mirror of
synced 2025-01-22 22:02:00 +01:00
This got dropped in the move to cli_pkg. Closes #944
144 lines
5.1 KiB
144 lines
5.1 KiB
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. Use of this source code is governed by an
// MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:charcode/charcode.dart';
import 'package:cli_pkg/cli_pkg.dart' as pkg;
import 'package:grinder/grinder.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'grind/synchronize.dart';
export 'grind/bazel.dart';
export 'grind/benchmark.dart';
export 'grind/sanity_check.dart';
export 'grind/synchronize.dart';
void main(List<String> args) {
pkg.humanName = "Dart Sass";
pkg.botName = "Sass Bot";
pkg.botEmail = "sass.bot.beep.boop@gmail.com";
pkg.executables = {"sass": "bin/sass.dart"};
pkg.chocolateyNuspec = _nuspec;
pkg.homebrewRepo = "sass/homebrew-sass";
pkg.homebrewFormula = "sass.rb";
pkg.jsRequires = {"fs": "fs", "chokidar": "chokidar", "readline": "readline"};
pkg.jsModuleMainLibrary = "lib/src/node.dart";
pkg.npmPackageJson =
as Map<String, Object>;
pkg.npmReadme = _readAndResolveMarkdown("package/README.npm.md");
pkg.standaloneName = "dart-sass";
pkg.githubReleaseNotes =
"To install Sass ${pkg.version}, download one of the packages below and "
"[add it to your PATH][], or see [the Sass website][] for full "
"installation instructions.\n"
"[add it to your PATH]: https://katiek2.github.io/path-doc/\n"
"[the Sass website]: https://sass-lang.com/install\n"
"# Changes\n"
@DefaultTask('Compile async code and reformat.')
@Depends(format, synchronize)
void all() {}
@Task('Run the Dart formatter.')
void format() {
Pub.run('dart_style', script: 'format', arguments: [
for (var dir in existingSourceDirs) dir.path
@Task('Installs dependencies from npm.')
void npmInstall() => run("npm", arguments: ["install"]);
@Task('Runs the tasks that are required for running tests.')
@Depends(format, synchronize, "pkg-npm-dev", npmInstall, "pkg-standalone-dev")
void beforeTest() {}
String get _nuspec => """
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2010/07/nuspec.xsd">
<authors>Natalie Weizenbaum</authors>
<description>**Sass makes CSS fun again**. Sass is an extension of CSS, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-framework plugin.
This package is Dart Sass, the new Dart implementation of Sass.</description>
<summary>Sass makes CSS fun again.</summary>
<tags>css preprocessor style sass</tags>
<copyright>Copyright ${DateTime.now().year} Google, Inc.</copyright>
final _readAndResolveRegExp = RegExp(
r"^<!-- +#include +([^\s]+) +"
r" +-->$",
multiLine: true);
/// Reads a Markdown file from [path] and resolves include directives.
/// Include directives have the syntax `"<!-- #include" PATH HEADER "-->"`,
/// which must appear on its own line. PATH is a relative file: URL to another
/// Markdown file, and HEADER is the name of a header in that file whose
/// contents should be included as-is.
String _readAndResolveMarkdown(String path) => File(path)
.replaceAllMapped(_readAndResolveRegExp, (match) {
String included;
try {
included = File(p.join(p.dirname(path), p.fromUri(match[1])))
} catch (error) {
_matchError(match, error.toString(), url: p.toUri(path));
Match headerMatch;
try {
headerMatch = "# ${match[2]}".allMatches(included).first;
} on StateError {
_matchError(match, "Could not find header.", url: p.toUri(path));
var headerLevel = 0;
var index = headerMatch.start;
while (index >= 0 && included.codeUnitAt(index) == $hash) {
// The section goes until the next header of the same level, or the end
// of the document.
var sectionEnd = included.indexOf("#" * headerLevel, headerMatch.end);
if (sectionEnd == -1) sectionEnd = included.length;
return included.substring(headerMatch.end, sectionEnd).trim();
/// Throws a nice [SourceSpanException] associated with [match].
void _matchError(Match match, String message, {Object url}) {
var file = SourceFile.fromString(match.input, url: url);
throw SourceSpanException(message, file.span(match.start, match.end));