use { anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}, nix::{ poll::{poll, PollFd, PollFlags}, sys::{ time::{TimeSpec, TimeValLike}, timerfd::{ClockId, Expiration, TimerFd, TimerFlags, TimerSetTimeFlags}, }, }, std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd, }; fn start_ca(_adapter: u32, _device: u32) -> Result<()> { // let mut ca = CaDevice::open(path, 0)?; let timer = TimerFd::new(ClockId::CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TimerFlags::all())?; timer.set( Expiration::Interval(TimeSpec::milliseconds(100)), TimerSetTimeFlags::empty(), )?; let mut pool: Vec = Vec::new(); pool.push(PollFd::new(timer.as_raw_fd(), PollFlags::POLLIN)); let instant = std::time::Instant::now(); for _ in 0..10 { let mut total = poll(&mut pool, -1)?; // less than 0 not needed to check we got error in this case // equal to 0 not needed to check we have no timeout for (i, item) in pool.iter().enumerate() { let revent = item.revents().unwrap_or_else(PollFlags::empty); if revent.is_empty() { continue; } if i == 0 { timer.wait()?; dbg!(instant.elapsed()); } if total > 1 { total -= 1; } else { break; } } // loop } // let fd = PollFd::new( // ca.as_raw_fd(), // PollFlags::POLLIN, // ); // TODO: CaPool // TODO: timer CA_DELAY -> poll_timer() // TODO: self.as_raw_fd() -> poll_event() Ok(()) } fn main() -> Result<()> { let mut args = std::env::args().skip(1); let adapter = match { Some(v) => v.parse::().context("adapter number")?, None => bail!("adapter number not defined"), }; let device = match { Some(v) => v.parse::().context("device number")?, None => 0, }; start_ca(adapter, device) }