#include "../PrivateDefines.cpp" #include "packets/PacketManager.h" using namespace tgvoip; using namespace std; #pragma mark - Networking & crypto PacketManager &VoIPController::getBestPacketManager() { return outgoingStreams[ver.isNew() ? StreamId::Audio : StreamId::Signaling]->packetManager; } void VoIPController::ProcessIncomingPacket(NetworkPacket &npacket, Endpoint &srcEndpoint) { ENFORCE_MSG_THREAD; // Initial packet decryption and recognition unsigned char *buffer = **npacket.data; size_t len = npacket.data->Length(); BufferInputStream in(*npacket.data); if (ver.peerVersion < 9 || srcEndpoint.IsReflector()) { if (in.Remaining() < 16) { LOGW("Received packet has wrong (no) peerTag"); return; } if (memcmp(buffer, srcEndpoint.IsReflector() ? (void *)srcEndpoint.peerTag : (void *)callID, 16) != 0) { LOGW("Received packet has wrong peerTag"); return; } in.Seek(16); } if (in.Remaining() >= 16 && srcEndpoint.IsReflector() && parseRelayPacket(in, srcEndpoint)) { return; } if (in.Remaining() < 40) { LOGV("Received packet is too small"); return; } size_t innerLen = decryptPacket(buffer, in); if (!innerLen) // Decryption failed { return; } lastRecvPacketTime = GetCurrentTime(); if (state == STATE_RECONNECTING) { LOGI("Received a valid packet while reconnecting - setting state to established"); SetState(STATE_ESTABLISHED); } if (srcEndpoint.type == Endpoint::Type::UDP_P2P_INET && !srcEndpoint.IsIPv6Only()) { if (srcEndpoint.port != npacket.port || srcEndpoint.address != npacket.address) { if (!npacket.address.isIPv6) { LOGI("Incoming packet was decrypted successfully, changing P2P endpoint to %s:%u", npacket.address.ToString().c_str(), npacket.port); srcEndpoint.address = npacket.address; srcEndpoint.port = npacket.port; } } } Packet packet; if (!packet.parse(in, ver)) { LOGW("Failure parsing incoming packet!"); } packetsReceived++; ProcessIncomingPacket(packet, srcEndpoint); if (packet.otherPackets.size()) { // Legacy for PKT_STREAM_X2-3 for (Packet &packet : packet.otherPackets) { ProcessIncomingPacket(packet, srcEndpoint); } } } void VoIPController::ProcessIncomingPacket(Packet &packet, Endpoint &srcEndpoint) { // Use packet manager of outgoing stream PacketManager &manager = outgoingStreams[packet.legacy ? StreamId::Signaling : packet.streamId]->packetManager; if (!manager.ackRemoteSeq(packet)) { return; } #ifdef LOG_PACKETSackId LOGV("Received: from=%s:%u, seq=%u, length=%u, type=%s, transportId=%hhu", srcEndpoint.GetAddress().ToString().c_str(), srcEndpoint.port, pseq, (unsigned int)packet.data.Length(), GetPacketTypeString(type).c_str(), transportId); #endif for (auto &extra : packet.extraSignaling) { ProcessExtraData(extra); } auto &sender = outgoingStreams[manager.transportId]->packetSender; if (packet.ackSeq && seqgt(packet.ackSeq, manager.getLastAckedSeq())) { if (waitingForAcks && manager.getLastAckedSeq() >= firstSentPing) { rttHistory.Reset(); waitingForAcks = false; dontSendPackets = 10; messageThread.Post( [this] { dontSendPackets = 0; }, 1.0); LOGI("resuming sending"); } conctl.PacketAcknowledged(CongestionControlPacket(packet)); manager.ackLocal(packet.ackSeq, packet.ackMask); for (auto &opkt : manager.getRecentOutgoingPackets()) { if (!opkt.ackTime && manager.wasLocalAcked(opkt.pkt.seq)) { opkt.ackTime = GetCurrentTime(); opkt.rttTime = opkt.ackTime - opkt.sendTime; if (opkt.lost) { LOGW("acknowledged lost packet %u (streamId %hhu)", opkt.pkt.seq, packet.streamId); sendLosses--; } else // Don't report lost packets as acked? { sender->PacketAcknowledged(opkt); } conctl.PacketAcknowledged(opkt.pkt); } } HandleReliablePackets(manager); } Endpoint &_currentEndpoint = endpoints.at(currentEndpoint); if (srcEndpoint.id != currentEndpoint && srcEndpoint.IsReflector() && (_currentEndpoint.IsP2P() || _currentEndpoint.averageRTT == 0)) { if (seqgt(manager.getLastSentSeq() - 32, manager.getLastAckedSeq())) { currentEndpoint = srcEndpoint.id; _currentEndpoint = srcEndpoint; LOGI("Peer network address probably changed, switching to relay"); if (allowP2p) SendPublicEndpointsRequest(); } } /* if (config.logPacketStats) { DebugLoggedPacket dpkt = { static_cast(pseq), GetCurrentTime() - connectionInitTime, static_cast(packet.data.Length())}; debugLoggedPackets.push_back(dpkt); if (debugLoggedPackets.size() >= 2500) { debugLoggedPackets.erase(debugLoggedPackets.begin(), debugLoggedPackets.begin() + 500); } }*/ if (unacknowledgedIncomingPacketCount++ > unackNopThreshold) { //LOGV("Sending nop packet as ack"); SendNopPacket(); } //LOGV("acks: %u -> %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf", manager.getLastAckedSeq()(), remoteAcks[0], remoteAcks[1], remoteAcks[2], remoteAcks[3], remoteAcks[4], remoteAcks[5], remoteAcks[6], remoteAcks[7]); //LOGD("recv: %u -> %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf", getLastRemoteSeq(), recvPacketTimes[0], recvPacketTimes[1], recvPacketTimes[2], recvPacketTimes[3], recvPacketTimes[4], recvPacketTimes[5], recvPacketTimes[6], recvPacketTimes[7]); //LOGI("RTT = %.3lf", GetAverageRTT()); //LOGV("Packet %u type is %d", pseq, type); if (packet.data) { if (!receivedFirstStreamPacket) { receivedFirstStreamPacket = true; if (state != STATE_ESTABLISHED && receivedInitAck) { messageThread.Post( [this]() { SetState(STATE_ESTABLISHED); }, .5); LOGW("First audio packet - setting state to ESTABLISHED"); } } if (srcEndpoint.type == Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY && srcEndpoint.id != peerPreferredRelay) { peerPreferredRelay = srcEndpoint.id; } uint8_t count = 1; switch (type) { case PKT_STREAM_DATA_X2: count = 2; break; case PKT_STREAM_DATA_X3: count = 3; break; } uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { unsigned char streamID = in.ReadByte(); unsigned char flags = (unsigned char)(streamID & 0xC0); streamID &= 0x3F; uint16_t sdlen = (uint16_t)(flags & STREAM_DATA_FLAG_LEN16 ? in.ReadInt16() : in.ReadByte()); uint32_t pts = in.ReadUInt32(); unsigned char fragmentCount = 1; unsigned char fragmentIndex = 0; //LOGE("RECV: For pts %u = seq %u, got seq %u", pts, pts/60 + 1, pseq); //LOGD("stream data, pts=%d, len=%d, rem=%d", pts, sdlen, in.Remaining()); audioTimestampIn = pts; if (!audioOutStarted && audioOutput) { MutexGuard m(audioIOMutex); audioOutput->Start(); audioOutStarted = true; } bool fragmented = static_cast(sdlen & STREAM_DATA_XFLAG_FRAGMENTED); bool extraFEC = static_cast(sdlen & STREAM_DATA_XFLAG_EXTRA_FEC); bool keyframe = static_cast(sdlen & STREAM_DATA_XFLAG_KEYFRAME); if (fragmented) { fragmentIndex = in.ReadByte(); fragmentCount = in.ReadByte(); } sdlen &= 0x7FF; if (in.GetOffset() + sdlen > len) { return; } shared_ptr stm; for (shared_ptr &ss : incomingStreams) { if (ss->id == streamID) { stm = ss; break; } } if (stm && stm->type == StreamType::Audio) { if (stm->jitterBuffer) { stm->jitterBuffer->HandleInput(static_cast(buffer + in.GetOffset()), sdlen, pts, false); /*if (peerVersion >= PROTOCOL_RELIABLE) { // Technically I should be using the specific packet manager's rtt history but will separate later uint32_t tooOldSeq = stm->jitterBuffer->GetSeqTooLate(rttHistory[0]) - 1; LOGW("Reverse acking seqs older than %u, newest acked seq %u (transportId %hhu)", tooOldSeq, manager.getLastRemoteSeq(), transportId); manager.ackRemoteSeqsOlderThan(tooOldSeq); }*/ if (extraFEC) { in.Seek(in.GetOffset() + sdlen); unsigned int fecCount = in.ReadByte(); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fecCount; j++) { unsigned char dlen = in.ReadByte(); unsigned char data[256]; in.ReadBytes(data, dlen); stm->jitterBuffer->HandleInput(data, dlen, pts - (fecCount - j) * stm->frameDuration, true); } } } } else if (stm && stm->type == StreamType::Video) { if (stm->packetReassembler) { uint8_t frameSeq = in.ReadByte(); Buffer pdata(sdlen); uint16_t rotation = 0; if (fragmentIndex == 0) { unsigned char _rotation = in.ReadByte() & (unsigned char)VIDEO_ROTATION_MASK; switch (_rotation) { case VIDEO_ROTATION_0: rotation = 0; break; case VIDEO_ROTATION_90: rotation = 90; break; case VIDEO_ROTATION_180: rotation = 180; break; case VIDEO_ROTATION_270: rotation = 270; break; default: // unreachable on sane CPUs abort(); } //if(rotation!=stm->rotation){ // stm->rotation=rotation; // LOGI("Video rotation: %u", rotation); //} } pdata.CopyFrom(buffer + in.GetOffset(), 0, sdlen); stm->packetReassembler->AddFragment(std::move(pdata), fragmentIndex, fragmentCount, pts, frameSeq, keyframe, rotation); } //LOGV("Received video fragment %u of %u", fragmentIndex, fragmentCount); } else { LOGW("received packet for unknown stream %u", (unsigned int)streamID); } if (i < count - 1) in.Seek(in.GetOffset() + sdlen); } } if (type == PKT_PING) { //LOGD("Received ping from %s:%d", srcEndpoint.address.ToString().c_str(), srcEndpoint.port); if (srcEndpoint.type != Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY && srcEndpoint.type != Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY && !allowP2p) { LOGW("Received p2p ping but p2p is disabled by manual override"); return; } BufferOutputStream pkt(128); pkt.WriteInt32(pseq); size_t pktLength = pkt.GetLength(); SendOrEnqueuePacket(PendingOutgoingPacket{ /*.seq=*/packetManager.nextLocalSeq(), /*.type=*/PKT_PONG, /*.len=*/pktLength, /*.data=*/Buffer(move(pkt)), /*.endpoint=*/srcEndpoint.id, }); } if (type == PKT_PONG) { if (packetInnerLen >= 4) { uint32_t pingSeq = in.ReadUInt32(); #ifdef LOG_PACKETS LOGD("Received pong for ping in seq %u", pingSeq); #endif if (pingSeq == srcEndpoint.lastPingSeq) { srcEndpoint.rtts.Add(GetCurrentTime() - srcEndpoint.lastPingTime); srcEndpoint.averageRTT = srcEndpoint.rtts.NonZeroAverage(); LOGD("Current RTT via %s: %.3f, average: %.3f", packet.address.ToString().c_str(), srcEndpoint.rtts[0], srcEndpoint.averageRTT); if (srcEndpoint.averageRTT > rateMaxAcceptableRTT) needRate = true; } } } if (type == PKT_STREAM_STATE) { unsigned char id = in.ReadByte(); unsigned char enabled = in.ReadByte(); LOGV("Peer stream state: id %u flags %u", (int)id, (int)enabled); for (vector>::iterator s = incomingStreams.begin(); s != incomingStreams.end(); ++s) { if ((*s)->id == id) { (*s)->enabled = enabled == 1; UpdateAudioOutputState(); break; } } } if (type == PKT_LAN_ENDPOINT) { LOGV("received lan endpoint"); uint32_t peerAddr = in.ReadUInt32(); uint16_t peerPort = (uint16_t)in.ReadInt32(); unsigned char peerTag[16]; Endpoint lan(Endpoint::ID::LANv4, peerPort, NetworkAddress::IPv4(peerAddr), NetworkAddress::Empty(), Endpoint::Type::UDP_P2P_LAN, peerTag); if (currentEndpoint == Endpoint::ID::LANv4) currentEndpoint = preferredRelay; MutexGuard m(endpointsMutex); endpoints[Endpoint::ID::LANv4] = lan; } if (type == PKT_NETWORK_CHANGED && _currentEndpoint.IsP2P()) { currentEndpoint = preferredRelay; if (allowP2p) SendPublicEndpointsRequest(); if (peerVersion >= 2) { uint32_t flags = in.ReadUInt32(); dataSavingRequestedByPeer = flags & ExtraInit::Flags::DataSavingEnabled; UpdateDataSavingState(); UpdateAudioBitrateLimit(); ResetEndpointPingStats(); } } if (type == PKT_STREAM_EC) { unsigned char streamID = in.ReadByte(); if (peerVersion < 7) { uint32_t lastTimestamp = in.ReadUInt32(); unsigned char count = in.ReadByte(); for (shared_ptr &stm : incomingStreams) { if (stm->id == streamID) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) { unsigned char dlen = in.ReadByte(); unsigned char data[256]; in.ReadBytes(data, dlen); if (stm->jitterBuffer) { stm->jitterBuffer->HandleInput(data, dlen, lastTimestamp - (count - i) * stm->frameDuration, true); } } break; } } } else { shared_ptr stm = GetStreamByID(streamID, false); if (!stm) { LOGW("Received FEC packet for unknown stream %u", streamID); return; } if (stm->type != StreamType::Video) { LOGW("Received FEC packet for non-video stream %u", streamID); return; } if (!stm->packetReassembler) return; uint8_t fseq = in.ReadByte(); unsigned char fecScheme = in.ReadByte(); unsigned char prevFrameCount = in.ReadByte(); uint16_t fecLen = in.ReadUInt16(); if (fecLen > in.Remaining()) return; Buffer fecData(fecLen); in.ReadBytes(fecData); stm->packetReassembler->AddFEC(std::move(fecData), fseq, prevFrameCount, fecScheme); } } } void VoIPController::ProcessExtraData(const Wrapped &_data) { auto type = _data.getID(); if (lastReceivedExtrasByType[type] == _data.d->hash) { return; } lastReceivedExtrasByType[type] = _data.d->hash; LOGE("ProcessExtraData=%s", _data.print().c_str()); if (type == ExtraInit::ID) { auto &data = _data.get(); LOGD("Received init"); if (!receivedInit) ver.peerVersion = data.peerVersion; LOGI("Peer version is %d", ver.peerVersion); if (data.minVersion > PROTOCOL_VERSION || data.minVersion < MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { lastError = ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE; SetState(STATE_FAILED); return; } if (!receivedInit) { if (data.flags & ExtraInit::Flags::DataSavingEnabled) { dataSavingRequestedByPeer = true; UpdateDataSavingState(); UpdateAudioBitrateLimit(); } if (data.flags & ExtraInit::Flags::GroupCallSupported) { peerCapabilities |= TGVOIP_PEER_CAP_GROUP_CALLS; } if (data.flags & ExtraInit::Flags::VideoRecvSupported) { peerCapabilities |= TGVOIP_PEER_CAP_VIDEO_DISPLAY; } if (data.flags & ExtraInit::Flags::VideoSendSupported) { peerCapabilities |= TGVOIP_PEER_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE; } } if (!receivedInit && ((data.flags & ExtraInit::Flags::VideoSendSupported && config.enableVideoReceive) || (data.flags & ExtraInit::Flags::VideoRecvSupported && config.enableVideoSend))) { LOGD("Peer video decoders:"); uint8_t numSupportedVideoDecoders = in.ReadByte(); for (auto i = 0; i < numSupportedVideoDecoders; i++) { uint32_t id = in.ReadUInt32(); peerVideoDecoders.push_back(id); char *_id = reinterpret_cast(&id); LOGD("%c%c%c%c", _id[3], _id[2], _id[1], _id[0]); } protocolInfo.maxVideoResolution = in.ReadByte(); SetupOutgoingVideoStream(); } BufferOutputStream out(1024); out.WriteInt32(PROTOCOL_VERSION); out.WriteInt32(MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION); out.WriteByte((unsigned char)outgoingStreams.size()); for (const auto &stream : outgoingStreams) { out.WriteByte(stream->id); out.WriteByte(stream->type); if (ver.peerVersion < 5) out.WriteByte((unsigned char)(stream->codec == Codec::Opus ? CODEC_OPUS_OLD : 0)); else out.WriteInt32(stream->codec); out.WriteInt16(stream->frameDuration); out.WriteByte((unsigned char)(stream->enabled ? 1 : 0)); } LOGI("Sending init ack"); size_t outLength = out.GetOffset(); SendOrEnqueuePacket(PendingOutgoingPacket{ /*.seq=*/packetManager.nextLocalSeq(), /*.type=*/PKT_INIT_ACK, /*.len=*/outLength, /*.data=*/Buffer(move(out)), /*.endpoint=*/0}); if (!receivedInit) { receivedInit = true; if ((srcEndpoint.type == Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY && udpConnectivityState != UDP_BAD && udpConnectivityState != UDP_NOT_AVAILABLE) || srcEndpoint.type == Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY) { currentEndpoint = srcEndpoint.id; if (srcEndpoint.type == Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY || (useTCP && srcEndpoint.type == Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY)) preferredRelay = srcEndpoint.id; } } if (!audioStarted && receivedInitAck) { StartAudio(); audioStarted = true; } } if (type == PKT_INIT_ACK) { LOGD("Received init ack"); if (!receivedInitAck) { receivedInitAck = true; messageThread.Cancel(initTimeoutID); initTimeoutID = MessageThread::INVALID_ID; if (packetInnerLen > 10) { ver.peerVersion = in.ReadInt32(); uint32_t minVer = in.ReadUInt32(); if (minVer > PROTOCOL_VERSION || ver.peerVersion < MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { lastError = ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE; SetState(STATE_FAILED); return; } } else { ver.peerVersion = 1; } LOGI("peer version from init ack %d", ver.peerVersion); unsigned char streamCount = in.ReadByte(); if (streamCount == 0) return; int i; shared_ptr incomingAudioStream = nullptr; for (i = 0; i < streamCount; i++) { shared_ptr stm = make_shared(); stm->id = in.ReadByte(); stm->type = static_cast(in.ReadByte()); if (ver.peerVersion < 5) { unsigned char codec = in.ReadByte(); if (codec == CODEC_OPUS_OLD) stm->codec = Codec::Opus; } else { stm->codec = in.ReadUInt32(); } in.ReadInt16(); stm->frameDuration = 60; stm->enabled = in.ReadByte() == 1; if (stm->type == StreamType::Video && ver.peerVersion < 9) { LOGV("Skipping video stream for old protocol version"); continue; } if (stm->type == StreamType::Audio) { stm->jitterBuffer = make_shared(stm->frameDuration); if (stm->frameDuration > 50) stm->jitterBuffer->SetMinPacketCount(ServerConfig::GetSharedInstance()->GetUInt("jitter_initial_delay_60", 2)); else if (stm->frameDuration > 30) stm->jitterBuffer->SetMinPacketCount(ServerConfig::GetSharedInstance()->GetUInt("jitter_initial_delay_40", 4)); else stm->jitterBuffer->SetMinPacketCount(ServerConfig::GetSharedInstance()->GetUInt("jitter_initial_delay_20", 6)); stm->decoder = nullptr; } else if (stm->type == StreamType::Video) { if (!stm->packetReassembler) { stm->packetReassembler = make_shared(); stm->packetReassembler->SetCallback(bind(&VoIPController::ProcessIncomingVideoFrame, this, placeholders::_1, placeholders::_2, placeholders::_3, placeholders::_4)); } } else { LOGW("Unknown incoming stream type: %d", stm->type); continue; } incomingStreams.push_back(stm); if (stm->type == StreamType::Audio && !incomingAudioStream) incomingAudioStream = stm; } if (!incomingAudioStream) return; if (ver.peerVersion >= 5 && !useMTProto2) { useMTProto2 = true; LOGD("MTProto2 wasn't initially enabled for whatever reason but peer supports it; upgrading"); } if (!audioStarted && receivedInit) { StartAudio(); audioStarted = true; } messageThread.Post( [this] { if (state == STATE_WAIT_INIT_ACK) { SetState(STATE_ESTABLISHED); } }, ServerConfig::GetSharedInstance()->GetDouble("established_delay_if_no_stream_data", 1.5)); if (allowP2p) SendPublicEndpointsRequest(); } } if (type == ExtraStreamFlags::ID) { unsigned char id = in.ReadByte(); uint32_t flags = in.ReadUInt32(); LOGV("Peer stream state: id %u flags %u", (unsigned int)id, (unsigned int)flags); for (shared_ptr &s : incomingStreams) { if (s->id == id) { bool prevEnabled = s->enabled; bool prevPaused = s->paused; s->enabled = flags & ExtraStreamFlags::Flags::Enabled; s->paused = flags & ExtraStreamFlags::Flags::Paused; if (flags & ExtraStreamFlags::Flags::ExtraEC) { if (!s->extraECEnabled) { s->extraECEnabled = true; if (s->jitterBuffer) s->jitterBuffer->SetMinPacketCount(4); } } else { if (s->extraECEnabled) { s->extraECEnabled = false; if (s->jitterBuffer) s->jitterBuffer->SetMinPacketCount(2); } } if (prevEnabled != s->enabled && s->type == StreamType::Video && videoRenderer) videoRenderer->SetStreamEnabled(s->enabled); if (prevPaused != s->paused && s->type == StreamType::Video && videoRenderer) videoRenderer->SetStreamPaused(s->paused); UpdateAudioOutputState(); break; } } } else if (type == ExtraStreamCsd::ID) { LOGI("Received codec specific data"); unsigned char streamID = in.ReadByte(); for (shared_ptr &stm : incomingStreams) { if (stm->id == streamID) { stm->codecSpecificData.clear(); stm->csdIsValid = false; stm->width = static_cast(in.ReadInt16()); stm->height = static_cast(in.ReadInt16()); uint8_t count = in.ReadByte(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { size_t len = (size_t)in.ReadByte(); Buffer csd(len); in.ReadBytes(*csd, len); stm->codecSpecificData.push_back(move(csd)); } break; } } } else if (type == ExtraLanEndpoint::ID) { if (!allowP2p) return; LOGV("received lan endpoint (extra)"); uint32_t peerAddr = in.ReadUInt32(); uint16_t peerPort = static_cast(in.ReadInt32()); if (currentEndpoint == Endpoint::ID::LANv4) currentEndpoint = preferredRelay; unsigned char peerTag[16]; Endpoint lan(Endpoint::ID::LANv4, peerPort, NetworkAddress::IPv4(peerAddr), NetworkAddress::Empty(), Endpoint::Type::UDP_P2P_LAN, peerTag); MutexGuard m(endpointsMutex); endpoints[Endpoint::ID::LANv4] = lan; } else if (type == ExtraNetworkChanged::ID) { LOGI("Peer network changed"); wasNetworkHandover = true; const Endpoint &_currentEndpoint = endpoints.at(currentEndpoint); if (_currentEndpoint.type != Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY && _currentEndpoint.type != Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY) currentEndpoint = preferredRelay; if (allowP2p) SendPublicEndpointsRequest(); uint32_t flags = in.ReadUInt32(); dataSavingRequestedByPeer = flags & ExtraInit::Flags::DataSavingEnabled; UpdateDataSavingState(); UpdateAudioBitrateLimit(); ResetEndpointPingStats(); } else if (type == ExtraGroupCallKey::ID) { if (!didReceiveGroupCallKey && !didSendGroupCallKey) { unsigned char groupKey[256]; in.ReadBytes(groupKey, 256); messageThread.Post([this, &groupKey] { if (callbacks.groupCallKeyReceived) callbacks.groupCallKeyReceived(this, groupKey); }); didReceiveGroupCallKey = true; } } else if (type == ExtraGroupCallUpgrade::ID) { if (!didInvokeUpgradeCallback) { messageThread.Post([this] { if (callbacks.upgradeToGroupCallRequested) callbacks.upgradeToGroupCallRequested(this); }); didInvokeUpgradeCallback = true; } } else if (type == ExtraIpv6Endpoint::ID) { if (!allowP2p) return; NetworkAddress addr = NetworkAddress::IPv6(in); uint16_t port = in.ReadUInt16(); peerIPv6Available = true; LOGV("Received peer IPv6 endpoint [%s]:%u", addr.ToString().c_str(), port); Endpoint ep; ep.type = Endpoint::Type::UDP_P2P_INET; ep.port = port; ep.v6address = addr; ep.id = Endpoint::ID::P2Pv6; endpoints[Endpoint::ID::P2Pv6] = ep; if (!myIPv6.IsEmpty()) currentEndpoint = Endpoint::ID::P2Pv6; } } void VoIPController::ProcessAcknowledgedOutgoingExtra(UnacknowledgedExtraData &extra) { if (extra.data.getID() == ExtraGroupCallKey::ID) { if (!didReceiveGroupCallKeyAck) { didReceiveGroupCallKeyAck = true; messageThread.Post([this] { if (callbacks.groupCallKeySent) callbacks.groupCallKeySent(this); }); } } }