/* * IR - Lightweight JIT Compilation Framework * (IR loader) * Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Zend by Perforce. * Authors: Dmitry Stogov * * This file is generated from "ir.g". Do not edit! * * To generate ir_load.c use llk : * php llk.php ir.g */ #include "ir.h" #include "ir_private.h" #include #include #include const unsigned char *yy_buf; const unsigned char *yy_end; const unsigned char *yy_pos; const unsigned char *yy_text; uint32_t yy_line; typedef struct _ir_parser_ctx { ir_ctx *ctx; uint32_t undef_count; ir_strtab var_tab; } ir_parser_ctx; static ir_strtab type_tab; static ir_strtab op_tab; #define IR_IS_UNRESOLVED(ref) \ ((ref) < (ir_ref)0xc0000000) #define IR_ENCODE_UNRESOLVED_REF(ref, op) \ ((ir_ref)0xc0000000 - ((ref) * sizeof(ir_ref) + (op))) #define IR_DECODE_UNRESOLVED_REF(ref) \ ((ir_ref)0xc0000000 - (ref)) static ir_ref ir_use_var(ir_parser_ctx *p, uint32_t n, const char *str, size_t len) { ir_ref ref = ir_strtab_find(&p->var_tab, str, len); if (!ref) { p->undef_count++; /* create a linked list of unresolved references with header in "var_tab" */ ref = IR_UNUSED; /* list terminator */ ir_strtab_lookup(&p->var_tab, str, len, IR_ENCODE_UNRESOLVED_REF(p->ctx->insns_count, n)); } else if (IR_IS_UNRESOLVED(ref)) { /* keep the linked list of unresolved references with header in "var_tab" */ /* "ref" keeps the tail of the list */ ir_strtab_update(&p->var_tab, str, len, IR_ENCODE_UNRESOLVED_REF(p->ctx->insns_count, n)); } return ref; } static void ir_define_var(ir_parser_ctx *p, const char *str, size_t len, ir_ref ref) { ir_ref old_ref = ir_strtab_lookup(&p->var_tab, str, len, ref); if (ref != old_ref) { if (IR_IS_UNRESOLVED(old_ref)) { p->undef_count--; /* update the linked list of unresolved references */ do { ir_ref *ptr = ((ir_ref*)(p->ctx->ir_base)) + IR_DECODE_UNRESOLVED_REF(old_ref); old_ref = *ptr; *ptr = ref; } while (old_ref != IR_UNUSED); ir_strtab_update(&p->var_tab, str, len, ref); } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Redefined variable `%*s` on line %d\n", (int)len, str, yy_line); exit(2); } } } static void report_undefined_var(const char *str, uint32_t len, ir_ref val) { if (IR_IS_UNRESOLVED(val)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Undefined variable `%*s`\n", (int)len, str); } } void ir_check_indefined_vars(ir_parser_ctx *p) { ir_strtab_apply(&p->var_tab, report_undefined_var); exit(2); } /* forward declarations */ static void yy_error(const char *msg); static void yy_error_sym(const char *msg, int sym); #define YYPOS cpos #define YYEND cend #define YY_EOF 0 #define YY__LBRACE 1 #define YY__SEMICOLON 2 #define YY__RBRACE 3 #define YY_FUNC 4 #define YY__LPAREN 5 #define YY__COMMA 6 #define YY__RPAREN 7 #define YY__COLON 8 #define YY__EQUAL 9 #define YY_FUNC_ADDR 10 #define YY__SLASH 11 #define YY_NULL 12 #define YY_ID 13 #define YY_DECNUMBER 14 #define YY_HEXNUMBER 15 #define YY_FLOATNUMBER 16 #define YY_CHARACTER 17 #define YY_STRING 18 #define YY_EOL 19 #define YY_WS 20 #define YY_ONE_LINE_COMMENT 21 #define YY_COMMENT 22 static const char * sym_name[] = { "", "{", ";", "}", "func", "(", ",", ")", ":", "=", "func_addr", "/", "null", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", NULL }; #define YY_IN_SET(sym, set, bitset) \ (bitset[sym>>3] & (1 << (sym & 0x7))) static int skip_EOL(int sym); static int skip_WS(int sym); static int skip_ONE_LINE_COMMENT(int sym); static int skip_COMMENT(int sym); static int get_sym(void); static int parse_ir(int sym); static int parse_ir_func(int sym, ir_parser_ctx *p); static int parse_ir_func_prototype(int sym, ir_parser_ctx *p); static int parse_ir_insn(int sym, ir_parser_ctx *p); static int parse_type(int sym, uint8_t *t); static int parse_func(int sym, uint8_t *op); static int parse_val(int sym, ir_parser_ctx *p, uint8_t op, uint32_t n, ir_ref *ref); static int parse_const(int sym, uint8_t t, ir_val *val); static int parse_ID(int sym, const char **str, size_t *len); static int parse_DECNUMBER(int sym, uint32_t t, ir_val *val); static int parse_HEXNUMBER(int sym, uint32_t t, ir_val *val); static int parse_FLOATNUMBER(int sym, uint32_t t, ir_val *val); static int parse_CHARACTER(int sym, ir_val *val); static int parse_STRING(int sym, const char **str, size_t *len); static int get_skip_sym(void) { int ch; int ret; int accept = -1; const unsigned char *accept_pos; const unsigned char *cpos = yy_pos; const unsigned char *cend = yy_end; _yy_state_start: yy_text = YYPOS; ch = *YYPOS; switch (ch) { case 'f': ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch != 'u') goto _yy_tunnel_2; ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch != 'n') goto _yy_tunnel_2; ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch != 'c') goto _yy_tunnel_2; ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch != '_') {ret = YY_FUNC; goto _yy_tunnel_68;} ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch != 'a') goto _yy_tunnel_2; ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch != 'd') goto _yy_tunnel_2; ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch != 'd') goto _yy_tunnel_2; ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch != 'r') goto _yy_tunnel_2; ret = YY_FUNC_ADDR; goto _yy_state_68; case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': case '_': goto _yy_state_2; case 'n': ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch != 'u') goto _yy_tunnel_2; ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch != 'l') goto _yy_tunnel_2; ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch != 'l') goto _yy_tunnel_2; ret = YY_NULL; goto _yy_state_68; case '(': YYPOS++; ret = YY__LPAREN; goto _yy_fin; case ',': YYPOS++; ret = YY__COMMA; goto _yy_fin; case ')': YYPOS++; ret = YY__RPAREN; goto _yy_fin; case ':': YYPOS++; ret = YY__COLON; goto _yy_fin; case '{': YYPOS++; ret = YY__LBRACE; goto _yy_fin; case '=': YYPOS++; ret = YY__EQUAL; goto _yy_fin; case '-': ch = *++YYPOS; if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) { goto _yy_state_12; } else if (ch == '.') { goto _yy_state_13; } else { goto _yy_state_error; } case '0': ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch != 'x') goto _yy_tunnel_12; ch = *++YYPOS; if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')) { goto _yy_state_45; } else { goto _yy_state_error; } case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': goto _yy_state_12; case '.': goto _yy_state_13; case '\'': goto _yy_state_14; case '"': goto _yy_state_15; case '/': ch = *++YYPOS; accept = YY__SLASH; accept_pos = yy_pos; if (ch == '*') { goto _yy_state_38; } else if (ch == '/') { goto _yy_state_22; } else { ret = YY__SLASH; goto _yy_fin; } case ';': YYPOS++; ret = YY__SEMICOLON; goto _yy_fin; case '}': YYPOS++; ret = YY__RBRACE; goto _yy_fin; case '\r': ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch == '\n') { yy_line++; YYPOS++; ret = YY_EOL; goto _yy_fin; } else { ret = YY_EOL; goto _yy_fin; } case '\n': yy_line++; YYPOS++; ret = YY_EOL; goto _yy_fin; case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\v': goto _yy_state_21; case '#': goto _yy_state_22; case '\0': if (ch == 0 && YYPOS < YYEND) goto _yy_state_error; YYPOS++; ret = YY_EOF; goto _yy_fin; default: goto _yy_state_error; } _yy_state_2: ch = *++YYPOS; _yy_tunnel_2: if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || ch == '_' || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')) { goto _yy_state_2; } else { ret = YY_ID; goto _yy_fin; } _yy_state_12: ch = *++YYPOS; _yy_tunnel_12: accept = YY_DECNUMBER; accept_pos = yy_pos; if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) { goto _yy_state_12; } else if (ch == '.') { goto _yy_state_28; } else if (ch == 'E' || ch == 'e') { goto _yy_state_29; } else { ret = YY_DECNUMBER; goto _yy_fin; } _yy_state_13: ch = *++YYPOS; if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) { goto _yy_state_28; } else { goto _yy_state_error; } _yy_state_14: ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch == '\\') { ch = *++YYPOS; if (YYPOS < YYEND) { if (ch == '\n') { yy_line++; } goto _yy_state_14; } else { goto _yy_state_error; } } else if (ch == '\'') { YYPOS++; ret = YY_CHARACTER; goto _yy_fin; } else if (YYPOS < YYEND && (ch <= '&' || (ch >= '(' && ch <= '[') || ch >= ']')) { if (ch == '\n') { yy_line++; } goto _yy_state_14; } else { goto _yy_state_error; } _yy_state_15: ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch == '\\') { ch = *++YYPOS; if (YYPOS < YYEND) { if (ch == '\n') { yy_line++; } goto _yy_state_15; } else { goto _yy_state_error; } } else if (ch == '"') { YYPOS++; ret = YY_STRING; goto _yy_fin; } else if (YYPOS < YYEND && (ch <= '!' || (ch >= '#' && ch <= '[') || ch >= ']')) { if (ch == '\n') { yy_line++; } goto _yy_state_15; } else { goto _yy_state_error; } _yy_state_21: ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch == '\t' || ch == '\v' || ch == '\f' || ch == ' ') { goto _yy_state_21; } else { ret = YY_WS; goto _yy_fin; } _yy_state_22: ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch == '\r') { ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch == '\n') { yy_line++; YYPOS++; ret = YY_ONE_LINE_COMMENT; goto _yy_fin; } else { ret = YY_ONE_LINE_COMMENT; goto _yy_fin; } } else if (ch == '\n') { yy_line++; YYPOS++; ret = YY_ONE_LINE_COMMENT; goto _yy_fin; } else if (YYPOS < YYEND && (ch <= '\t' || ch == '\v' || ch == '\f' || ch >= '\016')) { goto _yy_state_22; } else { goto _yy_state_error; } _yy_state_28: ch = *++YYPOS; accept = YY_FLOATNUMBER; accept_pos = yy_pos; if (ch == 'E' || ch == 'e') { goto _yy_state_29; } else if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) { goto _yy_state_28; } else { ret = YY_FLOATNUMBER; goto _yy_fin; } _yy_state_29: ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') { ch = *++YYPOS; if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) { goto _yy_state_48; } else { goto _yy_state_error; } } else if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) { goto _yy_state_48; } else { goto _yy_state_error; } _yy_state_38: ch = *++YYPOS; _yy_tunnel_38: if (ch == '*') { ch = *++YYPOS; if (ch != '/') goto _yy_tunnel_38; YYPOS++; ret = YY_COMMENT; goto _yy_fin; } else if (YYPOS < YYEND && (ch <= ')' || ch >= '+')) { if (ch == '\n') { yy_line++; } goto _yy_state_38; } else { goto _yy_state_error; } _yy_state_45: ch = *++YYPOS; if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')) { goto _yy_state_45; } else { ret = YY_HEXNUMBER; goto _yy_fin; } _yy_state_48: ch = *++YYPOS; if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) { goto _yy_state_48; } else { ret = YY_FLOATNUMBER; goto _yy_fin; } _yy_state_68: ch = *++YYPOS; _yy_tunnel_68: if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || ch == '_' || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')) { goto _yy_state_2; } else { goto _yy_fin; } _yy_state_error: if (accept >= 0) { yy_pos = accept_pos; return accept; } if (YYPOS >= YYEND) { yy_error("unexpected "); } else if (YYPOS == yy_text) { yy_error("unexpected character 'escape_char(ch)'"); } else { yy_error("unexpected sequence 'escape_string(yy_text, 1 + YYPOS - yy_text))'"); } YYPOS++; goto _yy_state_start; _yy_fin: yy_pos = YYPOS; return ret; } static int skip_EOL(int sym) { if (sym != YY_EOL) { yy_error_sym(" expected, got", sym); } sym = get_skip_sym(); return sym; } static int skip_WS(int sym) { if (sym != YY_WS) { yy_error_sym(" expected, got", sym); } sym = get_skip_sym(); return sym; } static int skip_ONE_LINE_COMMENT(int sym) { if (sym != YY_ONE_LINE_COMMENT) { yy_error_sym(" expected, got", sym); } sym = get_skip_sym(); return sym; } static int skip_COMMENT(int sym) { if (sym != YY_COMMENT) { yy_error_sym(" expected, got", sym); } sym = get_skip_sym(); return sym; } static int get_sym(void) { int sym; sym = get_skip_sym(); while (sym == YY_EOL || sym == YY_WS || sym == YY_ONE_LINE_COMMENT || sym == YY_COMMENT) { if (sym == YY_EOL) { sym = skip_EOL(sym); } else if (sym == YY_WS) { sym = skip_WS(sym); } else if (sym == YY_ONE_LINE_COMMENT) { sym = skip_ONE_LINE_COMMENT(sym); } else { sym = skip_COMMENT(sym); } } return sym; } static int parse_ir(int sym) { ir_parser_ctx p; do { sym = parse_ir_func_prototype(sym, &p); sym = parse_ir_func(sym, &p); } while (sym == YY_FUNC); return sym; } static int parse_ir_func(int sym, ir_parser_ctx *p) { if (sym != YY__LBRACE) { yy_error_sym("'{' expected, got", sym); } sym = get_sym(); while (sym == YY_ID) { sym = parse_ir_insn(sym, p); if (sym != YY__SEMICOLON) { yy_error_sym("';' expected, got", sym); } sym = get_sym(); } if (sym != YY__RBRACE) { yy_error_sym("'}' expected, got", sym); } sym = get_sym(); return sym; } static int parse_ir_func_prototype(int sym, ir_parser_ctx *p) { const char *name; size_t len; uint8_t t = 0; if (sym != YY_FUNC) { yy_error_sym("'func' expected, got", sym); } sym = get_sym(); sym = parse_ID(sym, &name, &len); if (sym != YY__LPAREN) { yy_error_sym("'(' expected, got", sym); } sym = get_sym(); if (sym == YY_ID) { sym = parse_type(sym, &t); while (sym == YY__COMMA) { sym = get_sym(); sym = parse_type(sym, &t); } } if (sym != YY__RPAREN) { yy_error_sym("')' expected, got", sym); } sym = get_sym(); if (sym != YY__COLON) { yy_error_sym("':' expected, got", sym); } sym = get_sym(); sym = parse_type(sym, &t); return sym; } static int parse_ir_insn(int sym, ir_parser_ctx *p) { int sym2; const unsigned char *save_pos; const unsigned char *save_text; int save_line; int alt0; const char *str, *str2 = NULL, *func; size_t len, len2 = 0, func_len; uint8_t op; uint8_t t = 0; ir_ref op1 = IR_UNUSED; ir_ref op2 = IR_UNUSED; ir_ref op3 = IR_UNUSED; ir_ref ref; ir_val val; ir_val count; ir_val flags; uint32_t n; save_pos = yy_pos; save_text = yy_text; save_line = yy_line; alt0 = -2; sym2 = sym; if (sym2 == YY_ID) { sym2 = get_sym(); goto _yy_state_0_1; } else { yy_error_sym("unexpected", sym2); } _yy_state_0_1: if (sym2 == YY_ID) { alt0 = 1; goto _yy_state_0; } else if (sym2 == YY__EQUAL) { alt0 = 5; goto _yy_state_0; } else { yy_error_sym("unexpected", sym2); } _yy_state_0: yy_pos = save_pos; yy_text = save_text; yy_line = save_line; if (alt0 == 1) { sym = parse_type(sym, &t); sym = parse_ID(sym, &str, &len); if (sym == YY__COMMA) { sym = get_sym(); sym = parse_ID(sym, &str2, &len2); } } else if (alt0 == 5) { sym = parse_ID(sym, &str, &len); } else { yy_error_sym("unexpected", sym); } if (sym != YY__EQUAL) { yy_error_sym("'=' expected, got", sym); } sym = get_sym(); switch (sym) { case YY_DECNUMBER: case YY_HEXNUMBER: case YY_FLOATNUMBER: case YY_CHARACTER: val.u64 = 0; sym = parse_const(sym, t, &val); ref = ir_const(p->ctx, val, t); break; case YY_FUNC: sym = get_sym(); if (sym != YY__LPAREN) { yy_error_sym("'(' expected, got", sym); } sym = get_sym(); sym = parse_ID(sym, &func, &func_len); flags.u64 = 0; if (sym == YY__COMMA) { sym = get_sym(); sym = parse_DECNUMBER(sym, IR_U16, &flags); } if (sym != YY__RPAREN) { yy_error_sym("')' expected, got", sym); } sym = get_sym(); ref = ir_const_func(p->ctx, ir_strl(p->ctx, func, func_len), flags.u16); break; case YY_FUNC_ADDR: sym = get_sym(); if (sym != YY__LPAREN) { yy_error_sym("'(' expected, got", sym); } sym = get_sym(); if (sym == YY_DECNUMBER) { sym = parse_DECNUMBER(sym, IR_ADDR, &val); } else if (sym == YY_HEXNUMBER) { sym = parse_HEXNUMBER(sym, IR_ADDR, &val); } else { yy_error_sym("unexpected", sym); } flags.u64 = 0; if (sym == YY__COMMA) { sym = get_sym(); sym = parse_DECNUMBER(sym, IR_U16, &flags); } if (sym != YY__RPAREN) { yy_error_sym("')' expected, got", sym); } sym = get_sym(); ref = ir_const_func_addr(p->ctx, val.addr, flags.u16); break; case YY_STRING: sym = parse_STRING(sym, &func, &func_len); ref = ir_const_str(p->ctx, ir_strl(p->ctx, func, func_len)); break; case YY_ID: sym = parse_func(sym, &op); if (sym == YY__SLASH) { sym = get_sym(); sym = parse_DECNUMBER(sym, IR_I32, &count); if (op == IR_PHI || op == IR_SNAPSHOT) count.i32++; if (op == IR_CALL || op == IR_TAILCALL) count.i32+=2; if (count.i32 < 0 || count.i32 > 255) yy_error("bad bumber of operands"); ref = ir_emit_N(p->ctx, IR_OPT(op, t), count.i32); if (sym == YY__LPAREN) { sym = get_sym(); if (sym == YY_ID || sym == YY_STRING || sym == YY_DECNUMBER || sym == YY_NULL) { sym = parse_val(sym, p, op, 1, &op1); n = 1; if (n > count.i32) yy_error("too many operands"); ir_set_op(p->ctx, ref, n, op1); while (sym == YY__COMMA) { sym = get_sym(); sym = parse_val(sym, p, op, n, &op1); n++; if (n > count.i32) yy_error("too many operands"); ir_set_op(p->ctx, ref, n, op1); } } if (sym != YY__RPAREN) { yy_error_sym("')' expected, got", sym); } sym = get_sym(); } } else if (sym == YY__LPAREN || sym == YY__SEMICOLON) { if (sym == YY__LPAREN) { sym = get_sym(); if (sym == YY_ID || sym == YY_STRING || sym == YY_DECNUMBER || sym == YY_NULL) { sym = parse_val(sym, p, op, 1, &op1); if (sym == YY__COMMA) { sym = get_sym(); sym = parse_val(sym, p, op, 2, &op2); if (sym == YY__COMMA) { sym = get_sym(); sym = parse_val(sym, p, op, 3, &op3); } } } if (sym != YY__RPAREN) { yy_error_sym("')' expected, got", sym); } sym = get_sym(); } if (IR_IS_FOLDABLE_OP(op) && !IR_IS_UNRESOLVED(op1) && !IR_IS_UNRESOLVED(op2) && !IR_IS_UNRESOLVED(op3)) { ref = ir_fold(p->ctx, IR_OPT(op, t), op1, op2, op3); } else { ref = ir_emit(p->ctx, IR_OPT(op, t), op1, op2, op3); } } else { yy_error_sym("unexpected", sym); } break; default: yy_error_sym("unexpected", sym); } ir_define_var(p, str, len, ref); if (str2) ir_define_var(p, str2, len2, ref); return sym; } static int parse_type(int sym, uint8_t *t) { const char *str; size_t len; ir_ref ref; sym = parse_ID(sym, &str, &len); ref = ir_strtab_find(&type_tab, str, len); if (!ref) yy_error("invalid type"); *t = ref; return sym; } static int parse_func(int sym, uint8_t *op) { const char *str; size_t len; ir_ref ref; sym = parse_ID(sym, &str, &len); ref = ir_strtab_find(&op_tab, str, len); if (!ref) yy_error("invalid op"); *op = ref - 1; return sym; } static int parse_val(int sym, ir_parser_ctx *p, uint8_t op, uint32_t n, ir_ref *ref) { const char *str; size_t len; ir_val val; uint32_t kind = IR_OPND_KIND(ir_op_flags[op], n); if (sym == YY_ID) { sym = parse_ID(sym, &str, &len); if (!IR_IS_REF_OPND_KIND(kind)) yy_error("unexpected reference"); *ref = ir_use_var(p, n, str, len); } else if (sym == YY_STRING) { sym = parse_STRING(sym, &str, &len); if (kind != IR_OPND_STR) yy_error("unexpected string"); *ref = ir_strl(p->ctx, str, len); } else if (sym == YY_DECNUMBER) { sym = parse_DECNUMBER(sym, IR_I32, &val); if (kind != IR_OPND_NUM && kind != IR_OPND_PROB) yy_error("unexpected number"); if (val.u64 < 0 && val.u64 >= 0x7ffffff) yy_error("number out of range"); *ref = val.u64; } else if (sym == YY_NULL) { sym = get_sym(); *ref = IR_UNUSED; } else { yy_error_sym("unexpected", sym); } return sym; } static int parse_const(int sym, uint8_t t, ir_val *val) { if (sym == YY_DECNUMBER) { sym = parse_DECNUMBER(sym, t, val); } else if (sym == YY_HEXNUMBER) { sym = parse_HEXNUMBER(sym, t, val); } else if (sym == YY_FLOATNUMBER) { sym = parse_FLOATNUMBER(sym, t, val); } else if (sym == YY_CHARACTER) { sym = parse_CHARACTER(sym, val); } else { yy_error_sym("unexpected", sym); } return sym; } static int parse_ID(int sym, const char **str, size_t *len) { if (sym != YY_ID) { yy_error_sym(" expected, got", sym); } *str = (const char*)yy_text; *len = yy_pos - yy_text; sym = get_sym(); return sym; } static int parse_DECNUMBER(int sym, uint32_t t, ir_val *val) { if (sym != YY_DECNUMBER) { yy_error_sym(" expected, got", sym); } if (t >= IR_DOUBLE) val->d = atof((const char*)yy_text); else val->i64 = atoll((const char*)yy_text); sym = get_sym(); return sym; } static int parse_HEXNUMBER(int sym, uint32_t t, ir_val *val) { if (sym != YY_HEXNUMBER) { yy_error_sym(" expected, got", sym); } val->u64 = strtoull((const char*)yy_text + 2, NULL, 16); sym = get_sym(); return sym; } static int parse_FLOATNUMBER(int sym, uint32_t t, ir_val *val) { if (sym != YY_FLOATNUMBER) { yy_error_sym(" expected, got", sym); } val->d = atof((const char*)yy_text); sym = get_sym(); return sym; } static int parse_CHARACTER(int sym, ir_val *val) { if (sym != YY_CHARACTER) { yy_error_sym(" expected, got", sym); } if ((char)yy_text[1] != '\\') { val->i64 = (char)yy_text[1]; } else if ((char)yy_text[2] == '\\') { val->i64 = '\\'; } else if ((char)yy_text[2] == 'r') { val->i64 = '\r'; } else if ((char)yy_text[2] == 'n') { val->i64 = '\n'; } else if ((char)yy_text[2] == 't') { val->i64 = '\t'; } else if ((char)yy_text[2] == '0') { val->i64 = '\0'; } else { IR_ASSERT(0); } sym = get_sym(); return sym; } static int parse_STRING(int sym, const char **str, size_t *len) { if (sym != YY_STRING) { yy_error_sym(" expected, got", sym); } *str = (const char*)yy_text + 1; *len = yy_pos - yy_text - 2; sym = get_sym(); return sym; } static void parse(void) { int sym; yy_pos = yy_text = yy_buf; yy_line = 1; sym = parse_ir(get_sym()); if (sym != YY_EOF) { yy_error_sym(" expected, got", sym); } } static void yy_error(const char *msg) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s at line %d\n", msg, yy_line); exit(2); } static void yy_error_sym(const char *msg, int sym) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s '%s' at line %d\n", msg, sym_name[sym], yy_line); exit(2); } int ir_load(ir_ctx *ctx, FILE *f) { ir_parser_ctx p; int sym; long pos, end; p.ctx = ctx; p.undef_count = 0; ir_strtab_init(&p.var_tab, 256, 4096); pos = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); end = ftell(f); fseek(f, pos, SEEK_SET); yy_buf = alloca(end - pos + 1); yy_end = yy_buf + (end - pos); fread((void*)yy_buf, (end - pos), 1, f); *(unsigned char*)yy_end = 0; yy_pos = yy_text = yy_buf; yy_line = 1; sym = parse_ir_func(get_sym(), &p); if (sym != YY_EOF) { yy_error_sym(" expected, got", sym); } if (p.undef_count) { ir_check_indefined_vars(&p); } ir_strtab_free(&p.var_tab); return 1; } void ir_loader_init(void) { ir_ref i; ir_strtab_init(&type_tab, IR_LAST_OP, 0); for (i = 1; i < IR_LAST_TYPE; i++) { ir_strtab_lookup(&type_tab, ir_type_cname[i], strlen(ir_type_cname[i]), i); } ir_strtab_init(&op_tab, IR_LAST_OP, 0); for (i = 0; i < IR_LAST_OP; i++) { ir_strtab_lookup(&op_tab, ir_op_name[i], strlen(ir_op_name[i]), i + 1); } } void ir_loader_free(void) { ir_strtab_free(&type_tab); ir_strtab_free(&op_tab); }