2017-01-14 22:17:57 -08:00

609 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an
// MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import '../exception.dart';
import '../util/number.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import '../value.dart';
import '../visitor/interface/value.dart';
/// A nested map containing unit conversion rates.
/// `1unit1 * _conversions[unit1][unit2] = 1unit2`.
final _conversions = {
// Length
"in": {
"in": 1,
"cm": 1 / 2.54,
"pc": 1 / 6,
"mm": 1 / 25.4,
"q": 1 / 101.6,
"pt": 1 / 72,
"px": 1 / 96,
"cm": {
"in": 2.54,
"cm": 1,
"pc": 2.54 / 6,
"mm": 1 / 10,
"q": 1 / 40,
"pt": 2.54 / 72,
"px": 2.54 / 96,
"pc": {
"in": 6,
"cm": 6 / 2.54,
"pc": 1,
"mm": 6 / 25.4,
"q": 6 / 101.6,
"pt": 1 / 12,
"px": 1 / 16,
"mm": {
"in": 25.4,
"cm": 10,
"pc": 25.4 / 6,
"mm": 1,
"q": 1 / 4,
"pt": 25.4 / 72,
"px": 25.4 / 96,
"q": {
"in": 101.6,
"cm": 40,
"pc": 101.6 / 6,
"mm": 4,
"q": 1,
"pt": 101.6 / 72,
"px": 101.6 / 96,
"pt": {
"in": 72,
"cm": 72 / 2.54,
"pc": 12,
"mm": 72 / 25.4,
"q": 72 / 101.6,
"pt": 1,
"px": 3 / 4,
"px": {
"in": 96,
"cm": 96 / 2.54,
"pc": 16,
"mm": 96 / 25.4,
"q": 96 / 101.6,
"pt": 4 / 3,
"px": 1,
// Rotation
"deg": {
"deg": 1,
"grad": 9 / 10,
"rad": 180 / math.PI,
"turn": 360,
"grad": {
"deg": 10 / 9,
"grad": 1,
"rad": 200 / math.PI,
"turn": 400,
"rad": {
"deg": math.PI / 180,
"grad": math.PI / 200,
"rad": 1,
"turn": 2 * math.PI,
"turn": {
"deg": 1 / 360,
"grad": 1 / 400,
"rad": 1 / (2 * math.PI),
"turn": 1,
// Time
"s": {
"s": 1,
"ms": 1 / 1000,
"ms": {
"s": 1000,
"ms": 1,
// Frequency
"Hz": {"Hz": 1, "kHz": 1000},
"kHz": {"Hz": 1 / 1000, "kHz": 1},
// Pixel density
"dpi": {
"dpi": 1,
"dpcm": 2.54,
"dppx": 96,
"dpcm": {
"dpi": 1 / 2.54,
"dpcm": 1,
"dppx": 96 / 2.54,
"dppx": {
"dpi": 1 / 96,
"dpcm": 2.54 / 96,
"dppx": 1,
// TODO(nweiz): If it's faster, add subclasses specifically for unitless numbers
// and numbers with only a single numerator unit. These should be opaque to
// users of SassNumber.
/// A SassScript number.
/// Numbers can have units. Although there's no literal syntax for it, numbers
/// support scientific-style numerator and denominator units (for example,
/// `miles/hour`). These are expected to be resolved before being emitted to
/// CSS.
class SassNumber extends Value {
/// The number of distinct digits that are emitted when converting a number to
/// CSS.
static const precision = 10;
/// The value of this number.
final num value;
/// This number's numerator units.
final List<String> numeratorUnits;
/// This number's denominator units.
final List<String> denominatorUnits;
/// The slash-separated representation of this number, if it has one.
final String asSlash;
/// Whether [this] has any units.
bool get hasUnits => numeratorUnits.isNotEmpty || denominatorUnits.isNotEmpty;
/// Whether [this] is an integer, according to [fuzzyEquals].
/// The [int] value can be accessed using [asInt] or [assertInt]. Note that
/// this may return `false` for very large doubles even though they may be
/// mathematically integers, because not all platforms have a valid
/// representation for integers that large.
bool get isInt => fuzzyIsInt(value);
/// If [this] is an integer according to [isInt], returns [value] as an [int].
/// Otherwise, returns `null`.
int get asInt => fuzzyAsInt(value);
/// Returns a human readable string representation of this number's units.
String get unitString =>
hasUnits ? _unitString(numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits) : '';
/// Creates a number, optionally with a single numerator unit.
/// This matches the numbers that can be written as literals.
/// [SassNumber.withUnits] can be used to construct more complex units.
SassNumber(num value, [String unit])
: this.withUnits(value, numeratorUnits: unit == null ? null : [unit]);
/// Creates a number with full [numeratorUnits] and [denominatorUnits].
{Iterable<String> numeratorUnits, Iterable<String> denominatorUnits})
: numeratorUnits = numeratorUnits == null
? const []
: new List.unmodifiable(numeratorUnits),
denominatorUnits = denominatorUnits == null
? const []
: new List.unmodifiable(denominatorUnits),
asSlash = null;
SassNumber._(this.value, this.numeratorUnits, this.denominatorUnits,
/*=T*/ accept/*<T>*/(ValueVisitor/*<T>*/ visitor) =>
/// Returns a copy of [this] without [asSlash] set.
SassNumber withoutSlash() {
if (asSlash == null) return this;
return new SassNumber._(value, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits);
/// Returns a copy of [this] with [this.asSlash] set to [asSlash].
SassNumber withSlash(String asSlash) =>
new SassNumber._(value, numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits, asSlash);
SassNumber assertNumber([String name]) => this;
/// Returns [value] as an [int], if it's an integer value according to
/// [isInt].
/// Throws a [SassScriptException] if [value] isn't an integer. If this came
/// from a function argument, [name] is the argument name (without the `$`).
/// It's used for debugging.
int assertInt([String name]) {
var integer = fuzzyAsInt(value);
if (integer != null) return integer;
throw _exception("$this is not an int.", name);
/// Asserts that this is a valid Sass-style index for [list], and returns the
/// Dart-style index.
/// A Sass-style index is one-based, and uses negative numbers to count
/// backwards from the end of the list.
/// Throws a [SassScriptException] if this isn't an integer or if it isn't a
/// valid index for [list]. If this came from a function argument, [name] is
/// the argument name (without the `$`). It's used for debugging.
int assertIndexFor(List list, [String name]) {
var sassIndex = assertInt(name);
if (sassIndex == 0) throw _exception("List index may not be 0.");
if (sassIndex.abs() > list.length) {
throw _exception(
"Invalid index $this for a list with ${list.length} elements.");
return sassIndex < 0 ? list.length + sassIndex : sassIndex - 1;
/// If [value] is between [min] and [max], returns it.
/// If [value] is [fuzzyEquals] to [min] or [max], it's clamped to the
/// appropriate value. Otherwise, this throws a [SassScriptException]. If this
/// came from a function argument, [name] is the argument name (without the
/// `$`). It's used for debugging.
num valueInRange(num min, num max, [String name]) {
var result = fuzzyCheckRange(value, min, max);
if (result != null) return result;
throw _exception(
"Expected $this to be within $min$unitString and $max$unitString.");
/// Returns whether [this] has [unit] as its only unit (and as a numerator).
bool hasUnit(String unit) =>
numeratorUnits.length == 1 &&
denominatorUnits.isEmpty &&
numeratorUnits.first == unit;
/// Throws a [SassScriptException] unless [this] has [unit] as its only unit
/// (and as a numerator).
/// If this came from a function argument, [name] is the argument name
/// (without the `$`). It's used for debugging.
void assertUnit(String unit, [String name]) {
if (hasUnit(unit)) return;
throw _exception('Expected $this to have unit "$unit".', name);
/// Throws a [SassScriptException] unless [this] has no units.
/// If this came from a function argument, [name] is the argument name
/// (without the `$`). It's used for debugging.
void assertNoUnits([String name]) {
if (!hasUnits) return;
throw _exception('Expected $this to have no units.', name);
/// Returns a copy of this number, converted to the units represented by
/// [newNumerators] and [newDenominators].
/// Note that [valueInUnits] is generally more efficient if the value is going
/// to be accessed directly.
/// Throws a [SassScriptException] if this number's units aren't compatible
/// with [newNumerators] and [newDenominators].
SassNumber coerce(List<String> newNumerators, List<String> newDenominators) =>
new SassNumber.withUnits(valueInUnits(newNumerators, newDenominators),
numeratorUnits: newNumerators, denominatorUnits: newDenominators);
/// Returns [value], converted to the units represented by [newNumerators] and
/// [newDenominators].
/// Throws a [SassScriptException] if this number's units aren't compatible
/// with [newNumerators] and [newDenominators].
num valueInUnits(List<String> newNumerators, List<String> newDenominators) {
if ((newNumerators.isEmpty && newDenominators.isEmpty) ||
(numeratorUnits.isEmpty && denominatorUnits.isEmpty) ||
(listEquals(numeratorUnits, newNumerators) &&
listEquals(denominatorUnits, newDenominators))) {
return this.value;
var value = this.value;
var oldNumerators = numeratorUnits.toList();
for (var newNumerator in newNumerators) {
removeFirstWhere/*<String>*/(oldNumerators, (oldNumerator) {
var factor = _conversionFactor(newNumerator, oldNumerator);
if (factor == null) return false;
value *= factor;
return true;
}, orElse: () {
throw new SassScriptException("Incompatible units "
"${_unitString(this.numeratorUnits, this.denominatorUnits)} and "
"${_unitString(newNumerators, newDenominators)}.");
var oldDenominators = denominatorUnits.toList();
for (var newDenominator in newDenominators) {
removeFirstWhere/*<String>*/(oldDenominators, (oldDenominator) {
var factor = _conversionFactor(newDenominator, oldDenominator);
if (factor == null) return false;
value /= factor;
return true;
}, orElse: () {
throw new SassScriptException("Incompatible units "
"${_unitString(this.numeratorUnits, this.denominatorUnits)} and "
"${_unitString(newNumerators, newDenominators)}.");
if (oldNumerators.isNotEmpty || oldDenominators.isNotEmpty) {
throw new SassScriptException("Incompatible units "
"${_unitString(this.numeratorUnits, this.denominatorUnits)} and "
"${_unitString(newNumerators, newDenominators)}.");
return value;
/// Returns whether this number can be compared to [other].
/// Two numbers can be compared if they have compatible units, or if either
/// number has no units.
bool isComparableTo(SassNumber other) {
if (!hasUnits || !other.hasUnits) return true;
try {
return true;
} on SassScriptException {
return false;
SassBoolean greaterThan(Value other) {
if (other is SassNumber) {
return new SassBoolean(_coerceUnits(other, fuzzyGreaterThan));
throw new SassScriptException('Undefined operation "$this > $other".');
SassBoolean greaterThanOrEquals(Value other) {
if (other is SassNumber) {
return new SassBoolean(_coerceUnits(other, fuzzyGreaterThanOrEquals));
throw new SassScriptException('Undefined operation "$this >= $other".');
SassBoolean lessThan(Value other) {
if (other is SassNumber) {
return new SassBoolean(_coerceUnits(other, fuzzyLessThan));
throw new SassScriptException('Undefined operation "$this < $other".');
SassBoolean lessThanOrEquals(Value other) {
if (other is SassNumber) {
return new SassBoolean(_coerceUnits(other, fuzzyLessThanOrEquals));
throw new SassScriptException('Undefined operation "$this <= $other".');
Value modulo(Value other) {
if (other is SassNumber) {
return _coerceNumber(other, (num1, num2) => num1 % num2);
throw new SassScriptException('Undefined operation "$this % $other".');
Value plus(Value other) {
if (other is SassNumber) {
return _coerceNumber(other, (num1, num2) => num1 + num2);
if (other is! SassColor) return super.plus(other);
throw new SassScriptException('Undefined operation "$this + $other".');
Value minus(Value other) {
if (other is SassNumber) {
return _coerceNumber(other, (num1, num2) => num1 - num2);
if (other is! SassColor) return super.minus(other);
throw new SassScriptException('Undefined operation "$this - $other".');
Value times(Value other) {
if (other is SassNumber) {
return _multiplyUnits(this.value * other.value, this.numeratorUnits,
this.denominatorUnits, other.numeratorUnits, other.denominatorUnits);
throw new SassScriptException('Undefined operation "$this * $other".');
Value dividedBy(Value other) {
if (other is SassNumber) {
return _multiplyUnits(this.value / other.value, this.numeratorUnits,
this.denominatorUnits, other.denominatorUnits, other.numeratorUnits);
if (other is! SassColor) return super.dividedBy(other);
throw new SassScriptException('Undefined operation "$this / $other".');
Value unaryPlus() => this;
Value unaryMinus() => new SassNumber.withUnits(-value,
numeratorUnits: numeratorUnits, denominatorUnits: denominatorUnits);
/// Converts [other]'s value to be compatible with this number's, calls
/// [operation] with the resulting numbers, and wraps the result in a
/// [SassNumber].
/// Throws a [SassScriptException] if the two numbers' units are incompatible.
SassNumber _coerceNumber(
SassNumber other, num operation(num num1, num num2)) {
var result = _coerceUnits(other, operation);
return new SassNumber.withUnits(result,
numeratorUnits: hasUnits ? this.numeratorUnits : other.numeratorUnits,
hasUnits ? this.denominatorUnits : other.denominatorUnits);
/// Converts [other]'s value to be compatible with this number's, and calls
/// [operation] with the resulting numbers.
/// Throws a [SassScriptException] if the two numbers' units are incompatible.
/*=T*/ _coerceUnits/*<T>*/(
SassNumber other, /*=T*/ operation(num num1, num num2)) {
num num1;
num num2;
if (hasUnits) {
num1 = this.value;
num2 = other.valueInUnits(this.numeratorUnits, this.denominatorUnits);
} else {
num1 = this.valueInUnits(other.numeratorUnits, other.denominatorUnits);
num2 = other.value;
return operation(num1, num2);
/// Returns a new number that's equivalent to `value numerators1/denominators1
/// * 1 numerators2/denominators2`.
SassNumber _multiplyUnits(
num value,
List<String> numerators1,
List<String> denominators1,
List<String> numerators2,
List<String> denominators2) {
// Short-circuit without allocating any new unit lists if possible.
if (numerators1.isEmpty) {
if (denominators2.isEmpty) {
return new SassNumber.withUnits(value,
numeratorUnits: numerators2, denominatorUnits: denominators1);
} else if (denominators1.isEmpty &&
!_areAnyConvertible(numerators1, denominators2)) {
return new SassNumber.withUnits(value,
numeratorUnits: numerators2, denominatorUnits: denominators2);
} else if (numerators2.isEmpty) {
if (denominators2.isEmpty) {
return new SassNumber.withUnits(value,
numeratorUnits: numerators1, denominatorUnits: denominators2);
} else if (denominators1.isEmpty &&
!_areAnyConvertible(numerators1, denominators2)) {
return new SassNumber.withUnits(value,
numeratorUnits: numerators1, denominatorUnits: denominators2);
var newNumerators = <String>[];
var mutableDenominators2 = denominators2.toList();
for (var numerator in numerators1) {
removeFirstWhere/*<String>*/(mutableDenominators2, (denominator) {
var factor = _conversionFactor(numerator, denominator);
if (factor == null) return false;
value /= factor;
return true;
}, orElse: () {
var mutableDenominators1 = denominators1.toList();
for (var numerator in numerators2) {
removeFirstWhere/*<String>*/(mutableDenominators1, (denominator) {
var factor = _conversionFactor(numerator, denominator);
if (factor == null) return false;
value *= factor;
return true;
}, orElse: () {
return new SassNumber.withUnits(value,
numeratorUnits: newNumerators,
denominatorUnits: mutableDenominators1..addAll(mutableDenominators2));
/// Returns whether there exists a unit in [units1] that can be converted to a
/// unit in [units2].
bool _areAnyConvertible(List<String> units1, List<String> units2) {
return units1.any((unit1) {
if (!_isConvertable(unit1)) return units2.contains(unit1);
var innerMap = _conversions[unit1];
return units2.any(innerMap.containsKey);
/// Returns whether [unit] can be converted to or from any other units.
bool _isConvertable(String unit) => _conversions.containsKey(unit);
/// Returns the number of [unit1]s per [unit2].
/// Equivalently, `1unit1 * _conversionFactor(unit1, unit2) = 1unit2`.
num _conversionFactor(String unit1, String unit2) {
if (unit1 == unit2) return 1;
var innerMap = _conversions[unit1];
if (innerMap == null) return null;
return innerMap[unit2];
/// Returns a human-readable string representation of [numerators] and
/// [denominators].
String _unitString(List<String> numerators, List<String> denominators) {
if (numerators.isEmpty) {
if (denominators.isEmpty) return "no units";
if (denominators.length == 1) return denominators.single + "^-1";
return "(${denominators.join('*')})^-1";
if (denominators.isEmpty) return numerators.join("*");
return "${numerators.join("*")}/${denominators.join("*")}";
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is SassNumber) {
// Unitless numbers are convertable to unit numbers, but not equal, so we
// special-case unitless here.
if (hasUnits != other.hasUnits) return false;
if (!hasUnits) return fuzzyEquals(value, other.value);
try {
return _coerceUnits(other, fuzzyEquals);
} on SassScriptException {
return false;
} else {
return false;
int get hashCode => fuzzyHashCode(value *
_canonicalMultiplier(numeratorUnits) /
/// Returns a multiplier that encapsulates unit equivalence in [units].
/// That is, if `X units1 == Y units2`, `X * _canonicalMultiplier(units1) == Y
/// * _canonicalMultiplier(units2)`.
num _canonicalMultiplier(List<String> units) =>
units.fold(1, (multiplier, unit) {
var innerMap = _conversions[unit];
return innerMap == null
? multiplier
: multiplier * innerMap.values.first;
/// Throws a [SassScriptException] with the given [message].
SassScriptException _exception(String message, [String name]) =>
new SassScriptException(name == null ? message : "\$$name: $message");