// // libtgvoip is free and unencumbered public domain software. // For more information, see http://unlicense.org or the UNLICENSE file // you should have received with this source code distribution. // #ifndef LIBTGVOIP_AUDIOINPUTPULSE_H #define LIBTGVOIP_AUDIOINPUTPULSE_H #include "../../audio/AudioInput.h" #include "../../tools/threading.h" #include #define DECLARE_DL_FUNCTION(name) typeof(name)* _import_##name namespace tgvoip{ namespace audio{ class AudioInputPulse : public AudioInput{ public: AudioInputPulse(pa_context* context, pa_threaded_mainloop* mainloop, std::string devID); virtual ~AudioInputPulse(); virtual void Start(); virtual void Stop(); virtual bool IsRecording(); virtual void SetCurrentDevice(std::string devID); static bool EnumerateDevices(std::vector& devs); private: static void StreamStateCallback(pa_stream* s, void* arg); static void StreamReadCallback(pa_stream* stream, size_t requested_bytes, void* userdata); void StreamReadCallback(pa_stream* stream, size_t requestedBytes); pa_stream* CreateAndInitStream(); pa_threaded_mainloop* mainloop; pa_context* context; pa_stream* stream; bool isRecording; bool isConnected; bool didStart; bool isLocked; unsigned char remainingData[960*8*2]; size_t remainingDataSize; }; } } #undef DECLARE_DL_FUNCTION #endif //LIBTGVOIP_AUDIOINPUTPULSE_H