equals("a {\n b: from-relative;\n}")); }); test("the original importer takes precedence over other importers", () async { await d.dir( "original", [d.file("other.scss", "a {b: from-original}")]).create(); await d .dir("other", [d.file("other.scss", "a {b: from-other}")]).create(); var css = compileString('@import "other";', importer: FilesystemImporter(d.path('original')), url: p.toUri(d.path('original/test.scss')), importers: [FilesystemImporter(d.path('other'))]); expect(css, equals("a {\n b: from-original;\n}")); }); test("importers take precedence over load paths", () async { await d.dir("load-path", [d.file("other.scss", "a {b: from-load-path}")]).create(); await d.dir( "importer", [d.file("other.scss", "a {b: from-importer}")]).create(); await d.file("test.scss", '@import "other";').create(); var css = compile(d.path("test.scss"), importers: [FilesystemImporter(d.path('importer'))], loadPaths: [d.path('load-path')]); expect(css, equals("a {\n b: from-importer;\n}")); }); test("importers take precedence over packageConfig", () async { await d.dir("package", [d.file("other.scss", "a {b: from-package-config}")]).create(); await d.dir( "importer", [d.file("other.scss", "a {b: from-importer}")]).create(); await d .file("test.scss", '@import "package:fake_package/other";') .create(); var css = compile(d.path("test.scss"), importers: [ PackageImporter(PackageConfig( [Package('fake_package', p.toUri(d.path('importer/')))])) ], packageConfig: PackageConfig( [Package('fake_package', p.toUri(d.path('package/')))])); expect(css, equals("a {\n b: from-importer;\n}")); }); }); group("charset", () { group("= true", () { test("doesn't emit @charset for a pure-ASCII stylesheet", () { expect(compileString("a {b: c}"), equals(""" a { b: c; }""")); }); test("emits @charset with expanded output", () async { expect(compileString("a {b: 👭}"), equals(""" @charset "UTF-8"; a { b: 👭; }""")); }); test("emits a BOM with compressed output", () async { expect(compileString("a {b: 👭}", style: OutputStyle.compressed), equals("\u{FEFF}a{b:👭}")); }); }); group("= false", () { test("doesn't emit @charset with expanded output", () async { expect(compileString("a {b: 👭}", charset: false), equals(""" a { b: 👭; }""")); }); test("emits a BOM with compressed output", () async { expect( compileString("a {b: 👭}", charset: false, style: OutputStyle.compressed), equals("a{b:👭}")); }); }); }); }