// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an // MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:grinder/grinder.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; import 'npm.dart'; import 'standalone.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; @Task('Generate benchmark files.') benchmarkGenerate() async { var sources = new Directory("build/benchmark"); if (!await sources.exists()) await sources.create(recursive: true); await _writeNTimes("${sources.path}/small_plain.scss", ".foo {a: b}", 4); await _writeNTimes( "${sources.path}/large_plain.scss", ".foo {a: b}", math.pow(2, 17)); await _writeNTimes("${sources.path}/preceding_sparse_extend.scss", ".foo {a: b}", math.pow(2, 17), header: '.x {@extend .y}', footer: '.y {a: b}'); await _writeNTimes("${sources.path}/following_sparse_extend.scss", ".foo {a: b}", math.pow(2, 17), header: '.y {a: b}', footer: '.x {@extend .y}'); await _writeNTimes("${sources.path}/preceding_dense_extend.scss", ".foo {a: b}", math.pow(2, 17), header: '.bar {@extend .foo}'); await _writeNTimes("${sources.path}/following_dense_extend.scss", ".foo {a: b}", math.pow(2, 17), footer: '.bar {@extend .foo}'); await cloneOrCheckout("https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap", "v4.1.3"); await _writeNTimes("${sources.path}/bootstrap.scss", "@import '../bootstrap/scss/bootstrap';", 16); await cloneOrCheckout("https://github.com/alex-page/sass-a11ycolor", "2e7ef93ec06f8bbec80b632863e4b2811618af89"); new File("${sources.path}/a11ycolor.scss").writeAsStringSync(""" @import '../sass-a11ycolor/dist'; x { // Adapted from a11ycolor's test1.scss, which at one point was much slower // in JS than in the Dart VM. y: AU-a11ycolor(red, blue) AU-a11ycolor(#646464, #E0E0E0) AU-a11ycolor(green, blue) AU-a11ycolor(pink, blue) AU-a11ycolor(blue, blue) AU-a11ycolor(#c0c0c0, #c0c0c0) AU-a11ycolor(#231284, #ccc) AU-a11ycolor(#fff, #fff); } """); var susy = await cloneOrCheckout("https://github.com/oddbird/susy", "v3.0.5"); await runAsync("npm", arguments: ["install"], workingDirectory: susy); new File("${sources.path}/susy.scss") .writeAsStringSync("@import '../susy/test/scss/test.scss'"); } /// Writes [times] instances of [text] to [path]. /// /// If [header] is passed, it's written before [text]. If [footer] is passed, /// it's written after [text]. If the file already exists and is the expected /// length, it's not written. Future _writeNTimes(String path, String text, num times, {String header, String footer}) async { var file = new File(path); var expectedLength = (header == null ? 0 : header.length + 1) + (text.length + 1) * times + (footer == null ? 0 : footer.length + 1); if (file.existsSync() && file.lengthSync() == expectedLength) { log("$path already exists."); return; } log("Generating $path..."); var sink = file.openWrite(); if (header != null) sink.writeln(header); for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) { sink.writeln(text); } if (footer != null) sink.writeln(footer); await sink.close(); } @Task('Run benchmarks for Sass compilation speed.') @Depends(benchmarkGenerate, snapshot, releaseAppSnapshot, snapshotDart2, releaseDart2AppSnapshot, npmReleasePackage) benchmark() async { var libsass = await cloneOrPull('https://github.com/sass/libsass'); var sassc = await cloneOrPull('https://github.com/sass/sassc'); await runAsync("make", runOptions: new RunOptions( workingDirectory: sassc, environment: {"SASS_LIBSASS_PATH": p.absolute(libsass)})); log(""); var ruby = await cloneOrPull('https://github.com/sass/ruby-sass'); log(""); var libsassRevision = await _revision(libsass); var sasscRevision = await _revision(sassc); var dartSassRevision = await _revision('.'); var rubySassRevision = await _revision(ruby); var gPlusPlusVersion = await _version("g++"); var nodeVersion = await _version("node"); var rubyVersion = await _version("ruby"); var perf = new File("perf.md").readAsStringSync(); perf = perf .replaceFirst(new RegExp(r"This was tested against:\n\n[^]*?\n\n"), """ This was tested against: * libsass $libsassRevision and sassc $sasscRevision compiled with $gPlusPlusVersion. * Dart Sass $dartSassRevision on Dart $dartVersion and Node $nodeVersion. * Ruby Sass $rubySassRevision on $rubyVersion. """); var buffer = new StringBuffer(""" # Measurements I ran five instances of each configuration and recorded the fastest time. """); var benchmarks = [ ["small_plain.scss", "Small Plain CSS", "4 instances of `.foo {a: b}`"], ["large_plain.scss", "Large Plain CSS", "2^17 instances of `.foo {a: b}`"], [ "preceding_sparse_extend.scss", "Preceding Sparse `@extend`", "`.x {@extend .y}`, 2^17 instances of `.foo {a: b}`, and then `.y {a: b}`" ], [ "following_sparse_extend.scss", "Following Sparse `@extend`", "`.y {a: b}`, 2^17 instances of `.foo {a: b}`, and then `.x {@extend .y}`" ], [ "preceding_dense_extend.scss", "Preceding Dense `@extend`", "`.bar {@extend .foo}` followed by 2^17 instances of `.foo {a: b}`" ], [ "following_dense_extend.scss", "Following Dense `@extend`", "2^17 instances of `.foo {a: b}` followed by `.bar {@extend .foo}`" ], [ "bootstrap.scss", "Bootstrap", "16 instances of importing the Bootstrap framework" ], [ "a11ycolor.scss", "a11ycolor", "test cases for a computation-intensive color-processing library" ], [ "susy.scss", "Susy", "test cases for the computation-intensive Susy grid framework" ], ]; for (var info in benchmarks) { var path = p.join('build/benchmark', info[0]); var title = info[1]; var description = info[2]; buffer.writeln("## $title"); buffer.writeln(); buffer.writeln("Running on a file containing $description:"); buffer.writeln(); var sasscTime = await _benchmark(p.join(sassc, 'bin', 'sassc'), [path]); buffer.writeln("* sassc: ${_formatTime(sasscTime)}"); var scriptSnapshotTime = await _benchmark(Platform.executable, ['--no-preview-dart-2', p.join('build', 'sass.dart.snapshot'), path]); buffer.writeln("* Dart Sass from a Dart 1 script snapshot: " "${_formatTime(scriptSnapshotTime)}"); var appSnapshotTime = await _benchmark(Platform.executable, [ '--no-preview-dart-2', '--no-checked', p.join('build', 'sass.dart.app.snapshot'), path ]); buffer.writeln( "* Dart Sass from a Dart 1 app snapshot: ${_formatTime(appSnapshotTime)}"); var dart2ScriptSnapshotTime = await _benchmark(Platform.executable, [ '--no-enable-asserts', p.join('build', 'sass.dart.dart2.snapshot'), path ]); buffer.writeln("* Dart Sass from a Dart 2 script snapshot: " "${_formatTime(dart2ScriptSnapshotTime)}"); var dart2AppSnapshotTime = await _benchmark(Platform.executable, [ '--no-enable-asserts', p.join('build', 'sass.dart.app.dart2.snapshot'), path ]); buffer.writeln("* Dart Sass from a Dart 2 app snapshot: " "${_formatTime(dart2AppSnapshotTime)}"); var nodeTime = await _benchmark("node", [p.join('build', 'npm', 'sass.js'), path]); buffer.writeln("* Dart Sass on Node.js: ${_formatTime(nodeTime)}"); var rubyTime = await _benchmark( "ruby", ["-I", p.join(ruby, 'lib'), p.join(ruby, 'bin', 'sass'), path]); buffer.writeln("* Ruby Sass with a hot cache: ${_formatTime(rubyTime)}"); buffer.writeln(); buffer.writeln('Based on these numbers, Dart Sass from an app snapshot is ' 'approximately:'); buffer.writeln(); buffer.writeln('* ${_compare(appSnapshotTime, sasscTime)} libsass'); buffer .writeln('* ${_compare(appSnapshotTime, dart2AppSnapshotTime)} Dart 2'); buffer .writeln('* ${_compare(appSnapshotTime, nodeTime)} Dart Sass on Node'); buffer.writeln('* ${_compare(appSnapshotTime, rubyTime)} Ruby Sass'); buffer.writeln(); buffer.writeln('A Dart 1 script snapshot is approximately ' '${_compare(scriptSnapshotTime, dart2ScriptSnapshotTime)} Dart 2.'); buffer.writeln(); log(''); } buffer.write("# Prior Measurements"); perf = perf.replaceFirst( new RegExp(r"# Measurements\n[^]*# Prior Measurements"), buffer.toString()); new File("perf.md").writeAsStringSync(perf); } /// Returns the revision of the Git repository at [path]. Future _revision(String path) async => (await runAsync("git", arguments: ["rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"], quiet: true, workingDirectory: path)) .trim(); /// Returns the first line of output from `executable --version`. Future _version(String executable) async => (await runAsync(executable, arguments: ["--version"], quiet: true)) .split("\n") .first; Future _benchmark(String executable, List arguments) async { log("$executable ${arguments.join(' ')}"); // Run the benchmark once without recording output to give Ruby Sass a hot // cache and give other implementations a chance to warm up at the OS level. await _benchmarkOnce(executable, arguments); Duration lowest; for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var duration = await _benchmarkOnce(executable, arguments); if (lowest == null || duration < lowest) lowest = duration; } return lowest; } Future _benchmarkOnce( String executable, List arguments) async { var result = await Process.run( "sh", ["-c", "time $executable ${arguments.join(' ')}"]); if (result.exitCode != 0) { fail("Process failed with exit code ${result.exitCode}\n${result.stderr}"); } var match = new RegExp(r"(\d+)m(\d+)\.(\d+)s").firstMatch(result.stderr as String); return new Duration( minutes: int.parse(match[1]), seconds: int.parse(match[2]), milliseconds: int.parse(match[3])); } String _formatTime(Duration duration) => "${duration.inSeconds}." + (duration.inMilliseconds % 1000).toString().padLeft(3, '0') + 's'; /// Returns an approximate, human-readable comparison between [duration1] and /// [duration2]. String _compare(Duration duration1, Duration duration2) { var faster = duration1 < duration2; var ratio = faster ? duration2.inMilliseconds / duration1.inMilliseconds : duration1.inMilliseconds / duration2.inMilliseconds; var rounded = (ratio * 10).round().toString(); var humanRatio = '${rounded.substring(0, rounded.length - 1)}.' + '${rounded.substring(rounded.length - 1)}x'; if (humanRatio == '1.0x') return 'identical to'; return humanRatio + (faster ? ' faster than' : ' slower than'); }