// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an // MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. @TestOn("vm") import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:sass/sass.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; main() { group("a comma-separated list", () { Value value; setUp(() => value = parseValue("a, b, c")); test("is comma-separated", () { expect(value.separator, equals(ListSeparator.comma)); }); test("has no brackets", () { expect(value.hasBrackets, isFalse); }); test("returns its contents as a list", () { expect( value.asList, equals( [new SassString("a"), new SassString("b"), new SassString("c")])); }); test("equals the same list", () { expect( value, equalsWithHash(new SassList( [new SassString("a"), new SassString("b"), new SassString("c")], ListSeparator.comma))); }); test("doesn't equal a value with different metadata", () { expect( value, isNot(equals(new SassList( [new SassString("a"), new SassString("b"), new SassString("c")], ListSeparator.space)))); expect( value, isNot(equals(new SassList([ new SassString("a"), new SassString("b"), new SassString("c") ], ListSeparator.comma, brackets: true)))); }); test("doesn't equal a value with different contents", () { expect( value, isNot(equals(new SassList( [new SassString("a"), new SassString("x"), new SassString("c")], ListSeparator.comma)))); }); group("sassIndexToListIndex()", () { test("converts a positive index to a Dart index", () { expect(value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(1)), equals(0)); expect(value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(2)), equals(1)); expect(value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(3)), equals(2)); }); test("converts a negative index to a Dart index", () { expect(value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(-1)), equals(2)); expect(value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(-2)), equals(1)); expect(value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(-3)), equals(0)); }); test("rejects a non-number", () { expect(() => value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassString("foo")), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("rejects a non-integer", () { expect(() => value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(1.1)), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("rejects invalid indices", () { expect(() => value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(0)), throwsSassScriptException); expect(() => value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(4)), throwsSassScriptException); expect(() => value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(-4)), throwsSassScriptException); }); }); test("isn't any other type", () { expect(value.assertBoolean, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertColor, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertFunction, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertMap, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertNumber, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertString, throwsSassScriptException); }); }); test("a space-separated list is space-separated", () { expect(parseValue("a, b, c").separator, equals(ListSeparator.comma)); }); test("a bracketed list has brackets", () { expect(parseValue("[a, b, c]").hasBrackets, isTrue); }); group("a single-element list", () { Value value; setUp(() => value = parseValue("[1]")); test("has an undecided separator", () { expect(value.separator, equals(ListSeparator.undecided)); }); test("returns its contents as a list", () { expect(value.asList, equals([new SassNumber(1)])); }); test("isn't any other type", () { expect(value.assertBoolean, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertColor, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertFunction, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertMap, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertNumber, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertString, throwsSassScriptException); }); }); test("a comma-separated single-element list is comma-separated", () { expect(parseValue("(1,)").separator, equals(ListSeparator.comma)); }); group("an empty list", () { Value value; setUp(() => value = parseValue("()")); test("has an undecided separator", () { expect(value.separator, equals(ListSeparator.undecided)); }); test("returns its contents as a list", () { expect(value.asList, isEmpty); }); test("equals an empty map", () { expect(value, equalsWithHash(new SassMap.empty())); }); test("counts as an empty map", () { expect(value.assertMap().contents, isEmpty); }); test("isn't any other type", () { expect(value.assertBoolean, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertColor, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertFunction, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertNumber, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertString, throwsSassScriptException); }); test("sassIndexToListIndex() rejects invalid indices", () { expect(() => value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(0)), throwsSassScriptException); expect(() => value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(1)), throwsSassScriptException); expect(() => value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(-1)), throwsSassScriptException); }); }); group("a scalar value", () { Value value; setUp(() => value = parseValue("blue")); test("has an undecided separator", () { expect(value.separator, equals(ListSeparator.undecided)); }); test("has no brackets", () { expect(value.hasBrackets, isFalse); }); test("returns itself as a list", () { var list = value.asList; expect(list, hasLength(1)); expect(list.first, same(value)); }); group("sassIndexToListIndex()", () { test("converts a positive index to a Dart index", () { expect(value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(1)), equals(0)); }); test("converts a negative index to a Dart index", () { expect(value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(-1)), equals(0)); }); test("rejects invalid indices", () { expect(() => value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(0)), throwsSassScriptException); expect(() => value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(2)), throwsSassScriptException); expect(() => value.sassIndexToListIndex(new SassNumber(-2)), throwsSassScriptException); }); }); }); group("new SassList.empty()", () { test("creates an empty list with default metadata", () { var list = new SassList.empty(); expect(list.asList, isEmpty); expect(list.separator, equals(ListSeparator.undecided)); expect(list.hasBrackets, isFalse); }); test("can set the metadata", () { var list = new SassList.empty(separator: ListSeparator.space, brackets: true); expect(list.separator, equals(ListSeparator.space)); expect(list.hasBrackets, isTrue); }); }); group("new SassList()", () { test("creates a list with the given contents and metadata", () { var list = new SassList([new SassString("a")], ListSeparator.space); expect(list.asList, equals([new SassString("a")])); expect(list.separator, equals(ListSeparator.space)); expect(list.hasBrackets, isFalse); }); test("can create a bracketed list", () { expect( new SassList([new SassString("a")], ListSeparator.space, brackets: true) .hasBrackets, isTrue); }); test("can create a short list with an undecided separator", () { expect( new SassList([new SassString("a")], ListSeparator.undecided) .separator, equals(ListSeparator.undecided)); expect(new SassList([], ListSeparator.undecided).separator, equals(ListSeparator.undecided)); }); test("can't create a long list with an undecided separator", () { expect( () => new SassList([new SassString("a"), new SassString("b")], ListSeparator.undecided), throwsArgumentError); }); }); }