// // libtgvoip is free and unencumbered public domain software. // For more information, see http://unlicense.org or the UNLICENSE file // you should have received with this source code distribution. // #ifndef LIBTGVOIP_BUFFERINPUTSTREAM_H #define LIBTGVOIP_BUFFERINPUTSTREAM_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "threading.h" namespace tgvoip{ class Buffer; class BufferInputStream{ public: BufferInputStream(unsigned char* data, size_t length); ~BufferInputStream(); void Seek(size_t offset); size_t GetLength(); size_t GetOffset(); size_t Remaining(); unsigned char ReadByte(); int64_t ReadInt64(); int32_t ReadInt32(); int16_t ReadInt16(); int32_t ReadTlLength(); void ReadBytes(unsigned char* to, size_t count); BufferInputStream GetPartBuffer(size_t length, bool advance); private: void EnsureEnoughRemaining(size_t need); unsigned char* buffer; size_t length; size_t offset; }; class BufferOutputStream{ friend class Buffer; public: BufferOutputStream(size_t size); BufferOutputStream(unsigned char* buffer, size_t size); ~BufferOutputStream(); void WriteByte(unsigned char byte); void WriteInt64(int64_t i); void WriteInt32(int32_t i); void WriteInt16(int16_t i); void WriteBytes(unsigned char* bytes, size_t count); void WriteBytes(Buffer& buffer); unsigned char* GetBuffer(); size_t GetLength(); void Reset(); void Rewind(size_t numBytes); private: void ExpandBufferIfNeeded(size_t need); unsigned char* buffer; size_t size; size_t offset; bool bufferProvided; }; class BufferPool{ public: BufferPool(unsigned int size, unsigned int count); ~BufferPool(); unsigned char* Get(); void Reuse(unsigned char* buffer); size_t GetSingleBufferSize(); size_t GetBufferCount(); private: uint64_t usedBuffers; int bufferCount; size_t size; unsigned char* buffers[64]; Mutex mutex; }; class Buffer{ public: Buffer(size_t capacity){ data=(unsigned char *) malloc(capacity); length=capacity; }; Buffer(const Buffer& other)=delete; Buffer(Buffer&& other) noexcept { data=other.data; length=other.length; other.data=NULL; }; Buffer(BufferOutputStream&& stream){ data=stream.buffer; length=stream.offset; stream.buffer=NULL; } Buffer(){ data=NULL; length=0; } ~Buffer(){ if(data) free(data); }; Buffer& operator=(Buffer&& other){ if(this!=&other){ if(data) free(data); data=other.data; length=other.length; other.data=NULL; } return *this; } unsigned char& operator[](size_t i){ if(i>=length) throw std::out_of_range(""); return data[i]; } const unsigned char& operator[](size_t i) const{ if(i>=length) throw std::out_of_range(""); return data[i]; } unsigned char* operator*(){ return data; } const unsigned char* operator*() const{ return data; } void CopyFrom(Buffer& other, size_t count, size_t srcOffset=0, size_t dstOffset=0){ if(!other.data) throw std::invalid_argument("CopyFrom can't copy from NULL"); if(other.length