2, 'read_write_timeout' => 2, ]; public static function setUpBeforeClass() { try { $predisClient = new RedisClient(self::$redisParameters, []); $predisClient->ping(); //It's connected } catch (RedisConnectionException $rce) { self::$redisEnabled = false; } } public function testWithNullCache() { $this->basicRun(null); } public function testWithMemoryCache() { $memoryCache = new MemoryCache(); $this->basicRun($memoryCache); } /** * @requires extension APC */ public function testWithApcCache() { $prefix = time().uniqid('CacheTest'); $apcCache = new APCCache($prefix); $this->basicRun($apcCache); } public function testWithRedisCache() { if (self::$redisEnabled != true) { $this->markTestSkipped("Could not connect to Redis, skipping test."); return; } $prefix = time().'_'.uniqid('CacheTest'); try { $redisClient = new RedisClient(self::$redisParameters, []); } catch (RedisConnectionException $rce) { $this->markTestIncomplete("Could not connect to Redis server, cannot test redis cache."); return; } $redisCache = new RedisCache($redisClient, $prefix); $this->basicRun($redisCache); } /** * @group internet */ public function basicRun(Cache $cache = null) { $names = [ 'google.com', 'github.com', 'stackoverflow.com', 'localhost', '', '::1', ]; $reactor = new NativeReactor; $combinator = new Combinator($reactor); $client = new Client($reactor, null, null, $cache); $resolver = new Resolver($client); $promises = []; foreach ($names as $name) { $promises[$name] = $resolver->resolve($name); } $results = $combinator->all($promises)->wait(); foreach ($results as $name => $addrStruct) { list($addr, $type) = $addrStruct; $validIP = @inet_pton($addr); $this->assertNotFalse( $validIP, "Server name $name did not resolve to a valid IP address" ); } } /** * Check that caches do actually cache results. */ function testCachingOfResults() { $memoryCache = new MemoryCache(); $namesFirstRun = [ 'google.com', 'github.com', 'google.com', 'github.com', ]; $namesSecondRun = [ 'google.com', 'github.com', ]; $setCount = count(array_unique(array_merge($namesFirstRun, $namesSecondRun))); $getCount = count($namesFirstRun) + count($namesSecondRun); $mockedCache = \Mockery::mock($memoryCache); /** @var $mockedCache \Mockery\Mock */ $mockedCache->shouldReceive('store')->times($setCount)->passthru(); $mockedCache->shouldReceive('get')->times($getCount)->passthru(); $mockedCache->makePartial(); $reactor = new NativeReactor; $combinator = new Combinator($reactor); $client = new Client($reactor, null, null, $mockedCache); $resolver = new Resolver($client); $promises = []; foreach ($namesFirstRun as $name) { $promises[$name] = $resolver->resolve($name); } $results = $combinator->all($promises)->wait(); foreach ($results as $name => $addrStruct) { list($addr, $type) = $addrStruct; $validIP = @inet_pton($addr); $this->assertNotFalse( $validIP, "Server name $name did not resolve to a valid IP address" ); } $promises = []; foreach ($namesSecondRun as $name) { $promises[$name] = $resolver->resolve($name); } $results = $combinator->all($promises)->wait(); foreach ($results as $name => $addrStruct) { list($addr, $type) = $addrStruct; $validIP = @inet_pton($addr); $this->assertNotFalse( $validIP, "Server name $name did not resolve to a valid IP address" ); } } }