// // libtgvoip is free and unencumbered public domain software. // For more information, see http://unlicense.org or the UNLICENSE file // you should have received with this source code distribution. // #include "controller/audio/OpusDecoder.h" #include "audio/Resampler.h" #include "tools/logging.h" #include #include #include #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H || defined TGVOIP_USE_INSTALLED_OPUS #include #else #include #endif #include "VoIPController.h" #define PACKET_SIZE (960 * 2) using namespace tgvoip; tgvoip::OpusDecoder::OpusDecoder(const std::shared_ptr &dst, bool isAsync, bool needEC) { dst->SetCallback(OpusDecoder::Callback, this); Initialize(isAsync, needEC); } tgvoip::OpusDecoder::OpusDecoder(const std::unique_ptr &dst, bool isAsync, bool needEC) { dst->SetCallback(OpusDecoder::Callback, this); Initialize(isAsync, needEC); } tgvoip::OpusDecoder::OpusDecoder(MediaStreamItf *dst, bool isAsync, bool needEC) { dst->SetCallback(OpusDecoder::Callback, this); Initialize(isAsync, needEC); } void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::Initialize(bool isAsync, bool needEC) { async = isAsync; if (async) { decodedQueue = new BlockingQueue(33); semaphore = new Semaphore(32, 0); } else { decodedQueue = NULL; semaphore = NULL; } dec = opus_decoder_create(48000, 1, NULL); if (needEC) ecDec = opus_decoder_create(48000, 1, NULL); else ecDec = NULL; buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(8192); lastDecoded = NULL; outputBufferSize = 0; echoCanceller = NULL; frameDuration = 20; consecutiveLostPackets = 0; enableDTX = false; silentPacketCount = 0; levelMeter = NULL; nextLen = 0; running = false; remainingDataLen = 0; processedBuffer = NULL; prevWasEC = false; prevLastSample = 0; } tgvoip::OpusDecoder::~OpusDecoder() { opus_decoder_destroy(dec); if (ecDec) opus_decoder_destroy(ecDec); free(buffer); if (decodedQueue) delete decodedQueue; if (semaphore) delete semaphore; } void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::SetEchoCanceller(EchoCanceller *canceller) { echoCanceller = canceller; } size_t tgvoip::OpusDecoder::Callback(unsigned char *data, size_t len, void *param) { return ((OpusDecoder *)param)->HandleCallback(data, len); } size_t tgvoip::OpusDecoder::HandleCallback(unsigned char *data, size_t len) { if (async) { if (!running) { memset(data, 0, len); return 0; } if (outputBufferSize == 0) { outputBufferSize = len; int packetsNeeded; if (len > PACKET_SIZE) packetsNeeded = len / PACKET_SIZE; else packetsNeeded = 1; packetsNeeded *= 2; semaphore->Release(packetsNeeded); } assert(outputBufferSize == len && "output buffer size is supposed to be the same throughout callbacks"); if (len == PACKET_SIZE) { Buffer lastDecoded = decodedQueue->GetBlocking(); if (lastDecoded.IsEmpty()) return 0; memcpy(data, *lastDecoded, PACKET_SIZE); semaphore->Release(); if (silentPacketCount > 0) { silentPacketCount--; if (levelMeter) levelMeter->Update(reinterpret_cast(data), 0); return 0; } if (echoCanceller) { echoCanceller->SpeakerOutCallback(data, PACKET_SIZE); } } else { LOGE("Opus decoder buffer length != 960 samples"); abort(); } } else { if (remainingDataLen == 0 && silentPacketCount == 0) { int duration = DecodeNextFrame(); remainingDataLen = (size_t)(duration / 20 * 960 * 2); } if (silentPacketCount > 0 || remainingDataLen == 0 || !processedBuffer) { if (silentPacketCount > 0) silentPacketCount--; memset(data, 0, 960 * 2); if (levelMeter) levelMeter->Update(reinterpret_cast(data), 0); return 0; } memcpy(data, processedBuffer, 960 * 2); remainingDataLen -= 960 * 2; if (remainingDataLen > 0) { memmove(processedBuffer, processedBuffer + 960 * 2, remainingDataLen); } } if (levelMeter) levelMeter->Update(reinterpret_cast(data), len / 2); return len; } void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::Start() { if (!async) return; running = true; thread = new Thread(std::bind(&tgvoip::OpusDecoder::RunThread, this)); thread->SetName("opus_decoder"); thread->SetMaxPriority(); thread->Start(); } void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::Stop() { if (!running || !async) return; running = false; semaphore->Release(); thread->Join(); delete thread; } void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::RunThread() { int i; LOGI("decoder: packets per frame %d", packetsPerFrame); while (running) { int playbackDuration = DecodeNextFrame(); for (i = 0; i < playbackDuration / 20; i++) { semaphore->Acquire(); if (!running) { LOGI("==== decoder exiting ===="); return; } try { Buffer buf = bufferPool.Get(); if (remainingDataLen > 0) { for (effects::AudioEffect *&effect : postProcEffects) { effect->Process(reinterpret_cast(processedBuffer + (PACKET_SIZE * i)), 960); } buf.CopyFrom(processedBuffer + (PACKET_SIZE * i), 0, PACKET_SIZE); } else { //LOGE("Error decoding, result=%d", size); memset(*buf, 0, PACKET_SIZE); } decodedQueue->Put(std::move(buf)); } catch (std::bad_alloc &x) { LOGW("decoder: no buffers left!"); } } } } int tgvoip::OpusDecoder::DecodeNextFrame() { int playbackDuration = 0; bool isEC = false; size_t len = jitterBuffer->HandleOutput(buffer, 8192, 0, true, playbackDuration, isEC); bool fec = false; if (!len) { fec = true; len = jitterBuffer->HandleOutput(buffer, 8192, 0, false, playbackDuration, isEC); //if(len) // LOGV("Trying FEC..."); } int size; if (len) { size = opus_decode(isEC ? ecDec : dec, buffer, len, (opus_int16 *)decodeBuffer, packetsPerFrame * 960, fec ? 1 : 0); consecutiveLostPackets = 0; if (prevWasEC != isEC && size) { // It turns out the waveforms generated by the PLC feature are also great to help smooth out the // otherwise audible transition between the frames from different decoders. Those are basically an extrapolation // of the previous successfully decoded data -- which is exactly what we need here. size = opus_decode(prevWasEC ? ecDec : dec, NULL, 0, (opus_int16 *)nextBuffer, packetsPerFrame * 960, 0); if (size) { int16_t *plcSamples = reinterpret_cast(nextBuffer); int16_t *samples = reinterpret_cast(decodeBuffer); constexpr float coeffs[] = {0.999802, 0.995062, 0.984031, 0.966778, 0.943413, 0.914084, 0.878975, 0.838309, 0.792344, 0.741368, 0.685706, 0.625708, 0.561754, 0.494249, 0.423619, 0.350311, 0.274788, 0.197527, 0.119018, 0.039757}; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { samples[i] = (int16_t)round((plcSamples[i] * coeffs[i] + (float)samples[i] * (1.0 - coeffs[i]))); } } } prevWasEC = isEC; prevLastSample = decodeBuffer[size - 1]; } else { // do packet loss concealment consecutiveLostPackets++; if (consecutiveLostPackets > 2 && enableDTX) { silentPacketCount += packetsPerFrame; size = packetsPerFrame * 960; } else { size = opus_decode(prevWasEC ? ecDec : dec, NULL, 0, (opus_int16 *)decodeBuffer, packetsPerFrame * 960, 0); //LOGV("PLC"); } } if (size < 0) LOGW("decoder: opus_decode error %d", size); remainingDataLen = size; if (playbackDuration == 80) { processedBuffer = buffer; audio::Resampler::Rescale60To80((int16_t *)decodeBuffer, (int16_t *)processedBuffer); } else if (playbackDuration == 40) { processedBuffer = buffer; audio::Resampler::Rescale60To40((int16_t *)decodeBuffer, (int16_t *)processedBuffer); } else { processedBuffer = decodeBuffer; } return playbackDuration; } void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::SetFrameDuration(uint32_t duration) { frameDuration = duration; packetsPerFrame = frameDuration / 20; } void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::SetJitterBuffer(std::shared_ptr jitterBuffer) { this->jitterBuffer = jitterBuffer; } void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::SetDTX(bool enable) { enableDTX = enable; } void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::SetLevelMeter(AudioLevelMeter *levelMeter) { this->levelMeter = levelMeter; } void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::AddAudioEffect(effects::AudioEffect *effect) { postProcEffects.push_back(effect); } void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::RemoveAudioEffect(effects::AudioEffect *effect) { std::vector::iterator i = std::find(postProcEffects.begin(), postProcEffects.end(), effect); if (i != postProcEffects.end()) postProcEffects.erase(i); }