mirror of https://github.com/danog/file.git synced 2024-12-02 09:17:57 +01:00
2019-08-22 21:32:07 +02:00

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namespace Amp\File;
use Amp\CancellationToken;
use Amp\Delayed;
use Amp\Loop;
use Amp\NullCancellationToken;
use Amp\Promise;
use function Amp\call;
const LOOP_STATE_IDENTIFIER = Driver::class;
* Retrieve the application-wide filesystem instance.
* @param \Amp\File\Driver $driver Use the specified object as the application-wide filesystem instance
* @return \Amp\File\Driver
function filesystem(Driver $driver = null): Driver
if ($driver === null) {
$driver = Loop::getState(LOOP_STATE_IDENTIFIER);
if ($driver) {
return $driver;
$driver = createDefaultDriver();
if (\defined("AMP_WORKER") && $driver instanceof ParallelDriver) {
throw new \Error("Cannot use the parallel driver within a worker");
Loop::setState(LOOP_STATE_IDENTIFIER, $driver);
return $driver;
* Create a new filesystem driver best-suited for the current environment.
* @return \Amp\File\Driver
function createDefaultDriver(): Driver
$driver = Loop::get();
if (UvDriver::isSupported($driver)) {
return new UvDriver($driver);
if (EioDriver::isSupported()) {
return new EioDriver;
if (\defined("AMP_WORKER")) { // Prevent spawning infinite workers.
return new BlockingDriver;
return new ParallelDriver;
* Open a handle for the specified path.
* @param string $path
* @param string $mode
* @return \Amp\Promise<\Amp\File\Handle>
function open(string $path, string $mode): Promise
return filesystem()->open($path, $mode);
* Execute a file stat operation.
* If the requested path does not exist the resulting Promise will resolve to NULL.
* The returned Promise whould never resolve as a failure.
* @param string $path An absolute file system path
* @return \Amp\Promise<array|null>
function stat(string $path): Promise
return filesystem()->stat($path);
* Does the specified path exist?
* This function should never resolve as a failure -- only a successfull bool value
* indicating the existence of the specified path.
* @param string $path An absolute file system path
* @return \Amp\Promise<bool>
function exists(string $path): Promise
return filesystem()->exists($path);
* Retrieve the size in bytes of the file at the specified path.
* If the path does not exist or is not a regular file this
* function's returned Promise WILL resolve as a failure.
* @param string $path An absolute file system path
* @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the path does not exist or is not a file
* @return \Amp\Promise<int>
function size(string $path): Promise
return filesystem()->size($path);
* Does the specified path exist and is it a directory?
* If the path does not exist the returned Promise will resolve
* to FALSE and will not reject with an error.
* @param string $path An absolute file system path
* @return \Amp\Promise<bool>
function isdir(string $path): Promise
return filesystem()->isdir($path);
* Does the specified path exist and is it a file?
* If the path does not exist the returned Promise will resolve
* to FALSE and will not reject with an error.
* @param string $path An absolute file system path
* @return \Amp\Promise<bool>
function isfile(string $path): Promise
return filesystem()->isfile($path);
* Retrieve the path's last modification time as a unix timestamp.
* @param string $path An absolute file system path
* @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the path does not exist
* @return \Amp\Promise<int>
function mtime(string $path): Promise
return filesystem()->mtime($path);
* Retrieve the path's last access time as a unix timestamp.
* @param string $path An absolute file system path
* @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the path does not exist
* @return \Amp\Promise<int>
function atime($path)
return filesystem()->atime($path);
* Retrieve the path's creation time as a unix timestamp.
* @param string $path An absolute file system path
* @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the path does not exist
* @return \Amp\Promise<int>
function ctime(string $path): Promise
return filesystem()->ctime($path);
* Same as stat() except if the path is a link then the link's data is returned.
* If the requested path does not exist the resulting Promise will resolve to NULL.
* The returned Promise whould never resolve as a failure.
* @param string $path An absolute file system path
* @return \Amp\Promise<array|null>
function lstat(string $path): Promise
return filesystem()->lstat($path);
* Create a symlink $link pointing to the file/directory located at $original.
* @param string $original
* @param string $link
* @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the operation fails
* @return \Amp\Promise<null>
function symlink(string $original, string $link): Promise
return filesystem()->symlink($original, $link);
* Create a hard link $link pointing to the file/directory located at $original.
* @param string $original
* @param string $link
* @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the operation fails
* @return \Amp\Promise<null>
function link(string $original, string $link): Promise
return filesystem()->symlink($original, $link);
* Read the symlink at $path.
* @param string $path
* @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the operation fails
* @return \Amp\Promise<string>
function readlink(string $path): Promise
return filesystem()->readlink($path);
* Rename a file or directory.
* @param string $from
* @param string $to
* @fails \Amp\Files\FilesystemException If the operation fails
* @return \Amp\Promise<null>
function rename(string $from, string $to): Promise
return filesystem()->rename($from, $to);
* Delete a file.
* @param string $path
* @return \Amp\Promise<null>
function unlink(string $path): Promise
return filesystem()->unlink($path);
* Create a director.
* @param string $path
* @param int $mode
* @param bool $recursive
* @return \Amp\Promise<null>
function mkdir(string $path, int $mode = 0777, bool $recursive = false): Promise
return filesystem()->mkdir($path, $mode, $recursive);
* Delete a directory.
* @param string $path
* @return \Amp\Promise<null>
function rmdir(string $path): Promise
return filesystem()->rmdir($path);
* Retrieve an array of files and directories inside the specified path.
* Dot entries are not included in the resulting array (i.e. "." and "..").
* @param string $path
* @return \Amp\Promise<array>
function scandir(string $path): Promise
return filesystem()->scandir($path);
* chmod a file or directory.
* @param string $path
* @param int $mode
* @return \Amp\Promise<null>
function chmod(string $path, int $mode): Promise
return filesystem()->chmod($path, $mode);
* chown a file or directory.
* @param string $path
* @param int $uid -1 to ignore
* @param int $gid -1 to ignore
* @return \Amp\Promise<null>
function chown(string $path, int $uid, int $gid = -1): Promise
return filesystem()->chown($path, $uid, $gid);
* Update the access and modification time of the specified path.
* If the file does not exist it will be created automatically.
* @param string $path
* @param int $time The touch time. If $time is not supplied, the current system time is used.
* @param int $atime The access time. If $atime is not supplied, value passed to the $time parameter is used.
* @return \Amp\Promise<null>
function touch(string $path, int $time = null, int $atime = null): Promise
return filesystem()->touch($path, $time, $atime);
* Buffer the specified file's contents.
* @param string $path The file path from which to buffer contents
* @return \Amp\Promise<string>
function get(string $path): Promise
return filesystem()->get($path);
* Write the contents string to the specified path.
* @param string $path The file path to which to $contents should be written
* @param string $contents The data to write to the specified $path
* @return \Amp\Promise A promise resolving to the integer length written upon success
function put(string $path, string $contents): Promise
return filesystem()->put($path, $contents);
* Asynchronously lock a file
* Resolves with a callbable that MUST eventually be called in order to release the lock.
* @param string $file File to lock
* @param bool $shared Whether to acquire a shared or exclusive lock (\LOCK_SH or \LOCK_EX, see PHP flock docs)
* @param integer $polling Polling interval for lock in milliseconds
* @param CancellationToken $token Cancellation token
* @return \Amp\Promise Resolves with a callbable that MUST eventually be called in order to release the lock.
function lock(string $file, bool $shared, int $polling = 100, CancellationToken $token = null): Promise
return call(static function () use ($file, $shared, $polling, $token) {
$operation = $shared ? \LOCK_SH : \LOCK_EX;
$token = $token ?? new NullCancellationToken;
if (!yield exists($file)) {
yield \touch($file);
$operation |= LOCK_NB;
$res = \fopen($file, 'c');
do {
$result = \flock($res, $operation, $wouldblock);
if (!$result) {
if (!$wouldblock) {
throw new FilesystemException("Failed acquiring lock on file.");
yield new Delayed($polling);
} while (!$result);
return static function () use (&$res) {
if ($res) {
\flock($res, LOCK_UN);
$res = null;
* Asynchronously lock a file (shared lock)
* Resolves with a callbable that MUST eventually be called in order to release the lock.
* @param string $file File to lock
* @param integer $polling Polling interval for lock in milliseconds
* @param CancellationToken $token Cancellation token
* @return \Amp\Promise Resolves with a callbable that MUST eventually be called in order to release the lock.
function lockShared(string $file, int $polling = 100, CancellationToken $token = null): Promise
return lock($file, true, $polling, $token ?? new NullCancellationToken);
* Asynchronously lock a file (exclusive lock)
* Resolves with a callbable that MUST eventually be called in order to release the lock.
* @param string $file File to lock
* @param integer $polling Polling interval for lock in milliseconds
* @param CancellationToken $token Cancellation token
* @return \Amp\Promise Resolves with a callbable that MUST eventually be called in order to release the lock.
function lockExclusive(string $file, int $polling = 100, CancellationToken $token = null): Promise
return lock($file, false, $polling, $token ?? new NullCancellationToken);