// // libtgvoip is free and unencumbered public domain software. // For more information, see http://unlicense.org or the UNLICENSE file // you should have received with this source code distribution. // #ifndef __VOIPCONTROLLER_H #define __VOIPCONTROLLER_H #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "audio/AudioInput.h" #include "BlockingQueue.h" #include "BufferOutputStream.h" #include "audio/AudioOutput.h" #include "JitterBuffer.h" #include "OpusDecoder.h" #include "OpusEncoder.h" #include "EchoCanceller.h" #include "CongestionControl.h" #include "NetworkSocket.h" #define LIBTGVOIP_VERSION "1.0" #define STATE_WAIT_INIT 1 #define STATE_WAIT_INIT_ACK 2 #define STATE_ESTABLISHED 3 #define STATE_FAILED 4 #define STATE_RECONNECTING 5 #define TGVOIP_ERROR_UNKNOWN 0 #define TGVOIP_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE 1 #define TGVOIP_ERROR_TIMEOUT 2 #define TGVOIP_ERROR_AUDIO_IO 3 #define NET_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0 #define NET_TYPE_GPRS 1 #define NET_TYPE_EDGE 2 #define NET_TYPE_3G 3 #define NET_TYPE_HSPA 4 #define NET_TYPE_LTE 5 #define NET_TYPE_WIFI 6 #define NET_TYPE_ETHERNET 7 #define NET_TYPE_OTHER_HIGH_SPEED 8 #define NET_TYPE_OTHER_LOW_SPEED 9 #define NET_TYPE_DIALUP 10 #define NET_TYPE_OTHER_MOBILE 11 #define EP_TYPE_UDP_P2P_INET 1 #define EP_TYPE_UDP_P2P_LAN 2 #define EP_TYPE_UDP_RELAY 3 #define EP_TYPE_TCP_RELAY 4 #define DATA_SAVING_NEVER 0 #define DATA_SAVING_MOBILE 1 #define DATA_SAVING_ALWAYS 2 #ifdef _WIN32 #undef GetCurrentTime #endif struct voip_stream_t{ int32_t userID; unsigned char id; unsigned char type; unsigned char codec; bool enabled; uint16_t frameDuration; }; typedef struct voip_stream_t voip_stream_t; struct voip_queued_packet_t{ unsigned char type; unsigned char* data; size_t length; uint32_t seqs[16]; double firstSentTime; double lastSentTime; double retryInterval; double timeout; }; typedef struct voip_queued_packet_t voip_queued_packet_t; struct voip_config_t{ double init_timeout; double recv_timeout; int data_saving; char logFilePath[256]; char statsDumpFilePath[256]; bool enableAEC; bool enableNS; bool enableAGC; }; typedef struct voip_config_t voip_config_t; #if defined(__APPLE__) && TARGET_OS_IPHONE // temporary fix for nasty linking errors struct voip_legacy_endpoint_t{ const char* address; const char* address6; uint16_t port; int64_t id; unsigned char peerTag[16]; }; typedef struct voip_legacy_endpoint_t voip_legacy_endpoint_t; #endif struct voip_stats_t{ uint64_t bytesSentWifi; uint64_t bytesRecvdWifi; uint64_t bytesSentMobile; uint64_t bytesRecvdMobile; }; typedef struct voip_stats_t voip_stats_t; struct voip_crypto_functions_t{ void (*rand_bytes)(uint8_t* buffer, size_t length); void (*sha1)(uint8_t* msg, size_t length, uint8_t* output); void (*sha256)(uint8_t* msg, size_t length, uint8_t* output); void (*aes_ige_encrypt)(uint8_t* in, uint8_t* out, size_t length, uint8_t* key, uint8_t* iv); void (*aes_ige_decrypt)(uint8_t* in, uint8_t* out, size_t length, uint8_t* key, uint8_t* iv); void (*aes_ctr_encrypt)(uint8_t* inout, size_t length, uint8_t* key, uint8_t* iv, uint8_t* ecount, uint32_t* num); }; typedef struct voip_crypto_functions_t voip_crypto_functions_t; #define SEQ_MAX 0xFFFFFFFF inline bool seqgt(uint32_t s1, uint32_t s2){ return ((s1>s2) && (s1-s2<=SEQ_MAX/2)) || ((s1SEQ_MAX/2)); } namespace tgvoip{ enum{ PROXY_NONE=0, PROXY_SOCKS5, //PROXY_HTTP }; class Endpoint{ friend class VoIPController; public: Endpoint(int64_t id, uint16_t port, IPv4Address& address, IPv6Address& v6address, char type, unsigned char* peerTag); Endpoint(); int64_t id; uint16_t port; IPv4Address address; IPv6Address v6address; char type; unsigned char peerTag[16]; private: double lastPingTime; uint32_t lastPingSeq; double rtts[6]; double averageRTT; NetworkSocket* socket; }; class AudioDevice{ public: std::string id; std::string displayName; }; class AudioOutputDevice : public AudioDevice{ }; class AudioInputDevice : public AudioDevice{ }; class VoIPController { public: VoIPController(); ~VoIPController(); /** * Set the initial endpoints (relays) * @param endpoints Endpoints converted from phone.PhoneConnection TL objects * @param allowP2p Whether p2p connectivity is allowed */ void SetRemoteEndpoints(std::vector endpoints, bool allowP2p); /** * Initialize and start all the internal threads */ void Start(); /** * Initiate connection */ void Connect(); Endpoint& GetRemoteEndpoint(); /** * Get the debug info string to be displayed in client UI * @param buffer The buffer to put the string into * @param len The length of the buffer */ void GetDebugString(char* buffer, size_t len); /** * Notify the library of network type change * @param type The new network type */ void SetNetworkType(int type); /** * Get the average round-trip time for network packets * @return */ double GetAverageRTT(); /** * Set the function to be called whenever the connection state changes * @param f */ void SetStateCallback(void (*f)(VoIPController*, int)); static double GetCurrentTime(); /** * Use this field to store any of your context data associated with this call */ void* implData; /** * * @param mute */ void SetMicMute(bool mute); /** * * @param key * @param isOutgoing */ void SetEncryptionKey(char* key, bool isOutgoing); /** * * @param cfg */ void SetConfig(voip_config_t* cfg); float GetOutputLevel(); void DebugCtl(int request, int param); /** * * @param stats */ void GetStats(voip_stats_t* stats); /** * * @return */ int64_t GetPreferredRelayID(); /** * * @return */ int GetLastError(); /** * */ static voip_crypto_functions_t crypto; /** * * @return */ static const char* GetVersion(); #ifdef TGVOIP_USE_AUDIO_SESSION void SetAcquireAudioSession(void (^)(void (^)())); void ReleaseAudioSession(void (^completion)()); #endif /** * * @return */ std::string GetDebugLog(); /** * * @param buffer */ void GetDebugLog(char* buffer); size_t GetDebugLogLength(); /** * * @return */ static std::vector EnumerateAudioInputs(); /** * * @return */ static std::vector EnumerateAudioOutputs(); /** * * @param id */ void SetCurrentAudioInput(std::string id); /** * * @param id */ void SetCurrentAudioOutput(std::string id); /** * * @return */ std::string GetCurrentAudioInputID(); /** * * @return */ std::string GetCurrentAudioOutputID(); /** * Set the proxy server to route the data through. Call this before connecting. * @param protocol PROXY_NONE, PROXY_SOCKS4, or PROXY_SOCKS5 * @param address IP address or domain name of the server * @param port Port of the server * @param username Username; empty string for anonymous * @param password Password; empty string if none */ void SetProxy(int protocol, std::string address, uint16_t port, std::string username, std::string password); private: struct PendingOutgoingPacket{ uint32_t seq; unsigned char type; size_t len; unsigned char* data; Endpoint* endpoint; }; enum{ UDP_UNKNOWN=0, UDP_PING_SENT, UDP_AVAILABIE, UDP_NOT_AVAILABLE }; static void* StartRecvThread(void* arg); static void* StartSendThread(void* arg); static void* StartTickThread(void* arg); void RunRecvThread(); void RunSendThread(); void RunTickThread(); void SendPacket(unsigned char* data, size_t len, Endpoint* ep); void HandleAudioInput(unsigned char* data, size_t len); void UpdateAudioBitrate(); void SetState(int state); void UpdateAudioOutputState(); void SendInit(); void InitUDPProxy(); void UpdateDataSavingState(); void KDF(unsigned char* msgKey, size_t x, unsigned char* aesKey, unsigned char* aesIv); void WritePacketHeader(uint32_t seq, BufferOutputStream* s, unsigned char type, uint32_t length); static size_t AudioInputCallback(unsigned char* data, size_t length, void* param); void SendPublicEndpointsRequest(); void SendPublicEndpointsRequest(Endpoint& relay); Endpoint* GetEndpointByType(int type); void SendPacketReliably(unsigned char type, unsigned char* data, size_t len, double retryInterval, double timeout); uint32_t GenerateOutSeq(); void LogDebugInfo(); void SendUdpPing(Endpoint* endpoint); int state; std::vector endpoints; Endpoint* currentEndpoint; Endpoint* preferredRelay; Endpoint* peerPreferredRelay; bool runReceiver; uint32_t seq; uint32_t lastRemoteSeq; uint32_t lastRemoteAckSeq; uint32_t lastSentSeq; double remoteAcks[32]; double sentPacketTimes[32]; double recvPacketTimes[32]; uint32_t sendLossCountHistory[32]; uint32_t audioTimestampIn; uint32_t audioTimestampOut; tgvoip::audio::AudioInput* audioInput; tgvoip::audio::AudioOutput* audioOutput; JitterBuffer* jitterBuffer; OpusDecoder* decoder; OpusEncoder* encoder; BlockingQueue* sendQueue; EchoCanceller* echoCanceller; tgvoip_mutex_t sendBufferMutex; tgvoip_mutex_t endpointsMutex; bool stopping; bool audioOutStarted; tgvoip_thread_t recvThread; tgvoip_thread_t sendThread; tgvoip_thread_t tickThread; uint32_t packetsRecieved; uint32_t recvLossCount; uint32_t prevSendLossCount; uint32_t firstSentPing; double rttHistory[32]; bool waitingForAcks; int networkType; int dontSendPackets; int lastError; bool micMuted; uint32_t maxBitrate; void (*stateCallback)(VoIPController*, int); std::vector outgoingStreams; std::vector incomingStreams; unsigned char encryptionKey[256]; unsigned char keyFingerprint[8]; unsigned char callID[16]; double stateChangeTime; bool waitingForRelayPeerInfo; bool allowP2p; bool dataSavingMode; bool dataSavingRequestedByPeer; std::string activeNetItfName; double publicEndpointsReqTime; std::vector queuedPackets; tgvoip_mutex_t queuedPacketsMutex; double connectionInitTime; double lastRecvPacketTime; voip_config_t config; int32_t peerVersion; CongestionControl* conctl; voip_stats_t stats; bool receivedInit; bool receivedInitAck; std::vector debugLogs; bool isOutgoing; NetworkSocket* udpSocket; NetworkSocket* realUdpSocket; FILE* statsDump; std::string currentAudioInput; std::string currentAudioOutput; bool useTCP; bool useUDP; bool didAddTcpRelays; double setEstablishedAt; SocketSelectCanceller* selectCanceller; NetworkSocket* openingTcpSocket; BufferPool outgoingPacketsBufferPool; int udpConnectivityState; double lastUdpPingTime; int udpPingCount; int proxyProtocol; std::string proxyAddress; uint16_t proxyPort; std::string proxyUsername; std::string proxyPassword; IPv4Address* resolvedProxyAddress; /*** server config values ***/ uint32_t maxAudioBitrate; uint32_t maxAudioBitrateEDGE; uint32_t maxAudioBitrateGPRS; uint32_t maxAudioBitrateSaving; uint32_t initAudioBitrate; uint32_t initAudioBitrateEDGE; uint32_t initAudioBitrateGPRS; uint32_t initAudioBitrateSaving; uint32_t minAudioBitrate; uint32_t audioBitrateStepIncr; uint32_t audioBitrateStepDecr; double relaySwitchThreshold; double p2pToRelaySwitchThreshold; double relayToP2pSwitchThreshold; double reconnectingTimeout; #ifdef TGVOIP_USE_AUDIO_SESSION void (^acquireAudioSession)(void (^)()); bool needNotifyAcquiredAudioSession; #endif public: #ifdef __APPLE__ static double machTimebase; static uint64_t machTimestart; #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE // temporary fix for nasty linking errors void SetRemoteEndpoints(voip_legacy_endpoint_t* buffer, size_t count, bool allowP2P); #endif #endif #ifdef _WIN32 static int64_t win32TimeScale; static bool didInitWin32TimeScale; #endif }; } #endif