// // libtgvoip is free and unencumbered public domain software. // For more information, see http://unlicense.org or the UNLICENSE file // you should have received with this source code distribution. // #include "CongestionControl.h" #include "VoIPController.h" #include "tools/logging.h" #include "VoIPServerConfig.h" #include "../PrivateDefines.h" #include #include using namespace tgvoip; CongestionControl::CongestionControl() : cwnd(static_cast(ServerConfig::GetSharedInstance()->GetInt("audio_congestion_window", 1024))), max(cwnd * 1.1), min(cwnd * 0.9) { } CongestionControl::~CongestionControl() { } size_t CongestionControl::GetAcknowledgedDataSize() { return 0; } double CongestionControl::GetAverageRTT() { return rttHistory.NonZeroAverage(); } size_t CongestionControl::GetInflightDataSize() { return inflightHistory.Average(); } size_t CongestionControl::GetCongestionWindow() { return cwnd; } double CongestionControl::GetMinimumRTT() { return rttHistory.Min(); } void CongestionControl::PacketSent(uint32_t seq, size_t size) { if (!seqgt(seq, lastSentSeq) || seq == lastSentSeq) { LOGW("Duplicate outgoing seq %u", seq); return; } lastSentSeq = seq; double smallestSendTime = INFINITY; tgvoip_congestionctl_packet_t *slot = NULL; for (auto &packet : inflightPackets) { if (packet.sendTime == 0) { slot = &packet; break; } if (smallestSendTime > packet.sendTime) { slot = &packet; smallestSendTime = slot->sendTime; } } assert(slot != NULL); if (slot->sendTime > 0) { inflightDataSize -= slot->size; lossCount++; LOGD("Packet with seq %u was not acknowledged", slot->seq); } slot->seq = seq; slot->size = size; slot->sendTime = VoIPController::GetCurrentTime(); inflightDataSize += size; } void CongestionControl::PacketAcknowledged(uint32_t seq) { for (auto &packet : inflightPackets) { if (packet.seq == seq && packet.sendTime > 0) { tmpRtt += (VoIPController::GetCurrentTime() - packet.sendTime); tmpRttCount++; packet.sendTime = 0; inflightDataSize -= packet.size; break; } } } void CongestionControl::PacketLost(uint32_t seq) { for (auto &packet : inflightPackets) { if (packet.seq == seq && packet.sendTime > 0) { packet.sendTime = 0; inflightDataSize -= packet.size; lossCount++; break; } } } void CongestionControl::Tick() { tickCount++; if (tmpRttCount > 0) { rttHistory.Add(tmpRtt / tmpRttCount); tmpRtt = 0; tmpRttCount = 0; } for (auto &packet : inflightPackets) { if (packet.sendTime != 0 && VoIPController::GetCurrentTime() - packet.sendTime > TGVOIP_CONCTL_LOST_AFTER) { packet.sendTime = 0; inflightDataSize -= packet.size; lossCount++; LOGD("Packet with seq %u was not acknowledged", packet.seq); } } inflightHistory.Add(inflightDataSize); } int CongestionControl::GetBandwidthControlAction() { if (VoIPController::GetCurrentTime() - lastActionTime < 1) return TGVOIP_CONCTL_ACT_NONE; size_t inflightAvg = GetInflightDataSize(); if (inflightAvg < min) { lastActionTime = VoIPController::GetCurrentTime(); return TGVOIP_CONCTL_ACT_INCREASE; } if (inflightAvg > max) { lastActionTime = VoIPController::GetCurrentTime(); return TGVOIP_CONCTL_ACT_DECREASE; } return TGVOIP_CONCTL_ACT_NONE; } uint32_t CongestionControl::GetSendLossCount() { return lossCount; }