// vim:ft=javascript ARG_ENABLE("uv", "for uv support", "no"); ARG_ENABLE("uv-httpparser", "for httpparser support in the uv extension", "yes"); if (PHP_UV != "no") { var libuv_target_dir = ".\\libuv\\Release"; if (PHP_DEBUG == "yes") { libuv_target_dir = ".\\libuv\\Debug" } if (CHECK_HEADER_ADD_INCLUDE("uv.h", "CFLAGS_UV", PHP_EXTRA_INCLUDES + ';' + configure_module_dirname + "\\libuv\\include") && CHECK_LIB("uv.lib;libuv.lib", "uv", PHP_EXTRA_LIBS + ';' + libuv_target_dir) ) { if (PHP_UV_HTTPPARSER == "yes") { CHECK_HEADER_ADD_INCLUDE("http_parser.h", "CFLAGS_UV", configure_module_dirname + "\\http-parser") ADD_SOURCES(configure_module_dirname + ".\\http-parser", "http_parser.c", "uv") EXTENSION('uv', 'php_uv.c uv.c'); } else { EXTENSION('uv', 'php_uv.c uv.c'); } } else { WARNING("uv not enabled; libraries and/or headers not found. You have to execute vcbuild.bat first"); } CHECK_LIB("Iphlpapi.lib","uv", PHP_UV); CHECK_LIB("psapi.lib","uv", PHP_UV); CHECK_LIB("Ws2_32.lib","uv", PHP_UV); if (PHP_SOCKETS != "no") { ADD_EXTENSION_DEP('uv', 'sockets', false); } else { ERROR('uv depends on the sockets extension'); } }