// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an // MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart'; import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/utilities.dart'; import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart'; import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart'; import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart'; import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart'; import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart'; import 'package:grinder/grinder.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; /// The files to compile to synchronous versions. final sources = const { 'lib/src/visitor/async_evaluate.dart': 'lib/src/visitor/evaluate.dart', 'lib/src/async_compile.dart': 'lib/src/compile.dart', 'lib/src/async_environment.dart': 'lib/src/environment.dart', 'lib/src/async_import_cache.dart': 'lib/src/import_cache.dart' }; /// Classes that are defined in the async version of a file and used as-is in /// the sync version, and thus should not be copied over. final _sharedClasses = const ['EvaluateResult', 'CompileResult']; /// This is how we support both synchronous and asynchronous compilation modes. /// /// Both modes are necessary. Synchronous mode is faster, works in sync-only /// contexts, and allows us to support Node Sass's renderSync() method. /// Asynchronous mode allows users to write async importers and functions in /// both Dart and JS. /// /// The logic for synchronous and asynchronous mode is identical, but the async /// code needs to await every statement and expression evaluation in case they /// do asynchronous work. To avoid duplicating logic, we hand-write asynchronous /// code for the evaluator and the environment and use this task to compile it /// to a synchronous equivalent. @Task('Compile async code to synchronous code.') void synchronize() { sources.forEach((source, target) { var visitor = _Visitor(File(source).readAsStringSync(), source); parseFile(path: source, featureSet: FeatureSet.latestLanguageVersion()) .unit .accept(visitor); var formatted = DartFormatter().format(visitor.result); File(target).writeAsStringSync(formatted); }); } /// The visitor that traverses the asynchronous parse tree and converts it to /// synchronous code. /// /// To preserve the original whitespace and comments, this copies text from the /// original source where possible. It tracks the [_position] at the end of the /// text that's been written, and writes from that position to the new position /// whenever text needs to be emitted. class _Visitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor { /// The source of the original asynchronous file. final String _source; /// The current position in [_source]. var _position = 0; /// The buffer in which the text of the synchronous file is built up. final _buffer = StringBuffer(); /// The synchronous text. String get result { _buffer.write(_source.substring(_position)); _position = _source.length; return _buffer.toString(); } _Visitor(this._source, String path) { var afterHeader = "\n".allMatches(_source).skip(3).first.end; _buffer.writeln(_source.substring(0, afterHeader)); _buffer.writeln(""" // DO NOT EDIT. This file was generated from ${p.basename(path)}. // See tool/grind/synchronize.dart for details. // // Checksum: ${sha1.convert(utf8.encode(_source))} // // ignore_for_file: unused_import """); if (p.basename(path) == 'async_evaluate.dart') { _buffer.writeln(); _buffer.writeln("import 'async_evaluate.dart' show EvaluateResult;"); _buffer.writeln("export 'async_evaluate.dart' show EvaluateResult;"); _buffer.writeln(); } else if (p.basename(path) == 'async_compile.dart') { _buffer.writeln(); _buffer.writeln("import 'async_compile.dart';"); _buffer.writeln("export 'async_compile.dart';"); _buffer.writeln(); } _position = afterHeader; } void visitAwaitExpression(AwaitExpression node) { _skip(node.awaitKeyword); // Skip the space after "await" to work around dart-lang/dart_style#226. _position++; node.expression.accept(this); } void visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) { if (node.expression is AwaitExpression) { _skip(node.leftParenthesis); node.expression.accept(this); _skip(node.rightParenthesis); } else { node.expression.accept(this); } } void visitBlockFunctionBody(BlockFunctionBody node) { _skip(node.keyword); node.visitChildren(this); } void visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) { if (_sharedClasses.contains(node.name.name)) { _skipNode(node); } else { super.visitClassDeclaration(node); } } void visitExpressionFunctionBody(ExpressionFunctionBody node) { _skip(node.keyword); node.visitChildren(this); } void visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) { if (_synchronizeName(node.name.name) != node.name.name) { // If the file defines any asynchronous versions of synchronous functions, // remove them. _skipNode(node); } else { super.visitMethodDeclaration(node); } } void visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) { _skipNode(node); var text = node.toString(); if (!text.contains("dart:async")) { _buffer.write(text.replaceAll("async_", "")); } } void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) { // Convert async utility methods to their synchronous equivalents. if (node.target == null && ["mapAsync", "putIfAbsentAsync"].contains(node.methodName.name)) { _writeTo(node); var arguments = node.argumentList.arguments; _write(arguments.first); _buffer.write(".${_synchronizeName(node.methodName.name)}"); if (node.typeArguments != null) _write(node.typeArguments); _buffer.write("("); _position = arguments[1].beginToken.offset; for (var argument in arguments.skip(1)) { argument.accept(this); } } else { super.visitMethodInvocation(node); } } void visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) { _skip(node.token); _buffer.write(_synchronizeName(node.name)); } void visitTypeName(TypeName node) { if (["Future", "FutureOr"].contains(node.name.name)) { _skip(node.name.beginToken); if (node.typeArguments != null) { _skip(node.typeArguments.leftBracket); node.typeArguments.arguments.first.accept(this); _skip(node.typeArguments.rightBracket); } else { _buffer.write("void"); } } else if (node.name.name == "Module") { _skip(node.name.beginToken); _buffer.write("Module"); } else { super.visitTypeName(node); } } /// Writes [_source] to [_buffer] up to the beginning of [token], then puts /// [_position] after [token] so it doesn't get written. void _skip(Token token) { if (token == null) return; _buffer.write(_source.substring(_position, token.offset)); _position = token.end; } /// Writes [_source] to [_buffer] up to the beginning of [node], then puts /// [_position] after [node] so it doesn't get written. void _skipNode(AstNode node) { if (node == null) return; _writeTo(node); _position = node.endToken.end; } /// Writes [_source] to [_buffer] up to the beginning of [node]. void _writeTo(AstNode node) { _buffer.write(_source.substring(_position, node.beginToken.offset)); _position = node.beginToken.offset; } /// Writes the contents of [node] to [_buffer]. /// /// This leaves [_position] at the end of [node]. void _write(AstNode node) { _position = node.beginToken.offset; node.accept(this); _buffer.write(_source.substring(_position, node.endToken.end)); _position = node.endToken.end; } /// Strips an "async" prefix or suffix from [name]. String _synchronizeName(String name) { if (name.toLowerCase().startsWith('async')) { return name.substring('async'.length); } else if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith('async')) { return name.substring(0, name.length - 'async'.length); } else { return name; } } }