Natalie Weizenbaum 9e18b7e95b
Always include the error location in JS error messages (#511)
Always include the error location in JS error messages

I was trying to match Node Sass's behavior by having Error.formatted
property have more detail than Error.message, but our errors rely on
source snippets for context so this just ended up making them
2018-10-31 18:13:04 -07:00

684 lines
23 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an
// MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
@Tags(const ['node'])
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:sass/src/io.dart';
import 'package:sass/src/value/number.dart';
import '../ensure_npm_package.dart';
import '../hybrid.dart';
import 'api.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
String sassPath;
void main() {
setUp(() async {
sassPath = p.join(sandbox, 'test.scss');
await writeTextFile(sassPath, 'a {b: c}');
test("can import a file by contents", () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop(
(_, __) => new NodeImporterResult(contents: 'a {b: c}')))),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }'));
test("imports cascade through importers", () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(data: "@import 'foo'", importer: [
allowInterop((url, __) {
if (url != "foo") return null;
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '@import "bar"');
allowInterop((url, __) {
if (url != "bar") return null;
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '@import "baz"');
allowInterop((url, __) {
if (url != "baz") return null;
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: 'a {b: c}');
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }'));
test("an empty object means an empty file", () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __) => new NodeImporterResult()))),
group("import precedence:", () {
group("in sandbox dir", () {
test("relative file is #1", () async {
var subDir = p.join(sandbox, 'sub');
await createDirectory(subDir);
await writeTextFile(p.join(subDir, 'test.scss'), 'x {y: z}');
var basePath = p.join(subDir, 'base.scss');
await writeTextFile(basePath, '@import "test"');
expect(renderSync(new RenderOptions(file: basePath)),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('x { y: z; }'));
test("CWD is #2", () async {
var subDir = p.join(sandbox, 'sub');
await createDirectory(subDir);
await writeTextFile(p.join(subDir, 'test.scss'), 'x {y: z}');
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: '@import "test"', includePaths: [subDir])),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }'));
test("include path is #3", () async {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: '@import "test"',
includePaths: [sandbox],
importer: allowInterop(expectAsync2((_, __) {}, count: 0)))),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }'));
group("with a file redirect", () {
test("imports the chosen file", () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop(
(_, __) => new NodeImporterResult(file: sassPath)))),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }'));
test("supports the indented syntax", () async {
await writeTextFile(p.join(sandbox, 'target.sass'), 'a\n b: c');
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __) => new NodeImporterResult(
file: p.join(sandbox, 'target.sass'))))),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }'));
test("supports plain CSS", () async {
// An import in plain CSS is only ever interpreted as a plain CSS import.
await writeTextFile(p.join(sandbox, 'target.css'), "@import 'bar'");
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __) => new NodeImporterResult(
file: p.join(sandbox, 'target.css'))))),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('@import "bar";'));
test("supports partials", () async {
await writeTextFile(p.join(sandbox, '_target.scss'), 'a {b: c}');
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __) => new NodeImporterResult(
file: p.join(sandbox, 'target.scss'))))),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }'));
test("may be extensionless", () async {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __) =>
new NodeImporterResult(file: p.withoutExtension(sassPath))))),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }'));
test("is resolved relative to the base file", () async {
var basePath = p.join(sandbox, 'base.scss');
await writeTextFile(basePath, '@import "foo"');
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
file: basePath,
importer: allowInterop(
(_, __) => new NodeImporterResult(file: 'test.scss')))),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }'));
test("puts the absolute path in includedFiles", () async {
var basePath = p.join(sandbox, 'base.scss');
await writeTextFile(basePath, '@import "foo"');
var result = sass.renderSync(new RenderOptions(
file: basePath,
allowInterop((_, __) => new NodeImporterResult(file: 'test'))));
expect(result.stats.includedFiles, equals([basePath, sassPath]));
test("is resolved relative to include paths", () async {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
includePaths: [sandbox],
importer: allowInterop(
(_, __) => new NodeImporterResult(file: 'test')))),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }'));
test("relative to the base file takes precedence over include paths",
() async {
var basePath = p.join(sandbox, 'base.scss');
await writeTextFile(basePath, '@import "foo"');
var subDir = p.join(sandbox, 'sub');
await createDirectory(subDir);
await writeTextFile(p.join(subDir, 'test.scss'), 'x {y: z}');
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
file: basePath,
includePaths: [subDir],
importer: allowInterop(
(_, __) => new NodeImporterResult(file: 'test')))),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }'));
group("in the sandbox directory", () {
String oldWorkingDirectory;
setUp(() {
oldWorkingDirectory = currentPath;
tearDown(() => chdir(oldWorkingDirectory));
test("is resolved relative to the CWD", () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop(
(_, __) => new NodeImporterResult(file: 'test.scss')))),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }'));
test("file-relative takes precedence over the CWD", () async {
await createDirectory(p.join(sandbox, 'sub'));
var basePath = p.join(sandbox, 'sub', 'base.scss');
await writeTextFile(basePath, '@import "foo"');
await writeTextFile(p.join(sandbox, 'sub', 'test.scss'), 'x {y: z}');
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
file: basePath,
importer: allowInterop(
(_, __) => new NodeImporterResult(file: 'test.scss')))),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('x { y: z; }'));
test("the CWD takes precedence over include paths", () async {
var basePath = p.join(sandbox, 'base.scss');
await writeTextFile(basePath, '@import "test"');
var subDir = p.join(sandbox, 'sub');
await createDirectory(subDir);
await writeTextFile(p.join(subDir, 'test.scss'), 'x {y: z}');
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
file: basePath,
includePaths: [subDir],
importer: allowInterop(
(_, __) => new NodeImporterResult(file: 'test.scss')))),
equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }'));
group("the imported URL", () {
test("is the exact imported text", () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop(expectAsync2((url, _) {
expect(url, equals('foo'));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
// Regression test for #246.
test("doesn't remove ./", () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import './foo'",
importer: allowInterop(expectAsync2((url, _) {
expect(url, equals('./foo'));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
test("isn't resolved relative to the current file", () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo/bar'",
importer: allowInterop(expectAsync2((url, _) {
if (url == 'foo/bar') {
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: "@import 'baz'");
} else {
expect(url, equals('baz'));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: "");
}, count: 2))));
test("is added to includedFiles", () {
var result = sass.renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop(expectAsync2((_, __) {
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
expect(result.stats.includedFiles, equals(['foo']));
group("the previous URL", () {
test("is an absolute path for stylesheets from the filesystem", () async {
var importPath = p.join(sandbox, 'import.scss');
await writeTextFile(importPath, "@import 'foo'");
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
file: importPath,
importer: allowInterop(expectAsync2((_, prev) {
expect(prev, equals(p.absolute(importPath)));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
test("is an absolute path for stylesheets redirected to the filesystem",
() async {
var import1Path = p.join(sandbox, 'import1.scss');
await writeTextFile(import1Path, "@import 'foo'");
var import2Path = p.join(sandbox, 'import2.scss');
await writeTextFile(import2Path, "@import 'baz'");
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
file: import1Path,
importer: allowInterop(expectAsync2((url, prev) {
if (url == 'foo') {
return new NodeImporterResult(file: 'import2');
} else {
expect(url, equals('baz'));
expect(prev, equals(import2Path));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: "");
}, count: 2))));
test('is "stdin" for string stylesheets', () async {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: '@import "foo"',
importer: allowInterop(expectAsync2((_, prev) {
expect(prev, equals('stdin'));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
test("is the imported string for imports from importers", () async {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(data: '@import "foo"', importer: [
allowInterop(expectAsync2((url, _) {
if (url != "foo") return null;
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '@import "bar"');
}, count: 2)),
allowInterop(expectAsync2((url, prev) {
expect(url, equals("bar"));
expect(prev, equals("foo"));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
group("this", () {
test('includes default option values', () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: '@import "foo"',
importer: allowInteropCaptureThis(
expectAsync3((RenderContext this_, _, __) {
var options = this_.options;
expect(options.includePaths, equals(p.current));
expect(options.precision, equals(SassNumber.precision));
expect(options.style, equals(1));
expect(options.indentType, equals(0));
expect(options.indentWidth, equals(2));
expect(options.linefeed, equals('\n'));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
test('includes the data when rendering via data', () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: '@import "foo"',
importer: allowInteropCaptureThis(
expectAsync3((RenderContext this_, _, __) {
expect(this_.options.data, equals('@import "foo"'));
expect(this_.options.file, isNull);
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
test('includes the filename when rendering via file', () async {
await writeTextFile(sassPath, '@import "foo"');
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
file: sassPath,
importer: allowInteropCaptureThis(
expectAsync3((RenderContext this_, _, __) {
expect(this_.options.data, isNull);
expect(this_.options.file, equals(sassPath));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
test('includes other include paths', () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: '@import "foo"',
includePaths: [sandbox],
importer: allowInteropCaptureThis(
expectAsync3((RenderContext this_, _, __) {
expect(this_.options.includePaths, equals("${p.current}:$sandbox"));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
group('can override', () {
test('indentWidth', () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: '@import "foo"',
indentWidth: 5,
importer: allowInteropCaptureThis(
expectAsync3((RenderContext this_, _, __) {
expect(this_.options.indentWidth, equals(5));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
test('indentType', () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: '@import "foo"',
indentType: 'tab',
importer: allowInteropCaptureThis(
expectAsync3((RenderContext this_, _, __) {
expect(this_.options.indentType, equals(1));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
test('linefeed', () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: '@import "foo"',
linefeed: 'cr',
importer: allowInteropCaptureThis(
expectAsync3((RenderContext this_, _, __) {
expect(this_.options.linefeed, equals('\r'));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
test('has a circular reference', () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: '@import "foo"',
importer: allowInteropCaptureThis(
expectAsync3((RenderContext this_, _, __) {
expect(this_.options.context, same(this_));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
group("includes render stats with", () {
test('a start time', () {
var start = new DateTime.now();
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: '@import "foo"',
importer: allowInteropCaptureThis(
expectAsync3((RenderContext this_, _, __) {
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
test('a data entry', () {
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
data: '@import "foo"',
importer: allowInteropCaptureThis(
expectAsync3((RenderContext this_, _, __) {
expect(this_.options.result.stats.entry, equals('data'));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
test('a file entry', () async {
await writeTextFile(sassPath, '@import "foo"');
renderSync(new RenderOptions(
file: sassPath,
importer: allowInteropCaptureThis(
expectAsync3((RenderContext this_, _, __) {
expect(this_.options.result.stats.entry, equals(sassPath));
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: '');
group("gracefully handles an error when", () {
test("an importer redirects to a non-existent file", () {
var error = renderSyncError(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop(
(_, __) => new NodeImporterResult(file: '_does_not_exist'))));
toStringAndMessageEqual("Can't find stylesheet to import.\n"
"@import 'foo'\n"
" ^^^^^\n"
" stdin 1:9 root stylesheet"));
test("an error is returned", () {
var error = renderSyncError(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __) => new JSError("oh no"))));
toStringAndMessageEqual("oh no\n"
"@import 'foo'\n"
" ^^^^^\n"
" stdin 1:9 root stylesheet"));
// TODO(nweiz): Test returning an error subclass when dart-lang/sdk#31168 is
// fixed.
test("null is returned", () {
var error = renderSyncError(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'", importer: allowInterop((_, __) => null)));
toStringAndMessageEqual("Can't find stylesheet to import.\n"
"@import 'foo'\n"
" ^^^^^\n"
" stdin 1:9 root stylesheet"));
test("undefined is returned", () {
var error = renderSyncError(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'", importer: allowInterop((_, __) => undefined)));
toStringAndMessageEqual("Can't find stylesheet to import.\n"
"@import 'foo'\n"
" ^^^^^\n"
" stdin 1:9 root stylesheet"));
test("an unrecognized value is returned", () {
var error = renderSyncError(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'", importer: allowInterop((_, __) => 10)));
toStringAndMessageEqual("Can't find stylesheet to import.\n"
"@import 'foo'\n"
" ^^^^^\n"
" stdin 1:9 root stylesheet"));
group("render()", () {
test("supports asynchronous importers", () {
render(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __, done) {
new Future.delayed(Duration.zero).then((_) {
done(new NodeImporterResult(contents: 'a {b: c}'));
completion(equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }')));
test("supports asynchronous errors", () {
renderError(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __, done) {
new Future.delayed(Duration.zero).then((_) {
done(new JSError('oh no'));
completion(toStringAndMessageEqual("oh no\n"
"@import 'foo'\n"
" ^^^^^\n"
" stdin 1:9 root stylesheet")));
test("supports synchronous importers", () {
render(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __, ___) =>
new NodeImporterResult(contents: 'a {b: c}')))),
completion(equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }')));
test("supports synchronous null returns", () {
renderError(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __, ___) => jsNull))),
toStringAndMessageEqual("Can't find stylesheet to import.\n"
"@import 'foo'\n"
" ^^^^^\n"
" stdin 1:9 root stylesheet")));
group("with fibers", () {
setUpAll(() {
try {
} catch (_) {
throw "Can't load fibers package.\n"
"Run pub run grinder before-test.";
test("supports asynchronous importers", () {
render(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __, done) {
new Future.delayed(Duration.zero).then((_) {
done(new NodeImporterResult(contents: 'a {b: c}'));
fiber: fiber)),
completion(equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }')));
test("supports synchronous calls to done", () {
render(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __, done) {
done(new NodeImporterResult(contents: 'a {b: c}'));
fiber: fiber)),
completion(equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }')));
test("supports synchronous importers", () {
render(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __, ___) {
return new NodeImporterResult(contents: 'a {b: c}');
fiber: fiber)),
completion(equalsIgnoringWhitespace('a { b: c; }')));
test("supports asynchronous errors", () {
renderError(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __, done) {
new Future.delayed(Duration.zero).then((_) {
done(new JSError('oh no'));
fiber: fiber)),
completion(toStringAndMessageEqual("oh no\n"
"@import 'foo'\n"
" ^^^^^\n"
" stdin 1:9 root stylesheet")));
test("supports synchronous null returns", () {
renderError(new RenderOptions(
data: "@import 'foo'",
importer: allowInterop((_, __, ___) => jsNull),
fiber: fiber)),
toStringAndMessageEqual("Can't find stylesheet to import.\n"
"@import 'foo'\n"
" ^^^^^\n"
" stdin 1:9 root stylesheet")));