getValue()); $this->assertNotFalse( $inAddr, "Server name $hostname did not resolve to a valid IP address" ); }); } /** * @group internet * @dataProvider provideServersAndHostnames */ public function testWorksAfterConfigReload($hostname, $nameserver) { $nameserver = new Nameserver(...$nameserver); Loop::run(function () use ($hostname, $nameserver) { $DohConfig = new DoH\DoHConfig([$nameserver]); Dns\resolver(new DoH\Rfc8484StubResolver($DohConfig)); yield Dns\resolve($hostname); $this->assertNull(yield Dns\resolver()->reloadConfig()); $this->assertInternalType("array", yield Dns\resolve($hostname)); }); } /** * @group internet * @dataProvider provideServers */ public function testResolveIPv4only($nameserver) { $nameserver = new Nameserver(...$nameserver); Loop::run(function () use ($nameserver) { $DohConfig = new DoH\DoHConfig([$nameserver]); Dns\resolver(new DoH\Rfc8484StubResolver($DohConfig)); $records = yield Dns\resolve("", Record::A); /** @var Record $record */ foreach ($records as $record) { $this->assertSame(Record::A, $record->getType()); $inAddr = @\inet_pton($record->getValue()); $this->assertNotFalse( $inAddr, "Server name did not resolve to a valid IP address" ); } }); } /** * @group internet * @dataProvider provideServers */ public function testResolveIPv6only($nameserver) { $nameserver = new Nameserver(...$nameserver); Loop::run(function () use ($nameserver) { $DohConfig = new DoH\DoHConfig([$nameserver]); Dns\resolver(new DoH\Rfc8484StubResolver($DohConfig)); $records = yield Dns\resolve("", Record::AAAA); /** @var Record $record */ foreach ($records as $record) { $this->assertSame(Record::AAAA, $record->getType()); $inAddr = @\inet_pton($record->getValue()); $this->assertNotFalse( $inAddr, "Server name did not resolve to a valid IP address" ); } }); } /** * @group internet * @dataProvider provideServers */ public function testPtrLookup($nameserver) { $nameserver = new Nameserver(...$nameserver); Loop::run(function () use ($nameserver) { $DohConfig = new DoH\DoHConfig([$nameserver]); Dns\resolver(new DoH\Rfc8484StubResolver($DohConfig)); $result = yield Dns\query("", Record::PTR); /** @var Record $record */ $record = $result[0]; $this->assertSame("", $record->getValue()); $this->assertNotNull($record->getTtl()); $this->assertSame(Record::PTR, $record->getType()); }); } /** * Test that two concurrent requests to the same resource share the same request and do not result in two requests * being sent. */ public function testRequestSharing() { Loop::run(function () { $DohConfig = new DoH\DoHConfig([new DoH\Nameserver('')]); Dns\resolver(new DoH\Rfc8484StubResolver($DohConfig)); $promise1 = Dns\query("", Record::A); $promise2 = Dns\query("", Record::A); $this->assertSame($promise1, $promise2); $this->assertSame(yield $promise1, yield $promise2); }); } public function provideServersAndHostnames() { $hostnames = $this->provideHostnames(); $servers = $this->provideServers(); $result = []; foreach ($hostnames as $args) { $hostname = $args[0]; foreach ($servers as $args) { $nameserver = $args[0]; $result[] = [$hostname, $nameserver]; } } return $result; } public function provideHostnames() { return [ [""], [""], [""], [""], /* that's a CNAME to GH pages */ ["localhost"], [""], ["::1"], [""], [""], ]; } public function provideServers() { return [ [['']], [['', Nameserver::RFC8484_POST]], [['', Nameserver::RFC8484_GET]], [['', Nameserver::GOOGLE_JSON]], [['', Nameserver::GOOGLE_JSON, ["Host" => ""]]], ]; } }