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Now that these are an exposed part of the API, they need to be tested.
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134 lines
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// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an
// MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:sass/sass.dart';
import 'package:sass/src/exception.dart';
main() {
"new Callable() throws a SassFormatException if the argument list is "
"invalid", () {
expect(() => new Callable("foo", "arg", (_) => sassNull),
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<SassFormatException>()));
"new AsyncCallable() throws a SassFormatException if the argument list "
"is invalid", () {
expect(() => new AsyncCallable("foo", "arg", (_) async => sassNull),
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<SassFormatException>()));
test("passes an argument to a custom function and uses its return value", () {
var css = compileString('a {b: foo(bar)}', functions: [
new Callable("foo", r"$arg", expectAsync1((arguments) {
expect(arguments, hasLength(1));
expect(arguments.first.assertString().text, equals("bar"));
return new SassString("result");
expect(css, equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: result; }"));
test("runs a function asynchronously", () async {
var css = await compileStringAsync('a {b: foo(bar)}', functions: [
new AsyncCallable("foo", r"$arg", expectAsync1((arguments) async {
expect(arguments, hasLength(1));
expect(arguments.first.assertString().text, equals("bar"));
await pumpEventQueue();
return new SassString("result");
expect(css, equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: result; }"));
test("passes no arguments to a custom function", () {
compileString('a {b: foo()}', functions: [
new Callable("foo", "", expectAsync1((arguments) {
expect(arguments, isEmpty);
return sassNull;
test("passes multiple arguments to a custom function", () {
compileString('a {b: foo(x, y, z)}', functions: [
new Callable("foo", r"$arg1, $arg2, $arg3", expectAsync1((arguments) {
expect(arguments, hasLength(3));
expect(arguments[0].assertString().text, equals("x"));
expect(arguments[1].assertString().text, equals("y"));
expect(arguments[2].assertString().text, equals("z"));
return sassNull;
test("gracefuly handles a custom function throwing", () {
expect(() {
compileString('a {b: foo()}',
functions: [new Callable("foo", "", (arguments) => throw "heck")]);
}, throwsA(new isInstanceOf<SassException>()));
test("gracefuly handles a custom function returning null", () {
expect(() {
compileString('a {b: foo()}',
functions: [new Callable("foo", "", (arguments) => null)]);
}, throwsA(new isInstanceOf<SassException>()));
test("supports default argument values", () {
var css = compileString('a {b: foo()}', functions: [
new Callable("foo", r"$arg: 1", expectAsync1((arguments) {
expect(arguments, hasLength(1));
expect(arguments.first.assertNumber().value, equals(1));
return arguments.first;
expect(css, equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 1; }"));
test("supports argument lists", () {
var css = compileString('a {b: foo(1, 2, 3)}', functions: [
new Callable("foo", r"$args...", expectAsync1((arguments) {
expect(arguments, hasLength(1));
var list = arguments[0] as SassArgumentList;
expect(list.asList, hasLength(3));
expect(list.asList[0].assertNumber().value, equals(1));
expect(list.asList[1].assertNumber().value, equals(2));
expect(list.asList[2].assertNumber().value, equals(3));
return arguments.first;
expect(css, equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 1, 2, 3; }"));
test("supports keyword arguments", () {
var css = compileString(r'a {b: foo($bar: 1)}', functions: [
new Callable("foo", r"$args...", expectAsync1((arguments) {
expect(arguments, hasLength(1));
var list = arguments[0] as SassArgumentList;
expect(list.asList, hasLength(0));
expect(list.keywords, contains("bar"));
expect(list.keywords["bar"].assertNumber().value, equals(1));
return list.keywords["bar"];
expect(css, equalsIgnoringWhitespace("a { b: 1; }"));