#include "../PrivateDefines.cpp" using namespace tgvoip; using namespace std; void VoIPController::SetState(int state) { this->state = state; LOGV("Call state changed to %d", state); stateChangeTime = GetCurrentTime(); messageThread.Post([this, state] { if (callbacks.connectionStateChanged) callbacks.connectionStateChanged(this, state); }); if (state == STATE_ESTABLISHED) { SetMicMute(micMuted); if (!wasEstablished) { wasEstablished = true; messageThread.Post(std::bind(&VoIPController::UpdateRTT, this), 0.1, 0.5); messageThread.Post(std::bind(&VoIPController::UpdateAudioBitrate, this), 0.0, 0.3); messageThread.Post(std::bind(&VoIPController::UpdateCongestion, this), 0.0, 1.0); messageThread.Post(std::bind(&VoIPController::UpdateSignalBars, this), 1.0, 1.0); messageThread.Post(std::bind(&VoIPController::TickJitterBufferAndCongestionControl, this), 0.0, 0.1); } } } #pragma mark - Timer methods void VoIPController::SendUdpPings() { LOGW("Send udp pings"); ENFORCE_MSG_THREAD; for (pair &e : endpoints) { if (e.second.type == Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY) { SendUdpPing(e.second); } } if (udpConnectivityState == UDP_UNKNOWN || udpConnectivityState == UDP_PING_PENDING) udpConnectivityState = UDP_PING_SENT; udpPingCount++; if (udpPingCount == 4 || udpPingCount == 10) { messageThread.CancelSelf(); udpPingTimeoutID = messageThread.Post(std::bind(&VoIPController::EvaluateUdpPingResults, this), 1.0); } } void VoIPController::EvaluateUdpPingResults() { double avgPongs = 0; int count = 0; for (pair &_e : endpoints) { Endpoint &e = _e.second; if (e.type == Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY) { if (e.udpPongCount > 0) { avgPongs += (double)e.udpPongCount; count++; } } } if (count > 0) avgPongs /= (double)count; else avgPongs = 0.0; LOGI("UDP ping reply count: %.2f", avgPongs); if (avgPongs == 0.0 && proxyProtocol == PROXY_SOCKS5 && udpSocket != realUdpSocket) { LOGI("Proxy does not let UDP through, closing proxy connection and using UDP directly"); std::shared_ptr proxySocket = udpSocket; proxySocket->Close(); udpSocket = realUdpSocket; selectCanceller->CancelSelect(); proxySupportsUDP = false; ResetUdpAvailability(); return; } bool configUseTCP = ServerConfig::GetSharedInstance()->GetBoolean("use_tcp", true); if (configUseTCP) { if (avgPongs == 0.0 || (udpConnectivityState == UDP_BAD && avgPongs < 7.0)) { if (needRateFlags & NEED_RATE_FLAG_UDP_NA) needRate = true; udpConnectivityState = UDP_NOT_AVAILABLE; useTCP = true; useUDP = avgPongs > 1.0; if (endpoints.at(currentEndpoint).type != Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY) setCurrentEndpointToTCP = true; AddTCPRelays(); waitingForRelayPeerInfo = false; } else if (avgPongs < 3.0) { if (needRateFlags & NEED_RATE_FLAG_UDP_BAD) needRate = true; udpConnectivityState = UDP_BAD; useTCP = true; setCurrentEndpointToTCP = true; AddTCPRelays(); udpPingTimeoutID = messageThread.Post(std::bind(&VoIPController::SendUdpPings, this), 0.5, 0.5); } else { udpPingTimeoutID = MessageThread::INVALID_ID; udpConnectivityState = UDP_AVAILABLE; } } else { udpPingTimeoutID = MessageThread::INVALID_ID; udpConnectivityState = UDP_NOT_AVAILABLE; } } void VoIPController::TickJitterBufferAndCongestionControl() { // TODO get rid of this and update states of these things internally and retroactively for (auto &stm : incomingStreams) { if (stm->type == StreamType::Audio) { auto astm = dynamic_pointer_cast(stm); if (astm->jitterBuffer) astm->jitterBuffer->Tick(); } } conctl.Tick(); //MutexGuard m(queuedPacketsMutex); double currentTime = GetCurrentTime(); double rtt = GetAverageRTT(); double packetLossTimeout = std::max(rtt * 2.0, 0.1); for (RecentOutgoingPacket &pkt : getBestPacketManager().getRecentOutgoingPackets()) { if (pkt.ackTime != 0.0 || pkt.lost) continue; if (currentTime - pkt.sendTime > packetLossTimeout) { pkt.lost = true; sendLosses++; LOGW("Outgoing packet lost: seq=%u, type=%s, size=%u", pkt.seq, pkt.type.c_str(), (unsigned int)pkt.size); if (pkt.sender) { pkt.sender->PacketLost(pkt); } //if (pkt.type == PKT_STREAM_DATA) //{ conctl.PacketLost(pkt.seq); //} } } } void VoIPController::UpdateRTT() { rttHistory.Add(GetAverageRTT()); if (rttHistory[0] > 10.0 && rttHistory[8] > 10.0 && (networkType == NET_TYPE_EDGE || networkType == NET_TYPE_GPRS)) { waitingForAcks = true; } else { waitingForAcks = false; } //LOGI("%.3lf/%.3lf, rtt diff %.3lf, waiting=%d, queue=%d", rttHistory[0], rttHistory[8], v, waitingForAcks, sendQueue->Size()); for (auto &stm : incomingStreams) { if (stm->type == StreamType::Audio) { auto astm = dynamic_pointer_cast(stm); if (astm->jitterBuffer) { int lostCount = astm->jitterBuffer->GetAndResetLostPacketCount(); if (lostCount > 0 || (lostCount < 0 && recvLossCount > ((uint32_t)-lostCount))) recvLossCount += lostCount; } } } } void VoIPController::UpdateCongestion() { if (encoder) { uint32_t sendLossCount = conctl.GetSendLossCount(); sendLossCountHistory.Add(sendLossCount - prevSendLossCount); prevSendLossCount = sendLossCount; uint32_t lastSentSeq = getBestPacketManager().getLastSentSeq(); packetCountHistory.Add(lastSentSeq - prevSeq); prevSeq = lastSentSeq; //double packetsPerSec = 1000 / (double)outgoingStreams[0]->frameDuration; double avgSendLossCount = sendLossCountHistory.Average() / packetCountHistory.Average(); LOGE("avg send loss: %.3f%%", avgSendLossCount * 100); auto &sender = GetStreamByType(true)->packetSender; //avgSendLossCount = sender->setPacketLoss(avgSendLossCount * 100.0) / 100.0; sender->setPacketLoss(avgSendLossCount * 100.0); if (avgSendLossCount > packetLossToEnableExtraEC && networkType != NET_TYPE_GPRS && networkType != NET_TYPE_EDGE) { if (!sender->getShittyInternetMode()) { // Shitty Internet Modeā„¢. Redundant redundancy you can trust. sender->setShittyInternetMode(true); auto &s = GetStreamByType(true); if (s) { s->extraECEnabled = true; SendStreamFlags(*s); } if (encoder) encoder->SetSecondaryEncoderEnabled(true); LOGW("Enabling extra EC"); if (needRateFlags & NEED_RATE_FLAG_SHITTY_INTERNET_MODE) needRate = true; wasExtraEC = true; } } if (avgSendLossCount > 0.08) { sender->setExtraEcLevel(4); } else if (avgSendLossCount > 0.05) { sender->setExtraEcLevel(3); } else if (avgSendLossCount > 0.02) { sender->setExtraEcLevel(2); } else { sender->setExtraEcLevel(0); } encoder->SetPacketLoss((int)(avgSendLossCount * 100.0)); if (avgSendLossCount > rateMaxAcceptableSendLoss) needRate = true; if ((avgSendLossCount < packetLossToEnableExtraEC || networkType == NET_TYPE_EDGE || networkType == NET_TYPE_GPRS) && sender->getShittyInternetMode()) { sender->setShittyInternetMode(false); auto &s = GetStreamByType(true); if (s) { s->extraECEnabled = false; SendStreamFlags(*s); } if (encoder) encoder->SetSecondaryEncoderEnabled(false); LOGW("Disabling extra EC"); } if (!wasEncoderLaggy && encoder->GetComplexity() < 10) wasEncoderLaggy = true; } } void VoIPController::UpdateAudioBitrate() { if (encoder) { double time = GetCurrentTime(); if ((audioInput && !audioInput->IsInitialized()) || (audioOutput && !audioOutput->IsInitialized())) { LOGE("Audio I/O failed"); lastError = ERROR_AUDIO_IO; SetState(STATE_FAILED); } int act = conctl.GetBandwidthControlAction(); if (GetStreamByType(true)->packetSender->getShittyInternetMode()) { encoder->SetBitrate(8000); } else if (act == TGVOIP_CONCTL_ACT_DECREASE) { uint32_t bitrate = encoder->GetBitrate(); if (bitrate > 8000) encoder->SetBitrate(bitrate < (minAudioBitrate + audioBitrateStepDecr) ? minAudioBitrate : (bitrate - audioBitrateStepDecr)); } else if (act == TGVOIP_CONCTL_ACT_INCREASE) { uint32_t bitrate = encoder->GetBitrate(); if (bitrate < maxBitrate) encoder->SetBitrate(bitrate + audioBitrateStepIncr); } if (state == STATE_ESTABLISHED && time - lastRecvPacketTime >= reconnectingTimeout) { SetState(STATE_RECONNECTING); if (needRateFlags & NEED_RATE_FLAG_RECONNECTING) needRate = true; wasReconnecting = true; ResetUdpAvailability(); } if (state == STATE_ESTABLISHED || state == STATE_RECONNECTING) { if (time - lastRecvPacketTime >= config.recvTimeout) { const Endpoint &_currentEndpoint = endpoints.at(currentEndpoint); if (_currentEndpoint.type != Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY && _currentEndpoint.type != Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY) { LOGW("Packet receive timeout, switching to relay"); currentEndpoint = preferredRelay; for (pair &_e : endpoints) { Endpoint &e = _e.second; if (e.IsP2P()) { e.averageRTT = 0; e.rtts.Reset(); } } if (allowP2p) { SendPublicEndpointsRequest(); } UpdateDataSavingState(); UpdateAudioBitrateLimit(); SendDataSavingMode(); lastRecvPacketTime = time; } else { LOGW("Packet receive timeout, disconnecting"); lastError = ERROR_TIMEOUT; SetState(STATE_FAILED); } } } } } void VoIPController::UpdateSignalBars() { int prevSignalBarCount = GetSignalBarsCount(); double packetsPerSec = 1000 / (double)GetStreamByID(StreamId::Audio, true)->frameDuration; double avgSendLossCount = sendLossCountHistory.Average() / packetsPerSec; int signalBarCount = 4; if (state == STATE_RECONNECTING || waitingForAcks) signalBarCount = 1; if (endpoints.at(currentEndpoint).type == Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY) { signalBarCount = std::min(signalBarCount, 3); } if (avgSendLossCount > 0.1) { signalBarCount = 1; } else if (avgSendLossCount > 0.0625) { signalBarCount = std::min(signalBarCount, 2); } else if (avgSendLossCount > 0.025) { signalBarCount = std::min(signalBarCount, 3); } for (auto &stm : incomingStreams) { if (stm->type == StreamType::Audio) { auto astm = dynamic_pointer_cast(stm); if (astm->jitterBuffer) { double avgLateCount[3]; astm->jitterBuffer->GetAverageLateCount(avgLateCount); if (avgLateCount[2] >= 0.2) signalBarCount = 1; else if (avgLateCount[2] >= 0.1) signalBarCount = std::min(signalBarCount, 2); } } } signalBarsHistory.Add(static_cast(signalBarCount)); //LOGV("Signal bar count history %08X", *reinterpret_cast(&signalBarsHistory)); int _signalBarCount = GetSignalBarsCount(); if (_signalBarCount != prevSignalBarCount) { LOGD("SIGNAL BAR COUNT CHANGED: %d", _signalBarCount); if (callbacks.signalBarCountChanged) callbacks.signalBarCountChanged(this, _signalBarCount); } }