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synced 2024-12-03 10:08:01 +01:00
In addition to being useful for users of Sass, this will make it possible for core Sass functions to produce warnings without needing an explicit reference to the evaluator.
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172 lines
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// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an
// MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:sass/sass.dart';
import 'package:sass/src/exception.dart';
import 'test_importer.dart';
main() {
test("uses an importer to resolve an @import", () {
var css = compileString('@import "orange";', importers: [
TestImporter((url) => Uri.parse("u:$url"), (url) {
var color = url.path;
return ImporterResult('.$color {color: $color}', indented: false);
expect(css, equals(".orange {\n color: orange;\n}"));
test("passes the canonicalized URL to the importer", () {
var css = compileString('@import "orange";', importers: [
TestImporter((url) => Uri.parse('u:blue'), (url) {
var color = url.path;
return ImporterResult('.$color {color: $color}', indented: false);
expect(css, equals(".blue {\n color: blue;\n}"));
test("only invokes the importer once for a given canonicalization", () {
var css = compileString("""
@import "orange";
@import "orange";
""", importers: [
(url) => Uri.parse('u:blue'),
expectAsync1((url) {
var color = url.path;
return ImporterResult('.$color {color: $color}', indented: false);
}, count: 1))
expect(css, equals("""
.blue {
color: blue;
.blue {
color: blue;
test("resolves URLs relative to the pre-canonicalized URL", () {
var times = 0;
var css = compileString('@import "foo:bar/baz";',
importers: [
expectAsync1((url) {
if (times == 1) return Uri(path: 'first');
expect(url, equals(Uri.parse('foo:bar/bang')));
return Uri(path: 'second');
}, count: 2),
expectAsync1((url) {
return ImporterResult(
times == 1
? '''
.first {url: "$url"}
@import "bang";
: '.second {url: "$url"}',
indented: false);
}, count: 2))
logger: Logger.quiet);
expect(css, equalsIgnoringWhitespace('''
.first { url: "first"; }
.second { url: "second"; }
test("uses an importer's source map URL", () {
SingleMapping map;
compileString('@import "orange";',
importers: [
TestImporter((url) => Uri.parse("u:$url"), (url) {
var color = url.path;
return ImporterResult('.$color {color: $color}',
sourceMapUrl: Uri.parse("u:blue"), indented: false);
sourceMap: (map_) => map = map_);
expect(map.urls, contains("u:blue"));
test("uses a data: source map URL if the importer doesn't provide one", () {
SingleMapping map;
compileString('@import "orange";',
importers: [
TestImporter((url) => Uri.parse("u:$url"), (url) {
var color = url.path;
return ImporterResult('.$color {color: $color}', indented: false);
sourceMap: (map_) => map = map_);
contains(Uri.dataFromString(".orange {color: orange}", encoding: utf8)
test("wraps an error in canonicalize()", () {
expect(() {
compileString('@import "orange";', importers: [
TestImporter((url) {
throw "this import is bad actually";
}, expectAsync1((_) => null, count: 0))
}, throwsA(predicate((error) {
expect(error, const TypeMatcher<SassException>());
error.toString(), startsWith("Error: this import is bad actually"));
return true;
test("wraps an error in load()", () {
expect(() {
compileString('@import "orange";', importers: [
TestImporter((url) => Uri.parse("u:$url"), (url) {
throw "this import is bad actually";
}, throwsA(predicate((error) {
expect(error, const TypeMatcher<SassException>());
error.toString(), startsWith("Error: this import is bad actually"));
return true;
test("prefers .message to .toString() for an importer error", () {
expect(() {
compileString('@import "orange";', importers: [
TestImporter((url) => Uri.parse("u:$url"), (url) {
throw FormatException("bad format somehow");
}, throwsA(predicate((error) {
expect(error, const TypeMatcher<SassException>());
// FormatException.toString() starts with "FormatException:", but
// the error message should not.
expect(error.toString(), startsWith("Error: bad format somehow"));
return true;