2017-02-10 15:24:56 -08:00

276 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an
// MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:archive/archive.dart';
import 'package:grinder/grinder.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:node_preamble/preamble.dart' as preamble;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:xml/xml.dart' as xml;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
/// The version of Dart Sass.
final String _version =
loadYaml(new File('pubspec.yaml').readAsStringSync())['version'] as String;
/// The version of the current Dart executable.
final String _dartVersion = Platform.version.split(" ").first;
/// The root of the Dart SDK.
final _sdkDir = p.dirname(p.dirname(Platform.resolvedExecutable));
main(List<String> args) => grind(args);
@DefaultTask('Run the Dart formatter.')
format() {
script: 'format',
arguments: ['--overwrite']
..addAll(existingSourceDirs.map((dir) => dir.path)));
@Task('Build Dart snapshot.')
snapshot() {
Dart.run('bin/sass.dart', vmArgs: ['--snapshot=build/sass.dart.snapshot']);
@Task('Build standalone packages for all OSes.')
package() async {
var client = new http.Client();
await _buildPackage(client, "linux", "x64");
await _buildPackage(client, "linux", "ia32");
await _buildPackage(client, "macos", "x64");
await _buildPackage(client, "macos", "ia32");
await _buildPackage(client, "windows", "x64");
await _buildPackage(client, "windows", "ia32");
@Task('Compile to JS.')
js() {
var destination = new File('build/sass.dart.js');
Dart2js.compile(new File('bin/sass.dart'), outFile: destination, extraArgs: [
var text = destination.readAsStringSync();
destination.writeAsStringSync(preamble.getPreamble() + text);
@Task('Build a pure-JS npm package.')
npm_package() {
var dir = new Directory('build/npm');
if (dir.existsSync()) dir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
dir.createSync(recursive: true);
log("copying package/package.json to build/npm");
var json = JSON.decode(new File('package/package.json').readAsStringSync());
json['version'] = _version;
new File(p.join(dir.path, 'package.json'))
copy(new File(p.join('package', 'sass.js')), dir);
copy(new File(p.join('build', 'sass.dart.js')), dir);
copy(new File('README.md'), dir);
@Task('Build a Chocolatey package.')
chocolatey_package() {
var nuspec = _nuspec();
var archive = new Archive()
..addFile(_fileFromString("sass.nuspec", nuspec.toString()))
_file("[Content_Types].xml", "package/chocolatey/[Content_Types].xml"))
..addFile(_file("_rels/.rels", "package/chocolatey/rels.xml"))
..addFile(_file("tools/LICENSE", "LICENSE"))
..addFile(_file("tools/sass.dart.snapshot", "build/sass.dart.snapshot"))
var output = "build/sass.${_chocolateyVersion()}.nupkg";
log("Creating $output...");
new File(output).writeAsBytesSync(new ZipEncoder().encode(archive));
/// Creates a `sass.nuspec` file's contents.
xml.XmlDocument _nuspec() {
var builder = new xml.XmlBuilder();
builder.processing("xml", 'version="1.0"');
builder.element("package", nest: () {
builder.element("metadata", nest: () {
builder.element("id", nest: "sass");
builder.element("title", nest: "Sass");
builder.element("version", nest: _chocolateyVersion());
builder.element("authors", nest: "Natalie Weizenbaum");
builder.element("owners", nest: "nex3");
builder.element("projectUrl", nest: "https://github.com/sass/dart-sass");
nest: "https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/blob/$_version/LICENSE");
nest: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/sass/sass-site/"
nest: "https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/issues");
nest: """
**Sass makes CSS fun again**. Sass is an extension of CSS, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-framework plugin.
This package is Dart Sass, the new Dart implementation of Sass.
builder.element("summary", nest: "Sass makes CSS fun again.");
builder.element("tags", nest: "css preprocessor style sass");
nest: "Copyright ${new DateTime.now().year} Google, Inc.");
builder.element("dependencies", nest: () {
builder.element("dependency", attributes: {
"id": "dart-sdk",
// Unfortunately we need the exact same Dart version as we built with,
// since we ship a snapshot which isn't cross-version compatible. Once
// we switch to native compilation this won't be an issue.
"version": "[$_dartVersion]",
return builder.build() as xml.XmlDocument;
/// The current Sass version, formatted for Chocolatey which doesn't allow dots
/// in prerelease versions.
String _chocolateyVersion() {
var components = _version.split("-");
if (components.length == 1) return components.first;
assert(components.length == 2);
return "${components.first}-${components.last.replaceAll('.', '')}";
/// Returns the contents of the `properties.psmdcp` file, computed from the
/// nuspec's XML.
String _nupkgProperties(xml.XmlDocument nuspec) {
var builder = new xml.XmlBuilder();
builder.processing("xml", 'version="1.0"');
builder.element("coreProperties", nest: () {
builder.namespace("http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/", "dc");
nest: nuspec.findAllElements("authors").first.text);
nest: nuspec.findAllElements("description").first.text);
nest: nuspec.findAllElements("id").first.text);
nest: nuspec.findAllElements("version").first.text);
nest: nuspec.findAllElements("tags").first.text);
nest: nuspec.findAllElements("title").first.text);
return builder.build().toString();
/// Ensure that the `build/` directory exists.
void _ensureBuild() {
new Directory('build').createSync(recursive: true);
/// Builds a standalone Sass package for the given [os] and [architecture].
/// The [client] is used to download the corresponding Dart SDK.
Future _buildPackage(http.Client client, String os, String architecture) async {
// TODO: Compile a single executable that embeds the Dart VM and the snapshot.
var url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-archive/channels/stable/"
log("Downloading $url...");
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse(url));
if (response.statusCode ~/ 100 != 2) {
throw "Failed to download package: ${response.statusCode} "
var dartExecutable = new ZipDecoder()
.firstWhere((file) => os == 'windows'
? file.name.endsWith("/bin/dart.exe")
: file.name.endsWith("/bin/dart"));
var executable = dartExecutable.content;
var archive = new Archive()
"dart-sass/src/dart${os == 'windows' ? '.exe' : ''}", executable,
executable: true))
..addFile(_file("dart-sass/src/DART_LICENSE", p.join(_sdkDir, 'LICENSE')))
_file("dart-sass/src/sass.dart.snapshot", "build/sass.dart.snapshot"))
..addFile(_file("dart-sass/src/SASS_LICENSE", "LICENSE"))
"dart-sass/dart-sass${os == 'windows' ? '.bat' : ''}",
"package/dart-sass.${os == 'windows' ? 'bat' : 'sh'}"),
executable: true));
var prefix = 'build/dart-sass-$_version-$os-$architecture';
if (os == 'windows') {
var output = "$prefix.zip";
log("Creating $output...");
new File(output).writeAsBytesSync(new ZipEncoder().encode(archive));
} else {
var output = "$prefix.tar.gz";
log("Creating $output...");
new File(output).writeAsBytesSync(
new GZipEncoder().encode(new TarEncoder().encode(archive)));
/// Reads [file], replaces all instances of SASS_VERSION with the actual
/// version, and returns its contents.
String _readAndReplaceVersion(String file) =>
new File(file).readAsStringSync().replaceAll("SASS_VERSION", _version);
/// Creates an [ArchiveFile] with the given [path] and [data].
/// If [executable] is `true`, this marks the file as executable.
ArchiveFile _fileFromBytes(String path, List<int> data,
{bool executable: false}) =>
new ArchiveFile(path, data.length, data)
..mode = executable ? 495 : 428
..lastModTime = new DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000;
/// Creates a UTF-8-encoded [ArchiveFile] with the given [path] and [contents].
/// If [executable] is `true`, this marks the file as executable.
ArchiveFile _fileFromString(String path, String contents,
{bool executable: false}) =>
_fileFromBytes(path, UTF8.encode(contents), executable: executable);
/// Creates an [ArchiveFile] at the archive path [target] from the local file at
/// [source].
/// If [executable] is `true`, this marks the file as executable.
ArchiveFile _file(String target, String source, {bool executable: false}) =>
_fileFromBytes(target, new File(source).readAsBytesSync(),
executable: executable);