Go Jekyll
When I grow up, I want to be a Go implementation of Jekyll.
This project is missing more functionality than it implements. It may accidentally work on tiny or simple sites.
When using an embedded Liquid engine (that isn't very compliant with the Liquid spec), it's about 50x faster than Jekyll. When using an un-optimized JSON-RPC connection to a JavaScript library (see below), it's about 5x faster.
- Content
- Front Matter
- Posts
- Categories
- Tags
- Drafts
- Future
- Related
- Static Files
- Variables
- Collections -- rendered, but not available as variables
- Data Files
- Assets
- Coffeescript
- Sass/SCSS
- Sass caching
- Customization
- Templates
- link tag
- include tag
- Remaining Jekyll Liquid tags
- Jekyll Liquid filters
- Includes
- Permalinks
- Pagination
- Themes
- Layouts
- Templates
- Server
- Directory watch
- Live reload
- Windows -- not tested
go install osteele/gojekyll/cmd/gojekyll
Sometimes this package benefits from my unmerged improvements to the acstech/liquid library. If you want to use my fork instead:
cd $(go env GOPATH)/src/github.com/acstech/liquid
git remote add osteele https://github.com/osteele/liquid.git
git pull -f osteele
(See articles by Shlomi Noach and Francesc Campoy for how this works and why it is necessary.)
gojekyll build # builds into ./_site
gojekyll serve # serves from memory, w/ live reload
gojekyll # use a local Liquid engine server
gojekyll help
Liquid Template Server
The embedded Liquid server isn't very compliant with Shopfiy Liquid syntax.
You can run a "Liquid Template Server" on the same machine, and tell gojekyll
to use this instead.
This is currently about 10x slower than using the embedded engine, but still 5x faster than Ruby jekyll
- Download and run (liquid-template-server)[https://github.com/osteele/liquid-template-server].
- Invoke
with the--use-liquid-server
option; e.g.:
gojekyll --use-liquid-server build
gojekyll --use-liquid-server serve
Neither the embedded Liquid server nor the Liquid Template Server implements very many Jekyll Liquid filters or tags. I'm adding to these as necessary to support my own sites.
Install package dependencies and development tools:
make setup
make test
make lint
gojekyll render index.md # render a file to stdout
gojekyll render / # render a URL to stdout
gojekyll variables / # print a file or URL's variables
is an alternative to the gojekyll
executable, that uses go run
each time it's invoked.
gojekyll --remote-liquid profile
go tool pprof gojekyll gojekyll.prof
For rendering Liquid templates: ACS Technologies's fork acstech/liquid of Karl Seguin's karlseguin/liquid Go implementation; or, Jun Yang's JavaScript implementation harttle/shopify-liquid via JSON-RPC.
Jascha Ephraim's jaschaephraim/lrserver Live Reload server.
https://github.com/pkg/browser to open the URL in a browser.
The gopher image in the test directory is from Wikimedia Commons. It is used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Hugo isn't Jekyll-compatible (-), but actually works (+++).
Jekyll, of course.
This project is a clean-room implementation of Jekyll, based solely on Jekyll's documentation and testing a few sites.
Alternate Naming Possibilities
- "Gekyll". (Hard or soft "g"? See gif.)
- "Gekko"