mirror of https://github.com/danog/file.git synced 2024-12-02 09:17:57 +01:00
Aaron Piotrowski 28bdce091e
Rename Handle to File
Handle interface still provided for backward compatibility.
2019-08-23 14:47:03 -05:00

255 lines
7.4 KiB

namespace Amp\File\Test;
use Amp\ByteStream\ClosedException;
use Amp\File;
abstract class FileTest extends FilesystemTest
public function testWrite(): \Generator
$path = Fixture::path() . "/write";
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open($path, "c+");
$this->assertSame(0, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->write("bar");
yield $handle->seek(0);
$contents = yield $handle->read();
$this->assertSame(6, $handle->tell());
$this->assertSame("foobar", $contents);
yield $handle->close();
public function testEmptyWrite(): \Generator
$path = Fixture::path() . "/write";
$handle = yield File\open($path, "c+");
$this->assertSame(0, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->write("");
$this->assertSame(0, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->close();
public function testWriteAfterClose(): \Generator
$path = Fixture::path() . "/write";
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open($path, "c+");
yield $handle->close();
yield $handle->write("bar");
public function testDoubleClose(): \Generator
$path = Fixture::path() . "/write";
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open($path, "c+");
yield $handle->close();
$this->assertNull(yield $handle->close());
public function testWriteAfterEnd(): \Generator
$path = Fixture::path() . "/write";
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open($path, "c+");
$this->assertSame(0, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->end("foo");
yield $handle->write("bar");
public function testWriteInAppendMode(): \Generator
$path = Fixture::path() . "/write";
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open($path, "a+");
$this->assertSame(0, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->write("bar");
yield $handle->write("foo");
yield $handle->write("baz");
$this->assertSame(9, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->seek(0);
$this->assertSame(0, $handle->tell());
$this->assertSame("barfoobaz", yield $handle->read());
public function testReadingToEof(): \Generator
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open(__FILE__, "r");
$contents = "";
$position = 0;
$stat = yield File\stat(__FILE__);
$chunkSize = (int) \floor(($stat["size"] / 5));
while (!$handle->eof()) {
$chunk = yield $handle->read($chunkSize);
$contents .= $chunk;
$position += \strlen($chunk);
$this->assertSame($position, $handle->tell());
$this->assertNull(yield $handle->read());
$this->assertSame(yield File\get(__FILE__), $contents);
yield $handle->close();
public function testSequentialReads(): \Generator
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open(__FILE__, "r");
$contents = "";
$contents .= yield $handle->read(10);
$contents .= yield $handle->read(10);
$expected = \substr(yield File\get(__FILE__), 0, 20);
$this->assertSame($expected, $contents);
yield $handle->close();
public function testReadingFromOffset(): \Generator
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open(__FILE__, "r");
$this->assertSame(0, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->seek(10);
$this->assertSame(10, $handle->tell());
$chunk = yield $handle->read(90);
$this->assertSame(100, $handle->tell());
$expected = \substr(yield File\get(__FILE__), 10, 90);
$this->assertSame($expected, $chunk);
yield $handle->close();
public function testSeekThrowsOnInvalidWhence(): \Generator
try {
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open(__FILE__, "r");
yield $handle->seek(0, 99999);
} finally {
yield $handle->close();
public function testSeekSetCur(): \Generator
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open(__FILE__, "r");
$this->assertSame(0, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->seek(10);
$this->assertSame(10, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->seek(-10, \SEEK_CUR);
$this->assertSame(0, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->close();
public function testSeekSetEnd(): \Generator
$size = yield File\size(__FILE__);
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open(__FILE__, "r");
$this->assertSame(0, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->seek(-10, \SEEK_END);
$this->assertSame($size - 10, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->close();
public function testPath(): \Generator
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open(__FILE__, "r");
$this->assertSame(__FILE__, $handle->path());
yield $handle->close();
public function testMode(): \Generator
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open(__FILE__, "r");
$this->assertSame("r", $handle->mode());
yield $handle->close();
public function testClose(): \Generator
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open(__FILE__, "r");
yield $handle->close();
yield $handle->read();
* @depends testWrite
public function testTruncateToSmallerSize(): \Generator
$path = Fixture::path() . "/write";
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open($path, "c+");
yield $handle->write("bar");
yield $handle->truncate(4);
yield $handle->seek(0);
$contents = yield $handle->read();
$this->assertSame("foob", $contents);
yield $handle->write("bar");
$this->assertSame(7, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->seek(0);
$contents = yield $handle->read();
$this->assertSame("foobbar", $contents);
yield $handle->close();
* @depends testWrite
public function testTruncateToLargerSize(): \Generator
$path = Fixture::path() . "/write";
/** @var \Amp\File\File $handle */
$handle = yield File\open($path, "c+");
yield $handle->write("foo");
yield $handle->truncate(6);
$this->assertSame(3, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->seek(0);
$contents = yield $handle->read();
$this->assertSame("foo\0\0\0", $contents);
yield $handle->write("bar");
$this->assertSame(9, $handle->tell());
yield $handle->seek(0);
$contents = yield $handle->read();
$this->assertSame("foo\0\0\0bar", $contents);
yield $handle->close();