reactor = $reactor; $this->requestBuilder = $requestBuilder; $this->responseInterpreter = $responseInterpreter; $serverAddress = $serverAddress === null ? (string)$serverAddress : ''; $serverPort = $serverPort === null ? (int)$serverPort : 53; $requestTimeout = $requestTimeout === null ? (int)$requestTimeout : 2000; $address = sprintf('udp://%s:%d', $serverAddress, $serverPort); $this->socket = stream_socket_client($address, $errNo, $errStr); if (!$this->socket) { throw new \RuntimeException("Creating socket {$address} failed: {$errNo}: {$errStr}"); } stream_set_blocking($this->socket, 0); $this->requestTimeout = $requestTimeout; } /** * Get the next available request ID * * @return int */ private function getNextFreeRequestId() { do { $result = $this->requestIdCounter++; if ($this->requestIdCounter >= 65536) { $this->requestIdCounter = 0; } } while(isset($this->outstandingRequests[$result])); return $result; } /** * Get a list of requests to execute for a given mode mask * * @param int $mode * @return array */ private function getRequestList($mode) { $result = []; if ($mode & AddressModes::PREFER_INET6) { if ($mode & AddressModes::INET6_ADDR) { $result[] = AddressModes::INET6_ADDR; } if ($mode & AddressModes::INET4_ADDR) { $result[] = AddressModes::INET4_ADDR; } } else { if ($mode & AddressModes::INET4_ADDR) { $result[] = AddressModes::INET4_ADDR; } if ($mode & AddressModes::INET6_ADDR) { $result[] = AddressModes::INET6_ADDR; } } return $result; } /** * Handle data waiting to be read from the socket */ private function onSocketReadable() { $packet = fread($this->socket, 512); $response = $this->responseInterpreter->interpret($packet); if ($response === null) { return; } list($id, $addr, $ttl) = $response; if ($addr !== null) { $this->completeOutstandingRequest($id, $addr, $this->outstandingRequests[$id]['last_type'], $ttl); } else { $this->processOutstandingRequest($id); } } /** * Call a response callback with the result * * @param int $id * @param string $addr * @param int $type * @param int $ttl */ private function completeOutstandingRequest($id, $addr, $type, $ttl = null) { $this->reactor->cancel($this->outstandingRequests[$id]['timeout_id']); call_user_func($this->outstandingRequests[$id]['callback'], $addr, $type, $ttl); unset($this->outstandingRequests[$id]); if (!$this->outstandingRequests) { $this->reactor->cancel($this->readWatcherId); $this->readWatcherId = null; } } /** * Send a request to the server * * @param int $id */ private function processOutstandingRequest($id) { if (!$this->outstandingRequests[$id]['requests']) { $this->completeOutstandingRequest($id, null, ResolutionErrors::ERR_NO_RECORD); return; } $type = array_shift($this->outstandingRequests[$id]['requests']); $this->outstandingRequests[$id]['last_type'] = $type; $packet = $this->requestBuilder->buildRequest($id, $this->outstandingRequests[$id]['name'], $type); fwrite($this->socket, $packet); $this->outstandingRequests[$id]['timeout_id'] = $this->reactor->once(function() use($id) { $this->completeOutstandingRequest($id, null, ResolutionErrors::ERR_SERVER_TIMEOUT); }, $this->requestTimeout); if ($this->readWatcherId === null) { $this->readWatcherId = $this->reactor->onReadable($this->socket, function() { $this->onSocketReadable(); }); } } /** * Resolve a name from a server * * @param string $name * @param int $mode * @param callable $callback */ public function resolve($name, $mode, callable $callback) { $requests = $this->getRequestList($mode); $id = $this->getNextFreeRequestId(); $this->outstandingRequests[$id] = [ 'name' => $name, 'requests' => $requests, 'last_type' => null, 'timeout_id' => null, 'callback' => $callback ]; $this->processOutstandingRequest($id); } }