A pure JavaScript implementation of [Sass][sass]. **Sass makes CSS fun again**.
[sass]: https://sass-lang.com/
This package is a distribution of [Dart Sass][], compiled to pure JavaScript
with no native code or external dependencies. It provides a command-line `sass`
executable and a Node.js API.
[Dart Sass]: https://github.com/sass/dart-sass
* [Usage](#usage)
* [See Also](#see-also)
* [Behavioral Differences from Ruby Sass](#behavioral-differences-from-ruby-sass)
## Usage
You can install Sass globally using `npm install -g sass` which will provide
access to the `sass` executable. You can also add it to your project using
`npm install --save-dev sass`. This provides the executable as well as a
[npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/sass
const sass = require('sass');
const result = sass.compile(scssFilename);
// OR
// Note that `compileAsync()` is substantially slower than `compile()`.
const result = await sass.compileAsync(scssFilename);
See [the Sass website][js api] for full API documentation.
[js api]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/js-api
### Legacy API
## See Also
* [Dart Sass][], from which this package is compiled, can be used either as a
stand-alone executable or as a Dart library. Running Dart Sass on the Dart VM
is substantially faster than running the pure JavaScript version, so this may
be appropriate for performance-sensitive applications. The Dart API is also
(currently) more user-friendly than the JavaScript API. See
[the Dart Sass README][Using Dart Sass] for details on how to use it.
* [Node Sass][], which is a wrapper around [LibSass][], the C++ implementation
of Sass. Node Sass supports the same API as this package and is also faster
(although it's usually a little slower than Dart Sass). However, it requires a
native library which may be difficult to install, and it's generally slower to
add features and fix bugs.
[Using Dart Sass]: https://github.com/sass/dart-sass#using-dart-sass
[Node Sass]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-sass
[LibSass]: https://sass-lang.com/libsass
## Behavioral Differences from Ruby Sass