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synced 2025-01-23 08:01:18 +01:00
156 lines
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156 lines
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package cmd
import (
kingpin "gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2"
// Command-line options
var (
buildOptions site.BuildOptions
configFlags = config.Flags{}
profile = false
quiet = false
var (
app = kingpin.New("gojekyll", "a (somewhat) Jekyll-compatible blog generator")
source = app.Flag("source", "Source directory").Short('s').Default(".").ExistingDir()
_ = app.Flag("destination", "Destination directory").Short('d').Action(stringVar("destination", &configFlags.Destination)).String()
_ = app.Flag("drafts", "Render posts in the _drafts folder").Short('D').Action(boolVar("drafts", &configFlags.Drafts)).Bool()
_ = app.Flag("future", "Publishes posts with a future date").Action(boolVar("future", &configFlags.Future)).Bool()
_ = app.Flag("unpublished", "Render posts that were marked as unpublished").Action(boolVar("unpublished", &configFlags.Unpublished)).Bool()
versionFlag = app.Flag("version", "Print the name and version").Short('v').Bool()
build = app.Command("build", "Build your site").Alias("b")
clean = app.Command("clean", "Clean the site (removes site output) without building.")
benchmark = app.Command("benchmark", "Repeat build for ten seconds. Implies --profile.")
render = app.Command("render", "Render a file or URL path to standard output")
renderPath = render.Arg("PATH", "Path or URL").String()
routes = app.Command("routes", "Display site permalinks and associated files")
dynamicRoutes = routes.Flag("dynamic", "Only show routes to non-static files").Bool()
serve = app.Command("serve", "Serve your site locally").Alias("server").Alias("s")
open = serve.Flag("open-url", "Launch your site in a browser").Short('o').Bool()
_ = app.Flag("host", "Host to bind to").Short('H').Action(stringVar("host", &configFlags.Host)).String()
_ = serve.Flag("port", "Port to listen on").Short('P').Action(intVar("port", &configFlags.Port)).Int()
variables = app.Command("variables", "Display a file or URL path's variables").Alias("v").Alias("var").Alias("vars")
variablePath = variables.Arg("PATH", "Path, URL, site, or site...").String()
versionCmd = app.Command("version", "Print the name and version")
func init() {
app.Flag("profile", "Create a Go pprof CPU profile").BoolVar(&profile)
app.Flag("quiet", "Silence (some) output.").Short('q').BoolVar(&quiet)
build.Flag("dry-run", "Dry run").Short('n').BoolVar(&buildOptions.DryRun)
// ParseAndRun parses and executes the command-line arguments.
func ParseAndRun(args []string) error {
if reflect.DeepEqual(args, []string{"--version"}) {
return nil
cmd := kingpin.MustParse(app.Parse(args))
if configFlags.Destination != nil {
dest, err := filepath.Abs(*configFlags.Destination)
app.FatalIfError(err, "")
configFlags.Destination = &dest
if buildOptions.DryRun {
buildOptions.Verbose = true
return run(cmd)
func printVersion() {
fmt.Printf("gojekyll %s\n", Version)
func run(cmd string) error { // nolint: gocyclo
if profile || cmd == benchmark.FullCommand() {
defer setupProfiling()()
// These commands run *without* loading the site
switch cmd {
case benchmark.FullCommand():
return benchmarkCommand()
case versionCmd.FullCommand():
return nil
site, err := loadSite(*source, configFlags)
if *versionFlag {
logger.label("Version:", Version)
if err != nil {
return err
// These commands run after the site is loaded
switch cmd {
case build.FullCommand():
return buildCommand(site)
case clean.FullCommand():
return cleanCommand(site)
case render.FullCommand():
return renderCommand(site)
case routes.FullCommand():
return routesCommand(site)
case serve.FullCommand():
return serveCommand(site)
case variables.FullCommand():
return varsCommand(site)
// kingpin should have provided help and exited before here
panic("unknown command")
// Load the site, and print the common banner settings.
func loadSite(source string, flags config.Flags) (*site.Site, error) {
site, err := site.FromDirectory(source, flags)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
const configurationFileLabel = "Configuration file:"
if site.ConfigFile != nil {
logger.path(configurationFileLabel, *site.ConfigFile)
} else {
logger.label(configurationFileLabel, "none")
logger.label("Source:", site.SourceDir())
err = site.Read()
return site, err
func setupProfiling() func() {
profilePath := "gojekyll.prof"
logger.label("Profiling...", "")
f, err := os.Create(profilePath)
app.FatalIfError(err, "")
err = pprof.StartCPUProfile(f)
app.FatalIfError(err, "")
return func() {
err = f.Close()
app.FatalIfError(err, "")
logger.Info("Wrote", profilePath)