should = require 'should' sinon = require 'sinon' fs = require 'fs-extra' fixtures = require './fixtures' git = require '../src' Actor = require '../src/actor' Commit = require '../src/commit' Tree = require '../src/tree' Diff = require '../src/diff' Tag = require '../src/tag' Status = require '../src/status' {Ref, Head} = require '../src/ref' {exec} = require 'child_process' describe "Repo", -> describe "#add", -> repo = null git_dir = __dirname + "/fixtures/junk_add" status = null file = null # given a fresh new repo before (done) -> fs.remove git_dir, (err) -> return done err if err fs.mkdir git_dir, '0755', (err) -> return done err if err git.init git_dir, (err) -> return done err if err repo = git git_dir done() after (done) -> fs.remove git_dir, done describe "with only a file", -> file = 'foo.txt' # given a new file before (done) -> fs.writeFile "#{git_dir}/#{file}", "cheese", (err) -> return done err if err? repo.add "#{git_dir}/#{file}", (err) -> return done err if err? repo.status (err, _status) -> status = _status done err it "was added", -> file status.files[file] status.files[file] status.files[file].type.should.eql 'A' describe "with no file and all option", -> file = 'bar.txt' # given a new file before (done) -> fs.writeFile "#{git_dir}/#{file}", "cheese", (err) -> return done err if err? repo.add [], A:true, (err) -> return done err if err? repo.status (err, _status) -> status = _status done err it "was added", -> file status.files[file] status.files[file] status.files[file].type.should.eql 'A' describe "#sync", -> describe "when passed curried arguments", -> repo = fixtures.branched remote = branch = "" before -> sinon.stub repo, "git", (command, opts, args, callback) -> if command is "pull" remote = args[0] branch = args[1] callback? null sinon.stub repo, "status", (callback) -> callback? null, clean: no after -> repo.git.restore() repo.status.restore() it "passes through the correct parameters when nothing is omitted", (done) -> repo.sync "github", "my-branch", -> remote.should.eql "github" branch.should.eql "my-branch" done() it "passes through the correct parameters when remote_name is omitted", (done) -> repo.sync "my-branch", -> remote.should.eql "origin" branch.should.eql "my-branch" done() it "passes through the correct parameters when remote_name and branch are omitted", (done) -> repo.sync -> remote.should.eql "origin" branch.should.eql "master" done() describe "#identify", -> describe "when asked to set the identity's name and email", -> repo = fixtures.branched id = '' + new Date().getTime() name = "name-#{id}" email = "#{id}@domain" ident = null before (done) -> actor = new Actor(name, email) repo.identify actor, (err) -> done err if err repo.identity (err, _actor) -> ident = _actor done err after (done) -> exec "git checkout -- #{ repo.path }", done it "has correctly set them", -> name email describe "#commits", -> describe "with a single commit", -> repo = null commit = null git_dir = __dirname + "/fixtures/junk_commit" # given a fresh new repo before (done) -> fs.remove git_dir, (err) -> return done err if err? fs.mkdir git_dir, '0755', (err) -> return done err if err? git.init git_dir, (err) -> return done err if err? repo = git(git_dir) fs.writeFileSync "#{git_dir}/foo.txt", "cheese" repo.identify new Actor('root', ''), (err) -> return done err if err? repo.add "#{git_dir}/foo.txt", (err) -> return done err if err? repo.commit 'message with spaces', author: 'Someone ' , (err) -> return done err if err? repo.commits (err, _commits) -> commit = _commits[0] done err after (done) -> fs.remove git_dir, done it "has right message", (done) -> commit.message.should.eql 'message with spaces' 'Someone' '' done() it "has a tree", (done) -> commit.tree() Tree commit.tree().contents (err, child) -> return done err if err child.length.should.eql 1 child[0].name.should.eql 'foo.txt' done() describe "with only a callback", -> repo = fixtures.branched commits = null before (done) -> repo.commits (err, _commits) -> commits = _commits done err it "passes an Array", -> Array it "is a list of commits", -> commits[0].id.should.eql "913318e66e9beed3e89e9c402c1d6585ef3f7e6f" commits[0].repo.should.eql repo commits[0] "sentientwaffle" commits[0] "sentientwaffle" commits[0] Date commits[0] Date commits[0].parents() Array commits[0].message.should.eql "add a sub dir" describe "specify a branch", -> repo = fixtures.branched commits = null before (done) -> repo.commits "something", (err, _commits) -> commits = _commits done err # The first commit ... it "is the latest commit", -> commits[0].message.should.eql "2" it "has a parent commit", -> commits[0].parents().should.have.lengthOf 1 commits[0].parents()[0].id.should.eql commits[1].id describe "specify a tag", -> repo = fixtures.tagged commits = null before (done) -> repo.commits "tag-1", (err, _commits) -> commits = _commits done err it "is the latest commit on the tag", -> commits[0].message.should.containEql "commit 5" describe "limit the number of commits", -> repo = fixtures.tagged commits = null before (done) -> repo.commits "master", 2, (err, _commits) -> commits = _commits done err it "returns 2 commits", -> commits.should.have.lengthOf 2 describe "skip commits", -> repo = fixtures.tagged commits = null before (done) -> repo.commits "master", 1, 2, (err, _commits) -> commits = _commits done err it "returns 2 commits", -> commits[0].message.should.containEql "commit 4" describe "with or without gpg signature", -> repo = fixtures.gpgsigned commits = null before (done) -> repo.commits "master", (err, _commits) -> commits = _commits done err it "has no gpgsig", -> commits[0] it "has gpgsig", -> commits[1] it "contains the correct signature", -> commits[1].gpgsig.should.equal """ -----BEGIN#{" "}PGP#{" "}SIGNATURE----- #{" "}Version:#{" "}GnuPG#{" "}v2.0.22#{" "}(GNU/Linux) #{" "} #{" "}iQEcBAABAgAGBQJTQw8qAAoJEL0/h9tqDFPiP3UH/RwxUS90+6DEkThcKMmV9H4K #{" "}dr+D0H0z2ViMq3AHSmCydv5dWr3bupl2XyaLWWuRCxAJ78xuf98qVRIBfT/FKGeP #{" "}fz+GtXkv3naCD12Ay6YiwfxSQhxFiJtRwP5rla2i7hlV3BLFPYCWTtL8OLF4CoRm #{" "}7aF5EuDr1x7emEDyu1rf5E59ttSIySuIw0J1mTjrPCkC6lsowzTJS/vaCxZ3e7fN #{" "}iZE6VEWWY/iOxd8foJH/VZ3cfNKjfi8+Fh8t7o9ztjYTQAOZUJTn2CHB7Wkyr0Ar #{" "}HNM3v26gPFpb7UkHw0Cq2HWNV/Z7cbQc/BQ4HmrmuBPB6SWNOaBN751BbQKnPcA= #{" "}=IusH #{" "}-----END#{" "}PGP#{" "}SIGNATURE-----""" describe "#tree", -> repo = fixtures.branched describe "master", -> it "is a Tree", -> repo.tree() Tree it "checks out branch:master", (done) -> repo.tree().blobs (err, blobs) -> blobs[0].data (err, data) -> data.should.containEql "Bla" data.should.not.containEql "Bla2" done err describe "specific branch", -> it "is a Tree", -> repo.tree("something") Tree it "checks out branch:something", (done) -> repo.tree("something").blobs (err, blobs) -> blobs[0].data (err, data) -> data.should.containEql "Bla2" done err describe "#diff", -> repo = fixtures.branched describe "between 2 branches", -> diffs = null before (done) -> repo.diff "something", "master", (err, _diffs) -> diffs = _diffs done err it "is passes an Array of Diffs", -> Array diffs[0] Diff # The first diff... it "modifies the file", -> diffs[0].a_path.should.eql "" diffs[0].b_path.should.eql "" # The second diff... it "creates some/hi.txt", -> diffs[1] diffs[1].b_path.should.eql "some/hi.txt" describe "#remotes", -> describe "in a repository with remotes", -> repo = fixtures.remotes remotes = null before (done) -> repo.remotes (err, _remotes) -> remotes = _remotes done err it "is an Array of Refs", -> Array remotes[0] Ref it "contains the correct Refs", -> remotes[0] "bdd3996d38d885e18e5c5960df1c2c06e34d673f" remotes[0].name.should.eql "origin/HEAD" remotes[1] "bdd3996d38d885e18e5c5960df1c2c06e34d673f" remotes[1].name.should.eql "origin/master" describe "when there are no remotes", -> repo = fixtures.branched it "is an empty Array", -> repo.remotes (err, remotes) -> remotes.should.eql [] describe "#remote_list", -> describe "in a repository with remotes", -> repo = fixtures.remotes remotes = null before (done) -> repo.remote_list (err, _remotes) -> remotes = _remotes done err it "is a list of remotes", -> remotes.should.have.lengthOf 1 remotes[0].should.eql "origin" describe "when there are no remotes", -> repo = fixtures.branched it "is an empty Array", -> repo.remote_list (err, remotes) -> remotes.should.eql [] describe "#tags", -> describe "a repo with tags", -> repo = fixtures.tagged tags = null before (done) -> repo.tags (err, _tags) -> tags = _tags done err it "is an Array of Tags", -> Array tags[0] Tag it "is the correct tag", -> tags[0].name.should.eql "tag-1" describe "a repo without tags", -> repo = fixtures.branched it "is an empty array", (done) -> repo.tags (err, tags) -> tags.should.eql [] done err describe "#create_tag", -> repo = null git_dir = __dirname + "/fixtures/junk_create_tag" before (done) -> fs.remove git_dir, (err) -> return done err if err fs.mkdir git_dir, 0o755, (err) -> return done err if err git.init git_dir, (err) -> return done err if err repo = git(git_dir) repo.identify new Actor('name', 'em@il'), -> fs.writeFileSync "#{git_dir}/foo.txt", "cheese" repo.add "#{git_dir}/foo.txt", (err) -> return done err if err repo.commit "initial commit", {all: true}, done after (done) -> fs.remove git_dir, done it "creates a tag", (done) -> repo.create_tag "foo", done describe "#delete_tag", -> describe "deleting a tag that does not exist", -> repo = fixtures.branched it "passes an error", (done) -> repo.delete_tag "nonexistant-tag", (err) -> should.exist err done() describe "#branches", -> repo = fixtures.branched branches = null before (done) -> repo.branches (err, _branches) -> branches = _branches done err it "is an Array of Heads", -> Array branches[0] Head it "has the correct branches", -> branches[0].name.should.eql "master" branches[1].name.should.eql "something" describe "#branch", -> describe "when a branch name is given", -> repo = fixtures.branched branch = null before (done) -> repo.branch "something", (err, b) -> branch = b done err it "is a Head", -> Head it "has the correct name", -> "something" describe "when no branch name is given", -> repo = fixtures.branched branch = null before (done) -> repo.branch (err, b) -> branch = b done err it "has the correct name", -> "master" describe "an invalid branch", -> repo = fixtures.branched it "passes an error", (done) -> repo.branch "nonexistant-branch", (err, b) -> should.exist err should.not.exist b done() describe "current branch is (no branch)", -> repo = fixtures.noBranch it "passes an error", (done) -> repo.branch (err, b) -> should.exist err should.not.exist b done() describe "#delete_branch", -> describe "a branch that does not exist", -> repo = fixtures.branched it "passes an error", (done) -> repo.delete_branch "nonexistant-branch", (err) -> should.exist err done() describe "#clean", -> repo = null git_dir = __dirname + "/fixtures/junk_clean" status = null file = "bla.txt" dir = 'blah' # given a fresh new repo beforeEach (done) -> status = null fs.remove git_dir, (err) -> return done err if err fs.copy "#{__dirname}/fixtures/clean", "#{git_dir}", (err) -> return done err if err fs.rename "#{git_dir}/git.git", "#{git_dir}/.git", (err) -> return done err if err git.init git_dir, (err) -> repo = git git_dir fs.writeFile "#{git_dir}/#{file}", "hello", (err) -> return done err if err? fs.mkdir "#{git_dir}/#{dir}", (err) -> done err after (done) -> fs.remove git_dir, (err) -> done err describe "clean with no args shouldn't do anything", -> beforeEach (done) -> repo.clean -> repo.status (err, _status) -> status = _status done err it "leaves the untracked file alone", -> fs.existsSync("#{git_dir}/iamuntracked") fs.existsSync("#{git_dir}/iamuntracked/untracked.txt") fs.existsSync("#{git_dir}/#{dir}") file status.files[file] status.files[file] status.files[file] 'type' describe "clean --force", -> beforeEach (done) -> repo.clean {force: true}, -> repo.status (err, _status) -> status = _status done err it "should remove the file but not the directory", -> file fs.existsSync("#{git_dir}/#{dir}") fs.existsSync("#{git_dir}/iamuntracked") # git does not clean untracked files in untracked directories fs.existsSync("#{git_dir}/iamuntracked/untracked.txt") describe "clean -df", -> beforeEach (done) -> repo.clean {force: true, d: true}, -> repo.status (err, _status) -> status = _status done err it "removes the file and directory", -> file fs.existsSync("#{git_dir}/#{dir}") fs.existsSync("#{git_dir}/iamuntracked") fs.existsSync("#{git_dir}/iamuntracked/untracked.txt") describe "#reset", -> repo = null git_dir = __dirname + "/fixtures/junk_reset" status = null file = "bla.txt" # given a fresh new repo beforeEach (done) -> status = null fs.remove git_dir, (err) -> return done err if err fs.copy "#{__dirname}/fixtures/reset", "#{git_dir}", (err) -> return done err if err fs.rename "#{git_dir}/git.git", "#{git_dir}/.git", (err) -> return done err if err git.init git_dir, (err) -> repo = git git_dir fs.writeFile "#{git_dir}/#{file}", "hello", (err) -> return done err if err? repo.add "#{git_dir}/#{file}", (err) -> done err after (done) -> fs.remove git_dir, (err) -> done err describe "reset without specific treeish (defaults to HEAD)", -> describe "reset (--mixed)", -> beforeEach (done) -> repo.reset -> repo.status (err, _status) -> status = _status done err it "removes the file from index, leaves it in working tree", -> file status.files[file] status.files[file] status.files[file] 'type' describe "reset --soft", -> beforeEach (done) -> repo.reset {soft: true}, -> repo.status (err, _status) -> status = _status done err it "leaves the added file in the index", -> file status.files[file] status.files[file] status.files[file].type.should.eql 'A' describe "reset --hard", -> beforeEach (done) -> repo.reset {hard: true}, -> repo.status (err, _status) -> status = _status done err it "removes the file from index and working tree", -> file describe "reset to specific treeish", -> describe "reset (--mixed) HEAD~1", -> beforeEach (done) -> repo.reset 'HEAD~1', -> repo.status (err, _status) -> status = _status done err it "resets to HEAD~1, changes stay in the working tree", -> file status.files[file] status.files[file] status.files[file] 'type' 'rawr.txt' status.files['rawr.txt'] status.files['rawr.txt'] status.files['rawr.txt'] 'type' describe "reset --soft HEAD~1", -> beforeEach (done) -> repo.reset 'HEAD~1', {soft: true}, -> repo.status (err, _status) -> status = _status done err it "resets to HEAD~1, changes stay in the index and working tree", -> file status.files[file] status.files[file] status.files[file].type.should.eql 'A' 'rawr.txt' status.files['rawr.txt'] status.files['rawr.txt'] status.files['rawr.txt'].type.should.eql 'AM' describe "reset --hard HEAD~1", -> beforeEach (done) -> repo.reset 'HEAD~1', {hard: true}, -> repo.status (err, _status) -> status = _status done err it "resets to HEAD~1, all changes get discarded completely", -> file 'rawr.txt' describe "#checkoutFile", -> repo = null git_dir = __dirname + "/fixtures/junk_checkoutFile" status = null file = "bla.txt" # given a fresh new repo beforeEach (done) -> status = null fs.remove git_dir, (err) -> return done err if err fs.copy "#{__dirname}/fixtures/reset", "#{git_dir}", (err) -> return done err if err fs.rename "#{git_dir}/git.git", "#{git_dir}/.git", (err) -> git.init git_dir, (err) -> return done err if err repo = git git_dir fs.writeFile "#{git_dir}/#{file}", "hello", (err) -> return done err if err? repo.add "#{git_dir}/#{file}", (err) -> done err after (done) -> fs.remove git_dir, (err) -> done err describe "passing no explicit files", -> beforeEach (done) -> repo.checkoutFile -> repo.status (err, _status) -> status = _status done err it "discards changes in the working tree for all files", -> file status.files[file] status.files[file] status.files[file].type.should.eql 'A' 'rawr.txt' status.files['rawr.txt'] status.files['rawr.txt'] status.files['rawr.txt'].type.should.eql 'M' describe "passing an explicit file", -> beforeEach (done) -> repo.checkoutFile 'rawr.txt', -> repo.status (err, _status) -> status = _status done err it "discard changes to the specified file", -> 'rawr.txt' status.files['rawr.txt'] status.files['rawr.txt'] status.files['rawr.txt'].type.should.eql 'M'