yield from [1, 2, 3])()); static::assertCount(3, $iterator); } public function testCreateFromFactory(): void { $iterator = Iter\Iterator::from((static fn () => yield from [1, 2, 3])); static::assertCount(3, $iterator); } public function testSeek(): void { $iterator = new Iter\Iterator((static fn () => yield from [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])()); static::assertSame(1, $iterator->current()); $iterator->next(); static::assertSame(2, $iterator->current()); $iterator->next(); $iterator->seek(0); static::assertSame(1, $iterator->current()); $iterator->seek(4); static::assertSame(5, $iterator->current()); static::assertSame(5, $iterator->count()); $iterator->seek(1); static::assertSame(2, $iterator->current()); $iterator->seek(4); static::assertSame(5, $iterator->current()); static::assertSame(5, $iterator->count()); } public function testSeekThrowsForOutOfBoundIndex(): void { $iterator = new Iter\Iterator((static fn () => yield from [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])()); $this->expectException(InvariantViolationException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Position is out-of-bounds.'); $iterator->seek(30); } public function testIterating(): void { $spy = new MutableVector([]); $generator = (static function () use ($spy): iterable { for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $spy->add('generator (' . $i . ')'); yield ['foo', 'bar'] => $i; } })(); $rewindable = Iter\rewindable($generator); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { foreach ($rewindable as $k => $v) { $spy->add('foreach (' . $v . ')'); /** * Assert supports non-array-key keys. ( in this case, keys are arrays ). */ static::assertSame(['foo', 'bar'], $k); } } $rewindable->rewind(); while ($rewindable->valid()) { $spy->add('while (' . $rewindable->current() . ')'); $rewindable->next(); } /** * The following proves that : * - The iterator is capable of rewinding a generator. * - The generator is not exhausted immediately on construction. */ static::assertSame([ 'generator (0)', 'foreach (0)', 'generator (1)', 'foreach (1)', 'generator (2)', 'foreach (2)', 'foreach (0)', 'foreach (1)', 'foreach (2)', 'foreach (0)', 'foreach (1)', 'foreach (2)', 'while (0)', 'while (1)', 'while (2)', ], $spy->toArray()); } public function testRewindingValidGenerator(): void { $spy = new MutableVector([]); $generator = (static function () use ($spy): iterable { for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $spy->add($e = 'generator (' . $i . ')'); yield $i; } })(); $rewindable = Iter\rewindable($generator); foreach ($rewindable as $k => $v) { $spy->add('foreach (' . $v . ')'); break; } $rewindable->rewind(); do { $spy->add('do while (' . $rewindable->current() . ')'); break; } while ($rewindable->valid()); $rewindable->rewind(); while ($rewindable->valid()) { $spy->add('while (' . $rewindable->current() . ')'); break; } for ($rewindable->rewind(); $rewindable->valid(); $rewindable->next()) { $spy->add('for (' . $rewindable->current() . ')'); } static::assertSame([ 'generator (0)', 'foreach (0)', 'do while (0)', 'while (0)', 'for (0)', 'generator (1)', 'for (1)', 'generator (2)', 'for (2)', ], $spy->toArray()); } }