/** * Module to inline styles while loading the existing stylesheets async * * @author Ben Zörb @bezoerb https://github.com/bezoerb * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Ben Zörb * * Licensed under the MIT license. * http://bezoerb.mit-license.org/ * All rights reserved. */ 'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const isString = require('lodash.isstring'); const isRegExp = require('lodash.isregexp'); const reaver = require('reaver'); const slash = require('slash'); const Dom = require('./src/dom'); const {prettifyCss, extractCss} = require('./src/css'); const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { minify: true, extract: false, polyfill: false, preload: false, ignore: [], replaceStylesheets: false, noscript: 'body', }; /** * Fixup slashes in file paths for windows * * @param {string} str Filepath * @return {string} Normalized path */ function normalizePath(str) { return process.platform === 'win32' ? slash(str) : str; } /** * Main function ;) * @param {string} html HTML String * @param {string} styles CSS String * @param {object} options Options * @returns {string} HTML Source with inlined critical css */ function inline(html, styles, options) { const o = {...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...(options || {})}; // console.log(o); if (!isString(html)) { html = String(html); } if (!Array.isArray(o.ignore)) { o.ignore = [o.ignore].filter(i => i); } const document = new Dom(html, o); const inlineStyles = document.getInlineStyles(); const externalStyles = document.getExternalStyles(); const missingStyles = extractCss(styles, ...inlineStyles); const links = externalStyles.filter(link => { // Only take stylesheets const stylesheet = link.getAttribute('rel') === 'stylesheet'; // Filter ignored links const href = link.getAttribute('href'); return stylesheet && !o.ignore.some(i => (isRegExp(i) && i.test(href)) || i === href); }); const targetSelectors = [ o.selector, ':not(noscript) > link[rel="stylesheet"]', ':not(noscript) > link[rel="preload"][as="style"]', 'head script', ]; const target = document.querySelector(targetSelectors); const inlined = `${inlineStyles}\n${missingStyles}`; if (missingStyles) { if (o.minify) { document.addInlineStyles(missingStyles, target); } else { document.addInlineStyles(prettifyCss(missingStyles, document.indent), target); } } if (Array.isArray(o.replaceStylesheets) && links.length > 0) { // Detect links to be removed const [ref] = links; const removable = [...document.querySelectorAll('link[rel="stylesheet"], link[rel="preload"][as="style"]')].filter( link => { // Filter ignored links const href = link.getAttribute('href'); return !o.ignore.some(i => (isRegExp(i) && i.test(href)) || i === href); } ); // Add link tags before old links // eslint-disable-next-line array-callback-return o.replaceStylesheets.map(href => { const link = document.createElement('link'); link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); link.setAttribute('href', href); document.addNoscript(link); if (o.polyfill) { link.setAttribute('rel', 'preload'); link.setAttribute('as', 'style'); link.setAttribute('onload', "this.onload=null;this.rel='stylesheet'"); } else { link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); link.setAttribute('media', 'print'); link.setAttribute('onload', "this.media='all'"); } document.insertBefore(link, ref); if (!o.polyfill && o.preload) { const preload = document.createElement('link'); preload.setAttribute('rel', 'preload'); preload.setAttribute('href', link.getAttribute('href')); preload.setAttribute('as', 'style'); document.insertBefore(preload, link); } }); // Remove old links // eslint-disable-next-line array-callback-return removable.map(link => { if (link.parentElement.tagName === 'NOSCRIPT') { document.remove(link.parentElement); } else { document.remove(link); } }); } else { // Modify links and add clones to noscript block // eslint-disable-next-line array-callback-return links.map(link => { if (o.extract) { const href = link.getAttribute('href'); const file = path.resolve(path.join(o.basePath || process.cwd, href)); if (fs.existsSync(file)) { const orig = fs.readFileSync(file); const diff = extractCss(orig, inlined, o.minify); const filename = reaver.rev(file, diff); fs.writeFileSync(filename, diff); link.setAttribute('href', normalizePath(reaver.rev(href, diff))); } else if (!/\/\//.test(href)) { throw new Error(`Error: file "${href}" not found in "${o.basePath || process.cwd}". Specify base path.`); } } document.addNoscript(link); if (o.polyfill) { link.setAttribute('rel', 'preload'); link.setAttribute('as', 'style'); link.setAttribute('onload', "this.onload=null;this.rel='stylesheet'"); } else { link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); link.setAttribute('media', 'print'); link.setAttribute('onload', "this.media='all'"); } if (!o.polyfill && o.preload) { const preload = document.createElement('link'); preload.setAttribute('href', link.getAttribute('href')); preload.setAttribute('rel', 'preload'); preload.setAttribute('as', 'style'); document.insertBefore(preload, link); } }); } // Add loadcss if it's not already loaded if (o.polyfill) { document.maybeAddLoadcss(); } return Buffer.from(document.serialize()); } module.exports = inline;