/* eslint-env jest */ 'use strict'; const path = require('path'); const readPkgUp = require('read-pkg-up'); const {read, strip, run, getArgs, pipe} = require('./helper'); jest.setTimeout(10000); describe('acceptance', () => { test('Return version', async () => { const {packageJson} = await readPkgUp(); const {stdout, stderr, code} = await run(['--version', '--no-update-notifier']); expect(stderr).toBeFalsy(); expect(code).toBe(0); expect(stdout).toBe(packageJson.version); }); test('should work well with the critical CSS & html file passed as input', async () => { const expected = await read('expected/index-inlined-async-final-print.html'); const {stdout, code} = await run(['test/fixtures/index.html', 'test/fixtures/critical.css', '--no-minify']); expect(code).toBe(0); expect(strip(stdout)).toBe(strip(expected)); }); test('should work well with the critical CSS passed as input & html file passed as option', async () => { const expected = await read('expected/index-inlined-async-final.html'); const {stdout, code} = await run([ '--html', 'test/fixtures/index.html', 'test/fixtures/critical.css', '--no-minify', '--polyfill', ]); expect(code).toBe(0); expect(strip(stdout)).toBe(strip(expected)); }); test('should work well with the critical CSS passed as option & html file passed as input', async () => { const expected = await read('expected/index-inlined-async-final.html'); const {stdout, code} = await run([ '--css', 'test/fixtures/critical.css', 'test/fixtures/index.html', '--no-minify', '--polyfill', ]); expect(code).toBe(0); expect(strip(stdout)).toBe(strip(expected)); }); test('Work well with the critical CSS file piped to inline-critical and html file as input', async () => { const expected = await read('expected/index-inlined-async-final-print.html'); const {stdout, code} = await pipe('fixtures/critical.css', ['test/fixtures/index.html', '--no-minify']); expect(code).toBe(0); expect(strip(stdout)).toBe(strip(expected)); }); test('Work well with the html file piped to inline-critical and critical CSS file as input', async () => { const expected = await read('expected/index-inlined-async-final-print.html'); const {stdout, code} = await pipe('fixtures/index.html', ['test/fixtures/critical.css', '--no-minify']); expect(code).toBe(0); expect(strip(stdout)).toBe(strip(expected)); }); test('Exit with code != 0 and show help', async () => { expect.assertions(2); try { await run(['fixtures/not-exists.html']); } catch (error) { expect(error.stderr).toMatch('Usage:'); expect(error.code).not.toBe(0); } }); }); describe('Mocked', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.resetModules(); }); test('Pass the correct opts when using short opts', async () => { const [html, css, args] = await getArgs([ '-c', 'test/fixtures/critical.css', '-h', 'test/fixtures/index.html', '-i', 'ignore-me', '-i', '/regexp/', '-b', 'basePath', '-s', 'selector', '-m', '-e', '-p', ]); const cssExpected = await read('fixtures/critical.css'); const htmlExpected = await read('fixtures/index.html'); expect(html).toBe(htmlExpected); expect(css).toBe(cssExpected); expect(args).toMatchObject({ selector: 'selector', ignore: ['ignore-me', /regexp/], minify: true, extract: true, preload: true, }); }); test('should pass the correct opts when using long opts', async () => { const [html, css, args] = await getArgs([ '--css', path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures/critical.css'), '--html', path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures/index.html'), '--ignore', 'ignore-me', '--ignore', '/regexp/', '--base', 'basePath', '--selector', 'selector', '--minify', '--extract', '--preload', '--polyfill', '--noscript', 'head', ]); const cssExpected = await read('fixtures/critical.css'); const htmlExpected = await read('fixtures/index.html'); expect(html).toBe(htmlExpected); expect(css).toBe(cssExpected); expect(args).toMatchObject({ selector: 'selector', ignore: ['ignore-me', /regexp/], minify: true, extract: true, preload: true, polyfill: true, noscript: 'head', }); }); });