// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an // MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. @TestOn('vm') import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:sass/sass.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; void main() { group("a unitless integer", () { late SassNumber value; setUp(() => value = parseValue("123") as SassNumber); test("has the correct value", () { expect(value.value, equals(123)); expect(value.value, const TypeMatcher()); }); test("has no units", () { expect(value.numeratorUnits, isEmpty); expect(value.denominatorUnits, isEmpty); expect(value.hasUnits, isFalse); expect(value.hasUnit("px"), isFalse); expect(() => value.assertUnit("px"), throwsSassScriptException); value.assertNoUnits(); // Should not throw. }); test("is an int", () { expect(value.isInt, isTrue); expect(value.asInt, equals(123)); expect(value.assertInt(), equals(123)); }); test("can be coerced to unitless", () { expect(value.coerce([], []), equals(SassNumber.withUnits(123))); }); test("can be coerced to any units", () { expect( value.coerce(["abc"], ["def"]), equals(SassNumber.withUnits(123, numeratorUnits: ["abc"], denominatorUnits: ["def"]))); }); test("can be converted to unitless", () { expect(value.convertToMatch(SassNumber(456)), equals(SassNumber.withUnits(123))); }); test("can't be converted to a unit", () { expect(() => value.convertToMatch(SassNumber(456, "px")), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("can coerce its value to unitless", () { expect(value.coerceValue([], []), equals(123)); }); test("can coerce its value to any units", () { expect(value.coerceValue(["abc"], ["def"]), equals(123)); }); test("can convert its value to unitless", () { expect(value.convertValueToMatch(SassNumber(456)), equals(123)); }); test("can't convert its value to any units", () { expect(() => value.convertValueToMatch(SassNumber(456, "px")), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("is compatible with any unit", () { expect(value.compatibleWithUnit("px"), isTrue); }); group("valueInRange()", () { test("returns its value within a given range", () { expect(value.valueInRange(0, 123), equals(123)); expect(value.valueInRange(123, 123), equals(123)); expect(value.valueInRange(123, 1000), equals(123)); }); test("rejects a value outside the range", () { expect(() => value.valueInRange(0, 122), throwsSassScriptException); expect(() => value.valueInRange(124, 1000), throwsSassScriptException); }); }); test("equals the same number", () { expect(value, equalsWithHash(SassNumber(123))); }); test("equals the same number within precision tolerance", () { expect( value, equalsWithHash( SassNumber(123 + math.pow(10, -SassNumber.precision - 2)))); expect( value, equalsWithHash( SassNumber(123 - math.pow(10, -SassNumber.precision - 2)))); }); test("doesn't equal a different number", () { expect(value, isNot(equals(SassNumber(124)))); expect(value, isNot(equals(SassNumber(122)))); expect( value, isNot(equals( SassNumber(123 + math.pow(10, -SassNumber.precision - 1))))); expect( value, isNot(equals( SassNumber(123 - math.pow(10, -SassNumber.precision - 1))))); }); test("doesn't equal a number with units", () { expect(value, isNot(equals(SassNumber(123, "px")))); }); test("is a number", () { expect(value.assertNumber(), equals(value)); }); test("isn't any other type", () { expect(value.assertBoolean, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertCalculation, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertColor, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertFunction, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.assertMap, throwsSassScriptException); expect(value.tryMap(), isNull); expect(value.assertString, throwsSassScriptException); }); }); group("a unitless double", () { late SassNumber value; setUp(() => value = parseValue("123.456") as SassNumber); test("has the correct value", () { expect(value.value, equals(123.456)); }); test("is not an int", () { expect(value.isInt, isFalse); expect(value.asInt, isNull); expect(value.assertInt, throwsSassScriptException); }); }); group("a unitless fuzzy integer", () { late SassNumber value; setUp(() => value = parseValue("123.000000000001") as SassNumber); test("has the correct value", () { expect(value.value, equals(123.000000000001)); }); test("is an int", () { expect(value.isInt, isTrue); expect(value.asInt, equals(123)); expect(value.assertInt(), equals(123)); }); test("equals the same number", () { expect( value, equalsWithHash( SassNumber(123 + math.pow(10, -SassNumber.precision - 2)))); }); test("equals the same number within precision tolerance", () { expect(value, equalsWithHash(SassNumber(123))); expect( value, equalsWithHash( SassNumber(123 - math.pow(10, -SassNumber.precision - 2)))); }); group("valueInRange()", () { test("clamps within the given range", () { expect(value.valueInRange(0, 123), equals(123)); expect(value.valueInRange(123, 123), equals(123)); expect(value.valueInRange(123, 1000), equals(123)); }); test("rejects a value outside the range", () { expect(() => value.valueInRange(0, 122), throwsSassScriptException); expect(() => value.valueInRange(124, 1000), throwsSassScriptException); }); }); }); group("an integer with a single numerator unit", () { late SassNumber value; setUp(() => value = parseValue("123px") as SassNumber); test("has that unit", () { expect(value.numeratorUnits, equals(["px"])); expect(value.hasUnits, isTrue); expect(value.hasUnit("px"), isTrue); value.assertUnit("px"); // Should not throw. expect(value.assertNoUnits, throwsSassScriptException); }); test("has no other units", () { expect(value.denominatorUnits, isEmpty); expect(value.hasUnit("in"), isFalse); expect(() => value.assertUnit("in"), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("can be coerced to unitless", () { expect(value.coerce([], []), equals(SassNumber(123))); }); test("can be coerced to compatible units", () { expect(value.coerce(["px"], []), equals(value)); expect(value.coerce(["in"], []), equals(SassNumber(1.28125, "in"))); }); test("can't be coerced to incompatible units", () { expect(() => value.coerce(["abc"], []), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("can't be converted to unitless", () { expect(() => value.convertToMatch(SassNumber(456)), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("can be converted to compatible units", () { expect(value.convertToMatch(SassNumber(456, "px")), equals(value)); expect(value.convertToMatch(SassNumber(456, "in")), equals(SassNumber(1.28125, "in"))); }); test("can't be converted to incompatible units", () { expect(() => value.convertToMatch(SassNumber(456, "abc")), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("can coerce its value to unitless", () { expect(value.coerceValue([], []), equals(123)); }); test("can coerce its value to compatible units", () { expect(value.coerceValue(["px"], []), equals(123)); expect(value.coerceValue(["in"], []), equals(1.28125)); }); test("can't coerce its value to incompatible units", () { expect(() => value.coerceValue(["abc"], []), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("can't convert its value to unitless", () { expect(() => value.convertValueToMatch(SassNumber(456)), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("can convert its value to compatible units", () { expect(value.convertValueToMatch(SassNumber(456, "px")), equals(123)); expect(value.convertValueToMatch(SassNumber(456, "in")), equals(1.28125)); }); test("can't convert its value to incompatible units", () { expect(() => value.convertValueToMatch(SassNumber(456, "abc")), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("is compatible with the same unit", () { expect(value.compatibleWithUnit("px"), isTrue); }); test("is compatible with a compatible unit", () { expect(value.compatibleWithUnit("in"), isTrue); }); test("is incompatible with an incompatible unit", () { expect(value.compatibleWithUnit("abc"), isFalse); }); test("equals the same number", () { expect(value, equalsWithHash(SassNumber(123, "px"))); }); test("equals an equivalent number", () { expect(value.hashCode, equals(SassNumber(1.28125, "in").hashCode)); expect(value, equalsWithHash(SassNumber(1.28125, "in"))); }); test("doesn't equal a unitless number", () { expect(value, isNot(equals(SassNumber(123)))); }); test("doesn't equal a number with different units", () { expect(value, isNot(equals(SassNumber(123, "abc")))); expect( value, isNot( equals(SassNumber.withUnits(123, numeratorUnits: ["px", "px"])))); expect( value, isNot(equals(SassNumber.withUnits(123, numeratorUnits: ["px"], denominatorUnits: ["abc"])))); expect(value, isNot(equals(SassNumber.withUnits(123, denominatorUnits: ["px"])))); }); }); group("a number with numerator and denominator units", () { late SassNumber value; setUp(() => value = parseValue("math.div(123px, 5ms)") as SassNumber); test("has those units", () { expect(value.numeratorUnits, equals(["px"])); expect(value.denominatorUnits, equals(["ms"])); expect(value.hasUnits, isTrue); expect(value.assertNoUnits, throwsSassScriptException); }); test("reports false for hasUnit()", () { // [hasUnit] and [assertUnit] only allow a single numerator unit. expect(value.hasUnit("px"), isFalse); expect(() => value.assertUnit("px"), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("can be coerced to unitless", () { expect(value.coerce([], []), equals(SassNumber(24.6))); }); test("can be coerced to compatible units", () { expect(value.coerce(["px"], ["ms"]), equals(value)); expect( value.coerce(["in"], ["s"]), equals(SassNumber.withUnits(256.25, numeratorUnits: ["in"], denominatorUnits: ["s"]))); }); test("can coerce to match another number", () { expect( value.coerceToMatch(SassNumber.withUnits(456, numeratorUnits: ["in"], denominatorUnits: ["s"])), equals(SassNumber.withUnits(256.25, numeratorUnits: ["in"], denominatorUnits: ["s"]))); }); test("can't be coerced to incompatible units", () { expect(() => value.coerce(["abc"], []), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("can't be converted to unitless", () { expect(() => value.convertToMatch(SassNumber(456)), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("can be converted to compatible units", () { expect( value.convertToMatch(SassNumber.withUnits(456, numeratorUnits: ["px"], denominatorUnits: ["ms"])), equals(value)); expect( value.convertToMatch(SassNumber.withUnits(456, numeratorUnits: ["in"], denominatorUnits: ["s"])), equals(SassNumber.withUnits(256.25, numeratorUnits: ["in"], denominatorUnits: ["s"]))); }); test("can coerce its value to unitless", () { expect(value.coerceValue([], []), equals(24.6)); }); test("can coerce its value to compatible units", () { expect(value.coerceValue(["px"], ["ms"]), equals(24.6)); expect(value.coerceValue(["in"], ["s"]), equals(256.25)); }); test("can't coerce its value to incompatible units", () { expect(() => value.coerceValue(["abc"], []), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("can't convert its value to unitless", () { expect(() => value.convertValueToMatch(SassNumber(456)), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("can convert its value to compatible units", () { expect( value.convertValueToMatch(SassNumber.withUnits(456, numeratorUnits: ["px"], denominatorUnits: ["ms"])), equals(24.6)); expect( value.convertValueToMatch(SassNumber.withUnits(456, numeratorUnits: ["in"], denominatorUnits: ["s"])), equals(256.25)); }); test("can't convert its value to incompatible units", () { expect(() => value.convertValueToMatch(SassNumber(456, "abc")), throwsSassScriptException); }); test("is incompatible with the numerator unit", () { expect(value.compatibleWithUnit("px"), isFalse); }); test("is incompatible with the denominator unit", () { expect(value.compatibleWithUnit("ms"), isFalse); }); test("equals the same number", () { expect( value, equalsWithHash(SassNumber.withUnits(24.6, numeratorUnits: ["px"], denominatorUnits: ["ms"]))); }); test("equals an equivalent number", () { expect( value, equalsWithHash(SassNumber.withUnits(256.25, numeratorUnits: ["in"], denominatorUnits: ["s"]))); }); test("doesn't equal a unitless number", () { expect(value, isNot(equals(SassNumber(24.6)))); }); test("doesn't equal a number with different units", () { expect(value, isNot(equals(SassNumber(24.6, "px")))); expect(value, isNot(equals(SassNumber.withUnits(24.6, denominatorUnits: ["ms"])))); expect( value, isNot(equals(SassNumber.withUnits(24.6, numeratorUnits: ["ms"], denominatorUnits: ["px"])))); expect( value, isNot(equals(SassNumber.withUnits(24.6, numeratorUnits: ["in"], denominatorUnits: ["s"])))); }); }); group("new SassNumber()", () { test("can create a unitless number", () { var number = SassNumber(123.456); expect(number.value, equals(123.456)); expect(number.hasUnits, isFalse); }); test("can create a number with a numerator unit", () { var number = SassNumber(123.456, "px"); expect(number.value, equals(123.456)); expect(number.hasUnit('px'), isTrue); }); }); group("new SassNumber.withUnits()", () { test("can create a unitless number", () { var number = SassNumber.withUnits(123.456); expect(number.value, equals(123.456)); expect(number.hasUnits, isFalse); }); test("can create a number with units", () { var number = SassNumber.withUnits(123.456, numeratorUnits: ["px", "em"], denominatorUnits: ["ms", "kHz"]); expect(number.value, equals(123.456)); expect(number.numeratorUnits, equals(["px", "em"])); expect(number.denominatorUnits, equals(["ms", "kHz"])); }); }); }