questionFactory = new QuestionFactory; $this->messageFactory = new MessageFactory; $this->encoderFactory = new NativeEncoderFactory; $this->decoderFactory = new NativeDecoderFactory; } public function resolve(string $name, int $typeRestriction = null): Promise { if ($typeRestriction !== null && $typeRestriction !== Record::A && $typeRestriction !== Record::AAAA) { throw new \Error("Invalid value for parameter 2: null|Record::A|Record::AAAA expected"); } switch ($typeRestriction) { case Record::A: if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { return new Success([new Record($name, Record::A, null)]); } if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return new Failure(new DnsException("Got an IPv6 address, but type is restricted to IPv4")); } break; case Record::AAAA: if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return new Success([new Record($name, Record::AAAA, null)]); } if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { return new Failure(new DnsException("Got an IPv4 address, but type is restricted to IPv6")); } break; default: if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { return new Success([new Record($name, Record::A, null)]); } if (\filter_var($name, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { return new Success([new Record($name, Record::AAAA, null)]); } break; } $name = normalizeName($name); // Follow RFC 6761 and never send queries for localhost to the caching DNS server // Usually, these queries are already resolved via queryHosts() if ($name === 'localhost') { return new Success($typeRestriction === Record::AAAA ? [new Record('::1', Record::AAAA, null)] : [new Record('', Record::A, null)]); } return call(function () use ($name, $typeRestriction) { if ($typeRestriction) { return yield $this->query($name, $typeRestriction); } list(, $records) = yield Promise\some([ $this->query($name, Record::A), $this->query($name, Record::AAAA), ]); return \array_merge(...$records); }); } public function query(string $name, int $type): Promise { $name = $this->normalizeName($name, $type); $question = $this->createQuestion($name, $type); $request = $this->messageFactory->create(MessageTypes::QUERY); $request->getQuestionRecords()->add($question); $encoder = $this->encoderFactory->create(); $question = $encoder->encode($request); $result = \dns_get_record(...$question); if ($result === false) { return new Failure(new DnsException("Query for '{$name}' failed, because loading the system's DNS configuration failed and blocking fallback via dns_get_record() failed, too.")); } $decoder = $this->decoderFactory->create(); $result = $decoder->decode($result, ...$question); if ($result->isTruncated()) { return new Failure(new DnsException("Query for '{$name}' failed, because loading the system's DNS configuration failed and blocking fallback via dns_get_record() returned a truncated response for '{$name}' (".Record::getName($type).")")); } $answers = $result->getAnswerRecords(); $result = []; $ttls = []; /** @var \LibDNS\Records\Resource $record */ foreach ($answers as $record) { $recordType = $record->getType(); $result[$recordType][] = (string) $record->getData(); // Cache for max one day $ttls[$recordType] = \min($ttls[$recordType] ?? 86400, $record->getTTL()); } if (!isset($result[$type])) { return new Failure(new NoRecordException("Query for '{$name}' failed, because loading the system's DNS configuration failed and no records were returned for '{$name}' (".Record::getName($type).")")); } return new Success( \array_map( static function ($data) use ($type, $ttls) { return new Record($data, $type, $ttls[$type]); }, $result[$type] ) ); } private function normalizeName(string $name, int $type) { if ($type === Record::PTR) { if (($packedIp = @\inet_pton($name)) !== false) { if (isset($packedIp[4])) { // IPv6 $name = \wordwrap(\strrev(\bin2hex($packedIp)), 1, ".", true).""; } else { // IPv4 $name = \inet_ntop(\strrev($packedIp)).""; } } } elseif (\in_array($type, [Record::A, Record::AAAA], true)) { $name = normalizeName($name); } return $name; } /** * @param string $name * @param int $type * * @return Question */ private function createQuestion(string $name, int $type): Question { if (0 > $type || 0xffff < $type) { $message = \sprintf('%d does not correspond to a valid record type (must be between 0 and 65535).', $type); throw new \Error($message); } $question = $this->questionFactory->create($type); $question->setName($name); return $question; } }