mirror of https://github.com/danog/gift.git synced 2024-11-26 20:04:47 +01:00
Sergey Kovalyov 0d951d75d4 Disable Git.clone() test
This test fails on Travis as cloning from GitHub requires accepting the
host authenticity, expects user input and eventually fails on timeout.
It makes sense to uncomment this test only locally.
2013-09-24 10:37:19 +02:00

59 lines
1.6 KiB

should = require 'should'
git = require '../src'
Repo = require '../src/repo'
fs = require "fs"
{exec} = require 'child_process'
describe "git", ->
describe "()", ->
repo = git "#{__dirname}/fixtures/simple"
it "returns a Repo", ->
repo.should.be.an.instanceof Repo
describe "init()", ->
repo = null
newRepositoryDir = "#{__dirname}/fixtures/new"
before (done) ->
fs.mkdirSync newRepositoryDir
git.init newRepositoryDir, (err, _repo) ->
repo = _repo
done err
it "inits a Repo", ->
repo.should.be.an.instanceof Repo
bare = repo.bare || false
after (done) ->
exec "rm -rf #{newRepositoryDir}", done
describe "init() bare", ->
repo = null
newRepositoryDir = "#{__dirname}/fixtures/bare"
before (done) ->
fs.mkdirSync newRepositoryDir
git.init newRepositoryDir, true, (err, _repo) ->
repo = _repo
done err
it "inits a bare Repo", ->
repo.should.be.an.instanceof Repo
bare = repo.bare || false
after (done) ->
exec "rm -rf #{newRepositoryDir}", done
describe "clone()", ->
@timeout 30000
repo = null
newRepositoryDir = "#{__dirname}/fixtures/clone"
before (done) ->
git.clone "git@github.com:sentientwaffle/gift.git", newRepositoryDir, (err, _repo) ->
repo = _repo
done err
it "clone a repository", (done) ->
repo.should.be.an.instanceof Repo
repo.remote_list (err, remotes) ->
remotes.should.have.length 1
after (done) ->
exec "rm -rf #{newRepositoryDir}", done