mirror of
synced 2024-12-13 09:37:21 +01:00
As far as I can tell, the root cause of this failure is just the Node.js watcher failing to emit an event entirely, so there's not much more we can do to work around it.
800 lines
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800 lines
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// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an
// MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart' as d;
import 'package:test_process/test_process.dart';
import '../../utils.dart';
/// Defines test that are shared between the Dart and Node.js CLI test suites.
void sharedTests(Future<TestProcess> runSass(Iterable<String> arguments)) {
test("--poll may not be passed without --watch", () async {
var sass = await runSass(["--poll", "-"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits("--poll may not be passed without --watch."));
sass.stdout, emitsThrough(contains("Print this usage information.")));
await sass.shouldExit(64);
for (var poll in [true, false]) {
Future<TestProcess> watch(Iterable<String> arguments) => runSass(
["--no-source-map", "--watch", ...arguments, if (poll) "--poll"]);
/// Returns a future that completes after a delay if [poll] is `true`.
/// Modifying a file very quickly after it was processed can go
/// unrecognized, especially on Windows where filesystem operations can have
/// very high delays.
Future<void> tickIfPoll() => poll ? tick : Future.value();
group("${poll ? 'with' : 'without'} --poll", () {
group("when started", () {
test("updates a CSS file whose source was modified", () async {
await d.file("out.css", "x {y: z}").create();
await tick;
await d.file("test.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: c; }"))
test("doesn't update a CSS file that wasn't modified", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
await d.file("out.css", "x {y: z}").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await sass.kill();
await d.file("out.css", "x {y: z}").validate();
group("continues compiling after an error", () {
test("with --error-css", () async {
await d.file("test1.scss", "a {b: }").create();
await d.file("test2.scss", "x {y: z}").create();
var message = 'Error: Expected expression.';
var sass =
await watch(["test1.scss:out1.css", "test2.scss:out2.css"]);
await expectLater(sass.stderr, emits(message));
await expectLater(
sass.stderr, emitsThrough(contains('test1.scss 1:7')));
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emitsThrough('Compiled test2.scss to out2.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await sass.kill();
await d.file("out1.css", contains(message)).validate();
await d
.file("out2.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
test("with --no-error-css", () async {
await d.file("test1.scss", "a {b: }").create();
await d.file("test2.scss", "x {y: z}").create();
var sass = await watch([
await expectLater(
sass.stderr, emits('Error: Expected expression.'));
await expectLater(
sass.stderr, emitsThrough(contains('test1.scss 1:7')));
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emitsThrough('Compiled test2.scss to out2.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await sass.kill();
await d.nothing("out1.css").validate();
await d
.file("out2.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
test("stops compiling after an error with --stop-on-error", () async {
await d.file("test1.scss", "a {b: }").create();
await d.file("test2.scss", "x {y: z}").create();
var sass = await watch([
var message = 'Error: Expected expression.';
await expectLater(
emitsThrough(contains('test1.scss 1:7')),
await sass.shouldExit(65);
await d.file("out1.css", contains(message)).validate();
await d.nothing("out2.css").validate();
group("recompiles a watched file", () {
test("when it's modified", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.file("test.scss", "x {y: z}").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
test("when it's modified when watched from a directory", () async {
await d.dir("dir", [d.file("test.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create();
var sass = await watch(["dir:out"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits(_compiled('dir/test.scss', 'out/test.css')));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.dir("dir", [d.file("test.scss", "x {y: z}")]).create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits(_compiled('dir/test.scss', 'out/test.css')));
await sass.kill();
await d.dir("out", [
d.file("test.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
"when it's modified twice when watched from a directory that is "
"also a destination", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
var sass = await watch(["."]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to test.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.file("test.scss", "r {o: g}").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to test.css.'));
// When using the native Node.js watcher on Linux, the "modify" event
// from writing test.css can interfere with the "modify" event from
// updating test.scss below, so we wait a tick to keep them from
// overlapping.
await tick;
await d.file("test.scss", "x {y: z}").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to test.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("test.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
group("when its dependency is modified", () {
test("through @import", () async {
await d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
await d.file("test.scss", "@import 'other'").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.file("_other.scss", "x {y: z}").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
test("through @use", () async {
await d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
await d.file("test.scss", "@use 'other'").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.file("_other.scss", "x {y: z}").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
test("through @forward", () async {
await d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
await d.file("test.scss", "@forward 'other'").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.file("_other.scss", "x {y: z}").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
// Regression test for #550
test("with an error that's later fixed", () async {
await d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
await d.file("test.scss", "@import 'other'").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: }").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stderr, emits('Error: Expected expression.'));
await expectLater(
sass.stderr, emitsThrough(contains('test.scss 1:9')));
await tickIfPoll();
await d.file("_other.scss", "q {r: s}").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await tick;
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("q { r: s; }"))
await d.file("_other.scss", "x {y: z}").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await tick;
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
await sass.kill();
test("when it's deleted and re-added", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await expectLater(sass.stdout, emits('Deleted out.css.'));
// Windows gets confused at the OS level if we don't wait a bit here.
await tick;
await d.file("test.scss", "x {y: z}").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
test("when it gets a parse error", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
var message = 'Error: Expected expression.';
await d.file("test.scss", "a {b: }").create();
await expectLater(sass.stderr, emits(message));
await expectLater(
sass.stderr, emitsThrough(contains('test.scss 1:7')));
await sass.kill();
await d.file("out.css", contains(message)).validate();
test("stops compiling after an error with --stop-on-error", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
var sass = await watch(["--stop-on-error", "test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
var message = 'Error: Expected expression.';
await d.file("test.scss", "a {b: }").create();
await expectLater(
emitsThrough(contains('test.scss 1:7')),
await sass.shouldExit(65);
await d.file("out.css", contains(message)).validate();
group("when its dependency is deleted", () {
test("and updates the output", () async {
await d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
await d.file("test.scss", "@import 'other'").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
var message = "Error: Can't find stylesheet to import.";
await expectLater(sass.stderr, emits(message));
await expectLater(
sass.stderr, emitsThrough(contains('test.scss 1:9')));
await sass.kill();
await d.file("out.css", contains(message)).validate();
test("but another is available", () async {
await d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
await d.file("test.scss", "@import 'other'").create();
await d.dir("dir", [d.file("_other.scss", "x {y: z}")]).create();
var sass = await watch(["-I", "dir", "test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
test("which resolves a conflict", () async {
await d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
await d.file("_other.sass", "x\n y: z").create();
await d.file("test.scss", "@import 'other'").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(sass.stderr,
emits("Error: It's not clear which file to import. Found:"));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: c; }"))
group("when a dependency is added", () {
group("that was missing", () {
test("relative to the file", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "@import 'other'").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(sass.stderr,
emits("Error: Can't find stylesheet to import."));
await expectLater(
sass.stderr, emitsThrough(contains("test.scss 1:9")));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: c; }"))
test("on a load path", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "@import 'other'").create();
await d.dir("dir").create();
var sass = await watch(["-I", "dir", "test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(sass.stderr,
emits("Error: Can't find stylesheet to import."));
await expectLater(
sass.stderr, emitsThrough(contains("test.scss 1:9")));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.dir("dir", [d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: c; }"))
test("on a load path that was created", () async {
await d.dir(
"dir1", [d.file("test.scss", "@import 'other'")]).create();
var sass = await watch(["-I", "dir2", "dir1:out"]);
await expectLater(sass.stderr,
emits("Error: Can't find stylesheet to import."));
await expectLater(sass.stderr,
emitsThrough(contains("${p.join('dir1', 'test.scss')} 1:9")));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.dir("dir2", [d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create();
await expectLater(sass.stdout,
emits(_compiled('dir1/test.scss', 'out/test.css')));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out/test.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: c; }"))
test("that conflicts with the previous dependency", () async {
await d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
await d.file("test.scss", "@import 'other'").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
var message = "Error: It's not clear which file to import. Found:";
await d.file("_other.sass", "x\n y: z").create();
await expectLater(sass.stderr, emits(message));
await sass.kill();
await d.file("out.css", contains(message)).validate();
group("that overrides the previous dependency", () {
test("on an import path", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "@import 'other'").create();
await d.dir("dir2", [d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create();
await d.dir("dir1").create();
var sass = await watch(
["-I", "dir1", "-I", "dir2", "test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.dir("dir1", [d.file("_other.scss", "x {y: z}")]).create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
test("because it's relative", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "@import 'other'").create();
await d.dir("dir", [d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create();
var sass = await watch(["-I", "dir", "test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.file("_other.scss", "x {y: z}").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
test("because it's not an index", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "@import 'other'").create();
await d
.dir("other", [d.file("_index.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.file("_other.scss", "x {y: z}").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
test("gracefully handles a parse error", () async {
await d.dir("dir").create();
var sass = await watch(["dir:out"]);
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.dir("dir", [d.file("test.scss", "a {b: }")]).create();
await expectLater(
sass.stderr, emits('Error: Expected expression.'));
await tickIfPoll();
await d.dir("dir", [d.file("test.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create();
await expectLater(
emits('Compiled ${p.join('dir', 'test.scss')} to '
'${p.join('out', 'test.css')}.'));
await sass.kill();
await d.dir("out", [
d.file("test.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: c; }"))
// Regression test for #806
test("with a .css extension", () async {
await d.file("test.css", "a {b: c}").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.css:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.css to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.file("test.css", "x {y: z}").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.css to out.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("x { y: z; }"))
group("doesn't recompile the watched file", () {
test("when an unrelated file is modified", () async {
await d.dir("dir", [
d.file("test1.scss", "a {b: c}"),
d.file("test2.scss", "a {b: c}")
var sass = await watch(["dir:out"]);
await expectLater(
_compiled('dir/test1.scss', 'out/test1.css'),
_compiled('dir/test2.scss', 'out/test2.css')
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.dir("dir", [d.file("test2.scss", "x {y: z}")]).create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits(_compiled('dir/test2.scss', 'out/test2.css')));
neverEmits(_compiled('dir/test1.scss', 'out/test1.css')));
await tick;
await sass.kill();
"when a potential dependency that's not actually imported is added",
() async {
await d.file("test.scss", "@import 'other'").create();
await d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
await d.dir("dir").create();
var sass = await watch(["-I", "dir", "test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.dir("dir", [d.file("_other.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create();
expect(sass.stdout, neverEmits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await tick;
await sass.kill();
await d
.file("out.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: c; }"))
group("deletes the CSS", () {
test("when a file is deleted", () async {
await d.file("test.scss", "a {b: c}").create();
var sass = await watch(["test.scss:out.css"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Compiled test.scss to out.css.'));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await expectLater(sass.stdout, emits('Deleted out.css.'));
await sass.kill();
await d.nothing("out.css").validate();
test("when a file is deleted within a directory", () async {
await d.dir("dir", [d.file("test.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create();
var sass = await watch(["dir:out"]);
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits(_compiled('dir/test.scss', 'out/test.css')));
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits('Deleted ${p.join('out', 'test.css')}.'));
await sass.kill();
await d.dir("dir", [d.nothing("out.css")]).validate();
test("creates a new CSS file when a Sass file is added", () async {
await d.dir("dir").create();
var sass = await watch(["dir:out"]);
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.dir("dir", [d.file("test.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits(_compiled('dir/test.scss', 'out/test.css')));
await sass.kill();
await d.dir("out", [
d.file("test.css", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: c; }"))
test("doesn't create a new CSS file when a partial is added", () async {
await d.dir("dir").create();
var sass = await watch(["dir:out"]);
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.dir("dir", [d.file("_test.scss", "a {b: c}")]).create();
neverEmits(_compiled('dir/test.scss', 'out/test.css')));
await tick;
await sass.kill();
await d.nothing("out/test.scss").validate();
// Regression test for #853.
test("doesn't try to compile a CSS file to itself", () async {
await d.dir("dir").create();
var sass = await watch(["dir:dir"]);
await expectLater(sass.stdout, _watchingForChanges);
await tickIfPoll();
await d.file("dir/test.css", "a {b: c}").create();
await tick;
// Create a new file that *will* be compiled so that if the first change
// did incorrectly trigger a compilation, it would emit a message
// before the message for this change.
await d.file("dir/test2.scss", "x {y: z}").create();
await expectLater(
sass.stdout, emits(_compiled('dir/test2.scss', 'dir/test2.css')));
await sass.kill();
await d.file("dir/test.css", "a {b: c}").validate();
group("doesn't allow", () {
test("--stdin", () async {
var sass = await watch(["--stdin", "test.scss"]);
expect(sass.stdout, emits('--watch is not allowed with --stdin.'));
await sass.shouldExit(64);
test("printing to stderr", () async {
var sass = await watch(["test.scss"]);
emits('--watch is not allowed when printing to stdout.'));
await sass.shouldExit(64);
/// Returns the message that Sass prints indicating that [from] was compiled to
/// [to], with path separators normalized for the current operating system.
String _compiled(String from, String to) =>
'Compiled ${p.normalize(from)} to ${p.normalize(to)}.';
/// Matches the output that indicates that Sass is watching for changes.
final _watchingForChanges =
emitsInOrder(["Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.", ""]);