Go to file
2019-12-18 18:24:06 +01:00
.github Add FUNDING.yml file 2019-11-04 17:45:10 +01:00
data Support opencensus for PHP 7.3 and 7.4 2019-12-17 11:14:04 +01:00
scripts Add support for testing more than one PHP extension at once 2019-12-18 18:24:06 +01:00
.gitattributes Export-ignore some files 2018-04-12 12:04:18 +02:00
.travis.yml Prepare for Alpine support 2019-12-10 09:12:43 +01:00
Dockerfile create base image from scratch instead of bash 2019-10-09 21:21:06 +02:00
install-php-extensions Support opencensus for PHP 7.3 and 7.4 2019-12-17 11:14:04 +01:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2018-04-11 14:22:41 +02:00
README.md Add support for testing more than one PHP extension at once 2019-12-18 18:24:06 +01:00

TravisCI Build Status

Easy installation of PHP extensions in official PHP Docker images

This repository contains a script that can be used to easily install a PHP extension inside the official PHP Docker images.

The script works both for Alpine and Debian Linux.


Here's a sample Dockerfile that installs the GD and xdedub extensions inside a docker image:

FROM php:7.2-cli

ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mlocati/docker-php-extension-installer/master/install-php-extensions /usr/local/bin/

RUN chmod uga+x /usr/local/bin/install-php-extensions && sync && \
    install-php-extensions gd xdebug

Installation via COPY --from

FROM php:7.2-cli

COPY --from=mlocati/php-extension-installer /usr/bin/install-php-extensions /usr/bin/

RUN install-php-extensions gd xdebug

install-php-extensions will install all the required APT/APK packages; at the end of the script execution, the no-more needed packages will be removed.

Supported PHP extensions

Extension PHP 5.6 PHP 7.0 PHP 7.1 PHP 7.2 PHP 7.3 PHP 7.4
amqp V V V V V V
apcu V V V V V V
bcmath V V V V V V
bz2 V V V V V V
calendar V V V V V V
cmark V V V V V
dba V V V V V V
enchant V V V V V V
exif V V V V V V
gd V V V V V V
gettext V V V V V V
gmp V V V V V V
grpc V V V V V V
igbinary V V V V V V
imagick V V V V V V
imap V V V V V V
interbase V V V V V
intl V V V V V V
ldap V V V V V V
mcrypt V V V V V V
memcache V
memcached V V V V V V
mongo V
mongodb V V V V V V
msgpack V V V V V V
mssql V
mysql V
mysqli V V V V V V
odbc V V V V V V
opcache V V V V V V
opencensus V V V V V
parallel V V V V
pcntl V V V V V V
pcov V V V V V
pdo_dblib V V V V V V
pdo_firebird V V V V V V
pdo_mysql V V V V V V
pdo_odbc V V V V V V
pdo_pgsql V V V V V V
pdo_sqlsrv V V V V V
pgsql V V V V V V
protobuf V V V V V V
pspell V V V V V V
pthreads V V
recode V V V V V
redis V V V V V V
shmop V V V V V V
snmp V V V V V V
soap V V V V V V
sockets V V V V V V
solr V V V V V V
sqlsrv V V V V V
ssh2 V V V V V V
sybase_ct V
sysvmsg V V V V V V
sysvsem V V V V V V
sysvshm V V V V V V
tidy V V V V V V
timezonedb V V V V V V
uopz V V V V V V
uuid V V V V V V
wddx V V V V V
xdebug V V V V V V
xmlrpc V V V V V V
xsl V V V V V V
yaml V V V V V V
zip V V V V V V

Number of supported extensions: 67

PS: the pre-installed PHP extensions are excluded from this list. You can list them with the following command (change php:7.2-cli to reflect the PHP version you are interested in):

docker run --rm -it php:7.2-cli php -m

Special requirements

Some extension has special requirements:

Extension Requirements
parallel Requires images with PHP compiled with thread-safety enabled (zts).
pthreads Requires images with PHP compiled with thread-safety enabled (zts).

How to contribute

Adding support to a new PHP extension?

  1. change the install-php-extensions script
  2. update the data/supported-extensions file, adding a new line with the handle of the extension and the list of supported PHP versions
  3. if the extension requires ZTS images:
    add a new line to the data/special-requirements file, with the extension handle followed by a space and zts

See this pull request for an example.

Changing the supported PHP versions for an already supported PHP extension?

  1. change the install-php-extensions script
  2. update the data/supported-extensions file, adding the new PHP version to the existing line corresponding to the updated extension

See this pull request for an example.

Improving code for an already supported extension?

If you change some code that affects one or more extensions, please add a line with Test: extension1, extension2 to the message of one of the pull request commits. That way, the test jobs will check the extension even if you don't touch the data/supported-extensions file.

Here's an example of a commit message:

Improve the GD and ZIP extensions

Test: gd, zip

Tests only check the installation of a single PHP extension at a time. If you want to test installing more PHP extensions at the same time, use a commit message like this:

Improve the GD and ZIP extensions

Test: gd+zip

If your pull request contains multiple commits, we'll check the "Test:" message of every commit. If you want to stop parsing next commits, add -STOP- in the "Test:" line, for example:

Improve the GD and ZIP extensions

Test: gd, zip, -STOP-

See this pull request for an example.

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