#!/bin/bash # bashbot, the Telegram bot written in bash. # Written by Drew (@topkecleon) and Daniil Gentili (@danogentili). # Also contributed: JuanPotato, BigNerd95, TiagoDanin, iicc1. # https://github.com/topkecleon/telegram-bot-bash # Depends on JSON.sh (http://github.com/dominictarr/JSON.sh) (MIT/Apache), # and on tmux (http://github.com/tmux/tmux) (BSD). # Licensed under gplv3 if [ ! -f "JSON.sh/JSON.sh" ]; then echo "You did not clone recursively! Downloading JSON.sh..." git clone http://github.com/dominictarr/JSON.sh echo "JSON.sh has been downloaded. Proceeding." fi source commands.sh source URL='https://api.pwrtelegram.xyz/bot'$TOKEN SCRIPT="$0" MSG_URL=$URL'/sendMessage' PHO_URL=$URL'/sendPhoto' AUDIO_URL=$URL'/sendAudio' DOCUMENT_URL=$URL'/sendDocument' STICKER_URL=$URL'/sendSticker' VIDEO_URL=$URL'/sendVideo' VOICE_URL=$URL'/sendVoice' LOCATION_URL=$URL'/sendLocation' VENUE_URL=$URL'/sendVenue' ACTION_URL=$URL'/sendChatAction' FORWARD_URL=$URL'/forwardMessage' INLINE_QUERY=$URL'/answerInlineQuery' ME_URL=$URL'/getMe' ME=$(curl -s $ME_URL | ./JSON.sh/JSON.sh -s | egrep '\["result","username"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) FILE_URL='https://api.pwrtelegram.xyz/file/bot'$TOKEN'/' UPD_URL=$URL'/getUpdates?offset=' GET_URL=$URL'/getFile' OFFSET=0 declare -A USER MESSAGE URLS CONTACT LOCATION send_message() { [ "$2" = "" ] && return 1 local chat="$1" local text="$(echo "$2" | sed 's/ mykeyboardstartshere.*//g;s/ myfilelocationstartshere.*//g;s/ mylatstartshere.*//g;s/ mylongstartshere.*//g;s/ mytitlestartshere.*//g;s/ myaddressstartshere.*//g')" local arg="$3" [ "$3" != "safe" ] && { local keyboard="$(echo "$2" | sed '/mykeyboardstartshere /!d;s/.*mykeyboardstartshere //g;s/ myfilelocationstartshere.*//g;s/ mylatstartshere.*//g;s/ mylongstartshere.*//g;s/ mytitlestartshere.*//g;s/ myaddressstartshere.*//g')" local file="$(echo "$2" | sed '/myfilelocationstartshere /!d;s/.*myfilelocationstartshere //g;s/ mykeyboardstartshere.*//g;s/ mylatstartshere.*//g;s/ mylongstartshere.*//g;s/ mytitlestartshere.*//g;s/ myaddressstartshere.*//g')" local lat="$(echo "$2" | sed '/mylatstartshere /!d;s/.*mylatstartshere //g;s/ mykeyboardstartshere.*//g;s/ myfilelocationstartshere.*//g;s/ mylongstartshere.*//g;s/ mytitlestartshere.*//g;s/ myaddressstartshere.*//g')" local long="$(echo "$2" | sed '/mylongstartshere /!d;s/.*mylongstartshere //g;s/ mykeyboardstartshere.*//g;s/ myfilelocationstartshere.*//g;s/ mylatstartshere.*//g;s/ mytitlestartshere.*//g;s/ myaddressstartshere.*//g')" local title="$(echo "$2" | sed '/mytitlestartshere /!d;s/.*mylongstartshere //g;s/ mykeyboardstartshere.*//g;s/ myfilelocationstartshere.*//g;s/ mylatstartshere.*//g;s/ myaddressstartshere.*//g')" local address="$(echo "$2" | sed '/myaddressstartshere /!d;s/.*mylongstartshere //g;s/ mykeyboardstartshere.*//g;s/ myfilelocationstartshere.*//g;s/ mylatstartshere.*//g;s/ mytitlestartshere.*//g')" } if [ "$keyboard" != "" ]; then send_keyboard "$chat" "$text" "$keyboard" local sent=y fi if [ "$file" != "" ]; then send_file "$chat" "$file" "$text" rm "$file" local sent=y fi if [ "$lat" != "" -a "$long" != "" -a "$address" = "" -a "$title" = "" ]; then send_location "$chat" "$lat" "$long" local sent=y fi if [ "$lat" != "" -a "$long" != "" -a "$address" != "" -a "$title" != "" ]; then send_venue "$chat" "$lat" "$long" "$title" "$address" local sent=y fi if [ "$sent" != "y" ];then send_text "$chat" "$text" fi } send_text() { case "$2" in html_parse_mode*) send_html_message "$1" "${2//html_parse_mode}" ;; markdown_parse_mode*) send_markdown_message "$1" "${2//markdown_parse_mode}" ;; *) res=$(curl -s "$MSG_URL" -d "chat_id=$1" -d "text=$2") ;; esac } send_markdown_message() { res=$(curl -s "$MSG_URL" -d "chat_id=$1" -d "text=$2" -d "parse_mode=markdown") } send_html_message() { res=$(curl -s "$MSG_URL" -F "chat_id=$1" -F "text=$2" -F "parse_mode=html") } answer_inline_query() { case $2 in "article") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"'$2'","id":"'$RANDOM'","title":"'$3'","message_text":"'$4'"}]' ;; "photo") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"'$2'","id":"'$RANDOM'","photo_url":"'$3'","thumb_url":"'$4'"}]' ;; "gif") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"'$2'","id":"'$RANDOM'","gif_url":"'$3'", "thumb_url":"'$4'"}]' ;; "mpeg4_gif") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"'$2'","id":"'$RANDOM'","mpeg4_url":"'$3'"}]' ;; "video") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"'$2'","id":"'$RANDOM'","video_url":"'$3'","mime_type":"'$4'","thumb_url":"'$5'","title":"'$6'"}]' ;; "audio") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"'$2'","id":"'$RANDOM'","audio_url":"'$3'","title":"'$4'"}]' ;; "voice") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"'$2'","id":"'$RANDOM'","voice_url":"'$3'","title":"'$4'"}]' ;; "document") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"'$2'","id":"'$RANDOM'","title":"'$3'","caption":"'$4'","document_url":"'$5'","mime_type":"'$6'"}]' ;; "location") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"'$2'","id":"'$RANDOM'","latitude":"'$3'","longitude":"'$4'","title":"'$5'"}]' ;; "venue") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"'$2'","id":"'$RANDOM'","latitude":"'$3'","longitude":"'$4'","title":"'$5'","address":"'$6'"}]' ;; "contact") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"'$2'","id":"'$RANDOM'","phone_number":"'$3'","first_name":"'$4'"}]' ;; # Cached media stored in Telegram server "cached_photo") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"photo","id":"'$RANDOM'","photo_file_id":"'$3'"}]' ;; "cached_gif") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"gif","id":"'$RANDOM'","gif_file_id":"'$3'"}]' ;; "cached_mpeg4_gif") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"mpeg4_gif","id":"'$RANDOM'","mpeg4_file_id":"'$3'"}]' ;; "cached_sticker") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"sticker","id":"'$RANDOM'","sticker_file_id":"'$3'"}]' ;; "cached_document") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"document","id":"'$RANDOM'","title":"'$3'","document_file_id":"'$4'"}]' ;; "cached_video") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"video","id":"'$RANDOM'","video_file_id":"'$3'","title":"'$4'"}]' ;; "cached_voice") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"voice","id":"'$RANDOM'","voice_file_id":"'$3'","title":"'$4'"}]' ;; "cached_audio") InlineQueryResult='[{"type":"audio","id":"'$RANDOM'","audio_file_id":"'$3'"}]' ;; esac res=$(curl -s "$INLINE_QUERY" -F "inline_query_id=$1" -F "results=$InlineQueryResult") } send_keyboard() { local chat="$1" local text="$2" shift 2 local keyboard=init OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=$(echo -en "\"") for f in $*;do [ "$f" != " " ] && local keyboard="$keyboard, [\"$f\"]";done IFS=$OLDIFS local keyboard=${keyboard/init, /} res=$(curl -s "$MSG_URL" --header "content-type: multipart/form-data" -F "chat_id=$chat" -F "text=$text" -F "reply_markup={\"keyboard\": [$keyboard],\"one_time_keyboard\": true}") } get_file() { [ "$1" == "" ] && return dlres= while [ "$dlres" = "" ] || [ "$dlres" == '{"ok":true,"error_code":202,"description":"File is already being downloaded. Please try again later."}' ];do dlres=$(curl -s "$GET_URL" -F "file_id=$1") send_message "${USER[ID]}" "Downloading the file..." done echo $FILE_URL$(echo "$dlres" | ./JSON.sh/JSON.sh -s | egrep '\["result","file_path"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) } send_file() { [ "$2" = "" ] && return local chat_id=$1 local file=$2 echo "$file" | grep -qE $FILE_REGEX || return local ext="${file##*.}" case $ext in "mp3") CUR_URL=$AUDIO_URL WHAT=audio STATUS=upload_audio ;; png|jpg|jpeg|gif) CUR_URL=$PHO_URL WHAT=photo STATUS=upload_photo ;; webp) CUR_URL=$STICKER_URL WHAT=sticker STATUS= ;; mp4) CUR_URL=$VIDEO_URL WHAT=video STATUS=upload_video ;; ogg) CUR_URL=$VOICE_URL WHAT=voice STATUS= ;; *) CUR_URL=$DOCUMENT_URL WHAT=document STATUS=upload_document ;; esac send_action $chat_id $STATUS res=$(curl "$URL"/sendfile -F "chat_id=$chat_id" -F "file=@$file") rm "$file" } # typing for text messages, upload_photo for photos, record_video or upload_video for videos, record_audio or upload_audio for audio files, upload_document for general files, find_location for location send_action() { [ "$2" = "" ] && return res=$(curl -s "$ACTION_URL" -F "chat_id=$1" -F "action=$2") } send_location() { [ "$3" = "" ] && return res=$(curl -s "$LOCATION_URL" -F "chat_id=$1" -F "latitude=$2" -F "longitude=$3") } send_venue() { [ "$5" = "" ] && return [ "$6" != "" ] add="-F \"foursquare_id=$6\"" res=$(curl -s "$VENUE_URL" -F "chat_id=$1" -F "latitude=$2" -F "longitude=$3" -F "title=$4" -F "address=$5" $add) } forward() { [ "$3" = "" ] && return res=$(curl -s "$FORWARD_URL" -F "chat_id=$1" -F "from_chat_id=$2" -F "message_id=$3") } startproc() { killproc mkfifo /tmp/$copname TMUX= tmux new-session -d -s $copname "$* &>/tmp/$copname; echo imprettydarnsuredatdisisdaendofdacmd>/tmp/$copname" TMUX= tmux new-session -d -s sendprocess_$copname "bash $SCRIPT outproc ${USER[ID]} $copname" } killproc() { (tmux kill-session -t $copname; echo imprettydarnsuredatdisisdaendofdacmd>/tmp/$copname; tmux kill-session -t sendprocess_$copname; rm -r /tmp/$copname)2>/dev/null } inproc() { tmux send-keys -t $copname "$MESSAGE ${URLS[*]} " } process_client() { # Message MESSAGE=$(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","text"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) MESSAGE_ID=$(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","id"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) # User USER[ID]=$(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","chat","id"\]' | cut -f 2) USER[FIRST_NAME]=$(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","chat","first_name"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) USER[LAST_NAME]=$(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","chat","last_name"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) USER[USERNAME]=$(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","chat","username"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) # Audio URLS[AUDIO]=$(get_file $(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","audio","file_id"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2)) # Document URLS[DOCUMENT]=$(get_file $(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","document","file_id"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2)) # Photo URLS[PHOTO]=$(get_file $(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","photo",.*,"file_id"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2 | sed -n '$p')) # Sticker URLS[STICKER]=$(get_file $(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","sticker","file_id"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2)) # Video URLS[VIDEO]=$(get_file $(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","video","file_id"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2)) # Voice URLS[VOICE]=$(get_file $(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","voice","file_id"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2)) # Contact CONTACT[NUMBER]=$(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","contact","phone_number"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) CONTACT[FIRST_NAME]=$(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","contact","first_name"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) CONTACT[LAST_NAME]=$(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","contact","last_name"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) CONTACT[USER_ID]=$(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","contact","user_id"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) # Caption CAPTION=$(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","caption"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) # Location LOCATION[LONGITUDE]=$(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","location","longitude"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) LOCATION[LATITUDE]=$(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"message","location","latitude"\]' | cut -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2) NAME="$(echo ${URLS[*]} | sed 's/.*\///g')" # Tmux copname="$ME"_"${USER[ID]}" source commands.sh tmpcount="COUNT${USER[ID]}" cat count | grep -q "$tmpcount" || echo "$tmpcount">>count # To get user count execute bash bashbot.sh count } # source the script with source as param to use functions in other scripts while [ "$1" == "startbot" ]; do { res=$(curl -s $UPD_URL$OFFSET | ./JSON.sh/JSON.sh -s) # Offset OFFSET=$(echo "$res" | egrep '\["result",0,"update_id"\]' | cut -f 2) OFFSET=$((OFFSET+1)) if [ $OFFSET != 1 ]; then process_client& fi }; done case "$1" in "outproc") until [ "$line" = "imprettydarnsuredatdisisdaendofdacmd" ];do line= read -t 10 line [ "$line" != "" -a "$line" != "imprettydarnsuredatdisisdaendofdacmd" ] && send_message "$2" "$line" done /dev/null tmux new-session -d -s $ME "bash $SCRIPT startbot" && echo "Bot started successfully. Tmux session name is $ME" || echo "An error occurred while starting the bot." ;; "kill") tmux kill-session -t $ME &>/dev/null echo "Bot was killed successfully. " ;; "help") less README.md ;; "attach") tmux attach -t $ME ;; *) echo "Available arguments: outproc, count, broadcast, start, kill, help, attach" ;; esac