#include "../PrivateDefines.cpp" //#include using namespace tgvoip; using namespace std; //std::random_device dev; //std::mt19937 rng(dev()); //std::uniform_int_distribution dist6(0, 9); // distribution in range [1, 6] bool VoIPController::SendOrEnqueuePacket(PendingOutgoingPacket pkt, bool enqueue, PacketSender *source) { ENFORCE_MSG_THREAD; Endpoint *endpoint = GetEndpointForPacket(pkt); if (!endpoint) { abort(); return false; } bool canSend; if (endpoint->type != Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY) { canSend = realUdpSocket->IsReadyToSend(); } else { if (!endpoint->socket) { LOGV("Connecting to %s:%u", endpoint->GetAddress().ToString().c_str(), endpoint->port); if (proxyProtocol == PROXY_NONE) { endpoint->socket = make_shared(NetworkSocket::Create(NetworkProtocol::TCP)); endpoint->socket->Connect(endpoint->GetAddress(), endpoint->port); } else if (proxyProtocol == PROXY_SOCKS5) { std::shared_ptr tcp = NetworkSocket::Create(NetworkProtocol::TCP); tcp->Connect(resolvedProxyAddress, proxyPort); shared_ptr proxy = make_shared(tcp, nullptr, proxyUsername, proxyPassword); endpoint->socket = proxy; endpoint->socket->Connect(endpoint->GetAddress(), endpoint->port); } selectCanceller->CancelSelect(); } canSend = endpoint->socket && endpoint->socket->IsReadyToSend(); } if (!canSend) { if (enqueue) { LOGW("Not ready to send - enqueueing"); sendQueue.push_back(move(pkt)); } return false; } conctl.PacketSent(pkt.seq, pkt.len); if ((endpoint->type == Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY && useTCP) || (endpoint->type != Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY && useUDP)) { BufferOutputStream out(1500); uint8_t transportId = WritePacketHeader(pkt, out, source); /*if (!dist6(rng)) { LOGW("DROPPING"); } else*/ SendPacket(out.GetBuffer(), out.GetLength(), *endpoint, pkt.seq, pkt.type, transportId); /*if (pkt.type == PKT_STREAM_DATA) { unsentStreamPackets--; }*/ } return true; } void VoIPController::SendPacket(unsigned char *data, size_t len, Endpoint &ep, uint32_t seq, uint8_t type, uint8_t transportId) { if (stopping) return; if (ep.type == Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY && !useTCP) return; BufferOutputStream out(len + 128); if (ep.IsReflector()) out.WriteBytes((unsigned char *)ep.peerTag, 16); else if (peerVersion < 9) out.WriteBytes(callID, 16); if (len > 0) { encryptPacket(data, len, out); } //LOGV("Sending %d bytes to %s:%d", out.GetLength(), ep.address.ToString().c_str(), ep.port); #ifdef LOG_PACKETS LOGV("Sending: to=%s:%u, seq=%u, length=%u, type=%s, transportId=%hhu", ep.GetAddress().ToString().c_str(), ep.port, seq, (unsigned int)out.GetLength(), GetPacketTypeString(type).c_str(), transportId); #endif rawSendQueue.Put( RawPendingOutgoingPacket{ NetworkPacket{ Buffer(std::move(out)), ep.GetAddress(), ep.port, ep.type == Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY ? NetworkProtocol::TCP : NetworkProtocol::UDP}, ep.type == Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY ? ep.socket : nullptr}); } void VoIPController::SendInit() { ENFORCE_MSG_THREAD; uint32_t initSeq = packetManager.nextLocalSeq(); for (pair &_e : endpoints) { Endpoint &e = _e.second; if (e.type == Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY && !useTCP) continue; BufferOutputStream out(1024); out.WriteInt32(PROTOCOL_VERSION); out.WriteInt32(MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION); uint32_t flags = 0; if (config.enableCallUpgrade) flags |= INIT_FLAG_GROUP_CALLS_SUPPORTED; if (config.enableVideoReceive) flags |= INIT_FLAG_VIDEO_RECV_SUPPORTED; if (config.enableVideoSend) flags |= INIT_FLAG_VIDEO_SEND_SUPPORTED; if (dataSavingMode) flags |= INIT_FLAG_DATA_SAVING_ENABLED; out.WriteInt32(flags); if (connectionMaxLayer < 74) { out.WriteByte(2); // audio codecs count out.WriteByte(CODEC_OPUS_OLD); out.WriteByte(0); out.WriteByte(0); out.WriteByte(0); out.WriteInt32(CODEC_OPUS); out.WriteByte(0); // video codecs count (decode) out.WriteByte(0); // video codecs count (encode) } else { out.WriteByte(1); out.WriteInt32(CODEC_OPUS); vector decoders = config.enableVideoReceive ? video::VideoRenderer::GetAvailableDecoders() : vector(); vector encoders = config.enableVideoSend ? video::VideoSource::GetAvailableEncoders() : vector(); out.WriteByte((unsigned char)decoders.size()); for (uint32_t id : decoders) { out.WriteInt32(id); } if (connectionMaxLayer >= 92) out.WriteByte((unsigned char)video::VideoRenderer::GetMaximumResolution()); else out.WriteByte(0); } SendOrEnqueuePacket(PendingOutgoingPacket{ /*.seq=*/initSeq, /*.type=*/PKT_INIT, /*.len=*/out.GetLength(), /*.data=*/Buffer(move(out)), /*.endpoint=*/e.id}); } if (state == STATE_WAIT_INIT) SetState(STATE_WAIT_INIT_ACK); messageThread.Post( [this] { if (state == STATE_WAIT_INIT_ACK) { SendInit(); } }, 0.5); } void VoIPController::InitUDPProxy() { if (realUdpSocket != udpSocket) { udpSocket->Close(); udpSocket = realUdpSocket; } char sbuf[128]; snprintf(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), "%s:%u", proxyAddress.c_str(), proxyPort); string proxyHostPort(sbuf); if (proxyHostPort == lastTestedProxyServer && !proxySupportsUDP) { LOGI("Proxy does not support UDP - using UDP directly instead"); messageThread.Post(bind(&VoIPController::ResetUdpAvailability, this)); return; } std::shared_ptr tcp = NetworkSocket::Create(NetworkProtocol::TCP); tcp->Connect(resolvedProxyAddress, proxyPort); vector> writeSockets; vector> readSockets; vector> errorSockets; while (!tcp->IsFailed() && !tcp->IsReadyToSend()) { writeSockets.push_back(tcp); if (!NetworkSocket::Select(readSockets, writeSockets, errorSockets, selectCanceller)) { LOGW("Select canceled while waiting for proxy control socket to connect"); return; } } LOGV("UDP proxy control socket ready to send"); std::shared_ptr udpProxy = std::make_shared(tcp, realUdpSocket, proxyUsername, proxyPassword); udpProxy->OnReadyToSend(); writeSockets.clear(); while (!udpProxy->IsFailed() && !tcp->IsFailed() && !udpProxy->IsReadyToSend()) { readSockets.clear(); errorSockets.clear(); readSockets.push_back(tcp); errorSockets.push_back(tcp); if (!NetworkSocket::Select(readSockets, writeSockets, errorSockets, selectCanceller)) { LOGW("Select canceled while waiting for UDP proxy to initialize"); return; } if (!readSockets.empty()) udpProxy->OnReadyToReceive(); } LOGV("UDP proxy initialized"); if (udpProxy->IsFailed()) { udpProxy->Close(); proxySupportsUDP = false; } else { udpSocket = udpProxy; } messageThread.Post(bind(&VoIPController::ResetUdpAvailability, this)); } void VoIPController::TrySendOutgoingPackets() { ENFORCE_MSG_THREAD; for (vector::iterator opkt = sendQueue.begin(); opkt != sendQueue.end();) { Endpoint *endpoint = GetEndpointForPacket(*opkt); if (!endpoint) { opkt = sendQueue.erase(opkt); LOGE("SendQueue contained packet for nonexistent endpoint"); continue; } bool canSend; if (endpoint->type != Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY) canSend = realUdpSocket->IsReadyToSend(); else canSend = endpoint->socket && endpoint->socket->IsReadyToSend(); if (canSend) { LOGI("Sending queued packet"); SendOrEnqueuePacket(move(*opkt), false); opkt = sendQueue.erase(opkt); } else { ++opkt; } } } void VoIPController::SendRelayPings() { ENFORCE_MSG_THREAD; if ((state == STATE_ESTABLISHED || state == STATE_RECONNECTING) && endpoints.size() > 1) { Endpoint *_preferredRelay = &endpoints.at(preferredRelay); Endpoint *_currentEndpoint = &endpoints.at(currentEndpoint); Endpoint *minPingRelay = _preferredRelay; double minPing = _preferredRelay->averageRTT * (_preferredRelay->type == Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY ? 2 : 1); if (minPing == 0.0) // force the switch to an available relay, if any minPing = DBL_MAX; for (pair &_endpoint : endpoints) { Endpoint &endpoint = _endpoint.second; if (endpoint.type == Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY && !useTCP) continue; if (endpoint.type == Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY && !useUDP) continue; if (GetCurrentTime() - endpoint.lastPingTime >= 10) { LOGV("Sending ping to %s", endpoint.GetAddress().ToString().c_str()); SendOrEnqueuePacket(PendingOutgoingPacket{ /*.seq=*/(endpoint.lastPingSeq = packetManager.nextLocalSeq()), /*.type=*/PKT_PING, /*.len=*/0, /*.data=*/Buffer(), /*.endpoint=*/endpoint.id}); endpoint.lastPingTime = GetCurrentTime(); } if ((useUDP && endpoint.type == Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY) || (useTCP && endpoint.type == Endpoint::Type::TCP_RELAY)) { double k = endpoint.type == Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY ? 1 : 2; if (endpoint.averageRTT > 0 && endpoint.averageRTT * k < minPing * relaySwitchThreshold) { minPing = endpoint.averageRTT * k; minPingRelay = &endpoint; } } } if (minPingRelay->id != preferredRelay) { preferredRelay = minPingRelay->id; _preferredRelay = minPingRelay; LOGV("set preferred relay to %s", _preferredRelay->address.ToString().c_str()); if (_currentEndpoint->IsReflector()) { currentEndpoint = preferredRelay; _currentEndpoint = _preferredRelay; } } if (_currentEndpoint->type == Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY && useUDP) { constexpr int64_t p2pID = static_cast(FOURCC('P', '2', 'P', '4')) << 32; constexpr int64_t lanID = static_cast(FOURCC('L', 'A', 'N', '4')) << 32; if (endpoints.find(p2pID) != endpoints.end()) { Endpoint &p2p = endpoints[p2pID]; if (endpoints.find(lanID) != endpoints.end() && endpoints[lanID].averageRTT > 0 && endpoints[lanID].averageRTT < minPing * relayToP2pSwitchThreshold) { currentEndpoint = lanID; LOGI("Switching to p2p (LAN)"); } else { if (p2p.averageRTT > 0 && p2p.averageRTT < minPing * relayToP2pSwitchThreshold) { currentEndpoint = p2pID; LOGI("Switching to p2p (Inet)"); } } } } else { if (minPing > 0 && minPing < _currentEndpoint->averageRTT * p2pToRelaySwitchThreshold) { LOGI("Switching to relay"); currentEndpoint = preferredRelay; } } } } void VoIPController::SendNopPacket(PacketManager &pm) { if (state != STATE_ESTABLISHED) return; PacketSender *source = pm.getTransportId() == 0xFF ? nullptr : outgoingStreams[pm.getTransportId()]->packetSender.get(); SendOrEnqueuePacket(PendingOutgoingPacket{ /*.seq=*/(firstSentPing = pm.nextLocalSeq()), /*.type=*/PKT_NOP, /*.len=*/0, /*.data=*/Buffer(), /*.endpoint=*/0}, source); } void VoIPController::SendPublicEndpointsRequest() { ENFORCE_MSG_THREAD; if (!allowP2p) return; LOGI("Sending public endpoints request"); for (pair &e : endpoints) { if (e.second.type == Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY && !e.second.IsIPv6Only()) { SendPublicEndpointsRequest(e.second); } } publicEndpointsReqCount++; if (publicEndpointsReqCount < 10) { messageThread.Post( [this] { if (waitingForRelayPeerInfo) { LOGW("Resending peer relay info request"); SendPublicEndpointsRequest(); } }, 5.0); } else { publicEndpointsReqCount = 0; } } void VoIPController::SendPublicEndpointsRequest(const Endpoint &relay) { if (!useUDP) return; LOGD("Sending public endpoints request to %s:%d", relay.address.ToString().c_str(), relay.port); publicEndpointsReqTime = GetCurrentTime(); waitingForRelayPeerInfo = true; Buffer buf(32); memcpy(*buf, relay.peerTag, 16); memset(*buf + 16, 0xFF, 16); udpSocket->Send(NetworkPacket{ std::move(buf), relay.address, relay.port, NetworkProtocol::UDP}); } Endpoint &VoIPController::GetEndpointByType(const Endpoint::Type type) { if (type == Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY && preferredRelay) return endpoints.at(preferredRelay); for (pair &e : endpoints) { if (e.second.type == type) return e.second; } throw out_of_range("no endpoint"); } void VoIPController::SendExtra(Buffer &data, unsigned char type) { ENFORCE_MSG_THREAD; LOGV("Sending extra type %u length %u", type, (unsigned int)data.Length()); for (vector::iterator x = currentExtras.begin(); x != currentExtras.end(); ++x) { if (x->type == type) { x->firstContainingSeq = 0; x->data = move(data); return; } } UnacknowledgedExtraData xd = {type, move(data), 0}; currentExtras.push_back(move(xd)); } void VoIPController::SendUdpPing(Endpoint &endpoint) { if (endpoint.type != Endpoint::Type::UDP_RELAY) return; BufferOutputStream p(1024); p.WriteBytes(endpoint.peerTag, 16); p.WriteInt32(-1); p.WriteInt32(-1); p.WriteInt32(-1); p.WriteInt32(-2); int64_t id; crypto.rand_bytes(reinterpret_cast(&id), 8); p.WriteInt64(id); endpoint.udpPingTimes[id] = GetCurrentTime(); udpSocket->Send(NetworkPacket{ Buffer(std::move(p)), endpoint.GetAddress(), endpoint.port, NetworkProtocol::UDP}); endpoint.totalUdpPings++; LOGV("Sending UDP ping to %s:%d, id %" PRId64, endpoint.GetAddress().ToString().c_str(), endpoint.port, id); } void VoIPController::ResetUdpAvailability() { ENFORCE_MSG_THREAD; LOGI("Resetting UDP availability"); if (udpPingTimeoutID != MessageThread::INVALID_ID) { messageThread.Cancel(udpPingTimeoutID); } { for (pair &e : endpoints) { e.second.udpPongCount = 0; e.second.udpPingTimes.clear(); } } udpPingCount = 0; udpConnectivityState = UDP_PING_PENDING; udpPingTimeoutID = messageThread.Post(std::bind(&VoIPController::SendUdpPings, this), 0.0, 0.5); } void VoIPController::ResetEndpointPingStats() { ENFORCE_MSG_THREAD; for (pair &e : endpoints) { e.second.averageRTT = 0.0; e.second.rtts.Reset(); } } void VoIPController::SendStreamFlags(Stream &stream) { ENFORCE_MSG_THREAD; BufferOutputStream s(5); s.WriteByte(stream.id); uint32_t flags = 0; if (stream.enabled) flags |= STREAM_FLAG_ENABLED; if (stream.extraECEnabled) flags |= STREAM_FLAG_EXTRA_EC; if (stream.paused) flags |= STREAM_FLAG_PAUSED; s.WriteInt32(flags); LOGV("My stream state: id %u flags %u", (unsigned int)stream.id, (unsigned int)flags); Buffer buf(move(s)); SendExtra(buf, EXTRA_TYPE_STREAM_FLAGS); }