Natalie Weizenbaum bea609d74b
Add a top-level warn() function for functions and importers (#711)
In addition to being useful for users of Sass, this will make it
possible for core Sass functions to produce warnings without needing
an explicit reference to the evaluator.
2019-06-06 19:42:44 +01:00

245 lines
7.8 KiB

// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an
// MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'package:sass/sass.dart';
import 'test_importer.dart';
main() {
group("with @warn", () {
test("passes the message and stack trace to the logger", () {
var mustBeCalled = expectAsync0(() {});
@mixin foo {@warn heck}
@include foo;
''', logger: _TestLogger.withWarn((message, {span, trace, deprecation}) {
expect(message, equals("heck"));
expect(span, isNull);
expect(trace.frames.first.member, equals('foo()'));
expect(deprecation, isFalse);
test("stringifies the argument", () {
var mustBeCalled = expectAsync0(() {});
compileString('@warn #abc',
logger: _TestLogger.withWarn((message, {span, trace, deprecation}) {
expect(message, equals("#abc"));
test("doesn't inspect the argument", () {
var mustBeCalled = expectAsync0(() {});
compileString('@warn null',
logger: _TestLogger.withWarn((message, {span, trace, deprecation}) {
expect(message, isEmpty);
group("with @debug", () {
test("passes the message and span to the logger", () {
compileString('@debug heck',
logger: _TestLogger.withDebug(expectAsync2((message, span) {
expect(message, equals("heck"));
expect(span.start.line, equals(0));
expect(span.start.column, equals(0));
expect(span.end.line, equals(0));
expect(span.end.column, equals(11));
test("stringifies the argument", () {
compileString('@debug #abc',
logger: _TestLogger.withDebug(expectAsync2((message, span) {
expect(message, equals("#abc"));
test("inspects the argument", () {
compileString('@debug null',
logger: _TestLogger.withDebug(expectAsync2((message, span) {
expect(message, equals("null"));
test("with a parser warning passes the message and span", () {
var mustBeCalled = expectAsync0(() {});
compileString('a {b: c && d}',
logger: _TestLogger.withWarn((message, {span, trace, deprecation}) {
expect(message, contains('"&&" means two copies'));
expect(span.start.line, equals(0));
expect(span.start.column, equals(8));
expect(span.end.line, equals(0));
expect(span.end.column, equals(10));
expect(trace, isNull);
expect(deprecation, isFalse);
test("with a runner warning passes the message, span, and trace", () {
var mustBeCalled = expectAsync0(() {});
@mixin foo {#{blue} {x: y}}
@include foo;
''', logger: _TestLogger.withWarn((message, {span, trace, deprecation}) {
expect(message, contains("color value blue"));
expect(span.start.line, equals(0));
expect(span.start.column, equals(22));
expect(span.end.line, equals(0));
expect(span.end.column, equals(26));
expect(trace.frames.first.member, equals('foo()'));
expect(deprecation, isFalse);
group("with warn()", () {
group("from a function", () {
test("synchronously", () {
var mustBeCalled = expectAsync0(() {});
@function bar() {@return foo()}
a {b: bar()}
""", functions: [
Callable("foo", "", expectAsync1((_) {
return sassNull;
], logger: _TestLogger.withWarn((message, {span, trace, deprecation}) {
expect(message, equals("heck"));
expect(span.start.line, equals(0));
expect(span.start.column, equals(33));
expect(span.end.line, equals(0));
expect(span.end.column, equals(38));
expect(trace.frames.first.member, equals('bar()'));
expect(deprecation, isFalse);
test("asynchronously", () {
var mustBeCalled = expectAsync0(() {});
@function bar() {@return foo()}
a {b: bar()}
""", functions: [
AsyncCallable("foo", "", expectAsync1((_) async {
return sassNull;
], logger: _TestLogger.withWarn((message, {span, trace, deprecation}) {
expect(message, equals("heck"));
expect(span.start.line, equals(0));
expect(span.start.column, equals(33));
expect(span.end.line, equals(0));
expect(span.end.column, equals(38));
expect(trace.frames.first.member, equals('bar()'));
expect(deprecation, isFalse);
test("asynchronously after a gap", () {
var mustBeCalled = expectAsync0(() {});
@function bar() {@return foo()}
a {b: bar()}
""", functions: [
AsyncCallable("foo", "", expectAsync1((_) async {
await Future<void>.delayed(Duration.zero);
return sassNull;
], logger: _TestLogger.withWarn((message, {span, trace, deprecation}) {
expect(message, equals("heck"));
expect(span.start.line, equals(0));
expect(span.start.column, equals(33));
expect(span.end.line, equals(0));
expect(span.end.column, equals(38));
expect(trace.frames.first.member, equals('bar()'));
expect(deprecation, isFalse);
test("from an importer", () {
var mustBeCalled = expectAsync0(() {});
compileString("@import 'foo';", importers: [
TestImporter((url) => Uri.parse("u:$url"), (url) {
return ImporterResult("", indented: false);
], logger: _TestLogger.withWarn((message, {span, trace, deprecation}) {
expect(message, equals("heck"));
expect(span.start.line, equals(0));
expect(span.start.column, equals(8));
expect(span.end.line, equals(0));
expect(span.end.column, equals(13));
expect(trace.frames.first.member, equals('root stylesheet'));
expect(deprecation, isFalse);
test("with deprecation", () {
var mustBeCalled = expectAsync0(() {});
compileString("a {b: foo()}", functions: [
Callable("foo", "", expectAsync1((_) {
warn("heck", deprecation: true);
return sassNull;
], logger: _TestLogger.withWarn((message, {span, trace, deprecation}) {
expect(message, equals("heck"));
expect(deprecation, isTrue);
test("throws an error outside a callback", () {
expect(() => warn("heck"), throwsArgumentError);
/// A [Logger] whose [warn] and [debug] methods are provided by callbacks.
class _TestLogger implements Logger {
final void Function(String, {FileSpan span, Trace trace, bool deprecation})
final void Function(String, SourceSpan) _debug;
_TestLogger.withWarn(this._warn) : _debug = const Logger.stderr().debug;
_TestLogger.withDebug(this._debug) : _warn = const Logger.stderr().warn;
void warn(String message,
{FileSpan span, Trace trace, bool deprecation = false}) =>
_warn(message, span: span, trace: trace, deprecation: deprecation);
void debug(String message, SourceSpan span) => _debug(message, span);