2012-09-15 10:49:39 +02:00
should = require('chai').should()
fixtures = require './fixtures'
git = require '../src'
Commit = require '../src/commit'
Tree = require '../src/tree'
describe "Commit", ->
describe "#tree", ->
repo = git "#{__dirname}/fixtures/branched"
tree = null
before (done) ->
repo.commits "master", (err, commits) ->
tree = commits[0].tree()
done err
it "passes a tree", ->
tree.should.be.an.instanceof Tree
describe "#parents", ->
repo = fixtures.branched
parents = null
parent = null
before (done) ->
repo.commits "something", (err, commits) ->
parents = commits[0].parents()
parent = commits[1]
done err
it "is an Array of Commits", ->
parents.should.be.an.instanceof Array
parents[0].should.be.an.instanceof Commit
it "has the parent commit", ->
parents[0].id.should.eql parent.id