2016-08-30 15:51:22 -07:00

156 lines
4.6 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an
// MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:charcode/charcode.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'ast/node.dart';
import 'value/number.dart';
const _epsilon = 1 / (10 * SassNumber.precision);
class LinkedListValue<T> extends LinkedListEntry<LinkedListValue<T>> {
final T value;
/// A pair of values.
class Pair<E, F> {
final E first;
final F last;
Pair(this.first, this.last);
String toString() => '($first, $last)';
bool operator==(other) {
if (other is! Pair) return false;
return other.first == first && other.last == last;
int get hashCode => first.hashCode ^ last.hashCode;
bool listEquals/*<T>*/(List/*<T>*/ list1, List/*<T>*/ list2) =>
const ListEquality().equals(list1, list2);
int listHash(List list) => const ListEquality().hash(list);
FileSpan spanForList(List<AstNode> nodes) {
if (nodes.isEmpty) return null;
return nodes.first.span.expand(nodes.last.span);
String unvendor(String name) {
if (name.length < 2) return name;
if (name.codeUnitAt(0) != $dash) return name;
if (name.codeUnitAt(1) == $dash) return name;
for (var i = 2; i < name.length; i++) {
if (name.codeUnitAt(i) == $dash) return name.substring(i + 1);
return name;
bool equalsIgnoreSeparator(String string1, String string2) {
if (identical(string1, string2)) return true;
if (string1 == null || string2 == null) return false;
if (string1.length != string2.length) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < string1.length; i++) {
var codeUnit1 = string1.codeUnitAt(i);
var codeUnit2 = string2.codeUnitAt(i);
if (codeUnit1 == codeUnit2) continue;
if (codeUnit1 == $dash) {
if (codeUnit2 != $underscore) return false;
} else if (codeUnit1 == $underscore) {
if (codeUnit2 != $dash) return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
int hashCodeIgnoreSeparator(String string) {
var hash = 4603;
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
var codeUnit = string.codeUnitAt(i);
if (codeUnit == $underscore) codeUnit = $dash;
hash &= 0x3FFFFFF;
hash *= 33;
hash ^= codeUnit;
return hash;
bool equalsIgnoreCase(String string1, String string2) {
if (identical(string1, string2)) return true;
if (string1 == null || string2 == null) return false;
if (string1.length != string2.length) return false;
return string1.toUpperCase() == string2.toUpperCase();
Map/*<String, V>*/ normalizedMap/*<V>*/() =>
new LinkedHashMap(
equals: equalsIgnoreSeparator, hashCode: hashCodeIgnoreSeparator);
Map/*<String, V2>*/ normalizedMapMap/*<K, V1, V2>*/(
Map/*<K, V1>*/ map,
{String key(/*=K*/ key, /*=V1*/ value),
/*=V2*/ value(/*=K*/ key, /*=V1*/ value)}) {
key ??= (mapKey, _) => mapKey as String;
value ??= (_, mapValue) => mapValue as dynamic/*=V2*/;
var result = normalizedMap/*<V2>*/();
map.forEach((mapKey, mapValue) {
result[key(mapKey, mapValue)] = value(mapKey, mapValue);
return result;
bool almostEquals(num number1, num number2) =>
(number1 - number2).abs() < _epsilon;
List/*<T>*/ longestCommonSubsequence/*<T>*/(List/*<T>*/ list1,
List/*<T>*/ list2, {/*=T*/ select(/*=T*/ element1, /*=T*/ element2)}) {
select ??= (element1, element2) => element1 == element2 ? element1 : null;
var lengths = new List.generate(
list1.length + 1, (_) => new List.filled(list2.length + 1, 0),
growable: false);
var selections = new List<List/*<T>*/>.generate(
list1.length, (_) => new List/*<T>*/(list2.length),
growable: false);
// TODO(nweiz): Calling [select] here may be expensive. Can we use a memoizing
// approach to avoid calling it O(n*m) times in most cases?
for (var i = 0; i < list1.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < list2.length; j++) {
var selection = select(list1[i], list2[j]);
selections[i][j] = selection;
lengths[i + 1][j + 1] = selection == null
? math.max(lengths[i + 1][j], lengths[i][j + 1])
: lengths[i][j] + 1;
List/*<T>*/ backtrack(int i, int j) {
if (i == -1 || j == -1) return [];
var selection = selections[i][j];
if (selection != null) return backtrack(i - 1, j - 1)..add(selection);
return lengths[i + 1][j] > lengths[i][j + 1]
? backtrack(i, j - 1)
: backtrack(i - 1, j);
return backtrack(list1.length - 1, list2.length - 1);