mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 10:07:47 +01:00
Replace extern "C" strftime by go implementation
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,46 +1,238 @@
// Package strftime wraps the C stdlib strftime and strptime functions.
// Package strftime wraps the C stdlib strftime and strptime functions.
package strftime
package strftime
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
int read_errno() { return errno; }
import "C"
import (
import (
// Note: The use of errno below is not thread-safe.
// Strftime clones Ruby's Time.strftime
// Even if we added a mutex, it would not be thread-safe
// relative to other C stdlib calls that don't use that mutex.
// OTOH, I can't find a format string that C strftime thinks is illegal
// to test this with, so maybe this is a non-issue
// Strftime wraps the C Strftime function
func Strftime(format string, t time.Time) (string, error) {
func Strftime(format string, t time.Time) (string, error) {
var (
return re.ReplaceAllStringFunc(format, func(directive string) string {
_, offset = t.Zone()
var (
tz = t.Location()
m = re.FindAllStringSubmatch(directive, 1)[0]
secs = t.Sub(time.Date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, tz)).Seconds() - float64(offset)
flags = m[1]
tt = C.time_t(secs)
width = m[2]
tm = C.struct_tm{}
conversion, _ = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(m[3])
cFormat = C.CString(format)
c = replaceComponent(t, conversion, flags, width)
cOut [256]C.char
pad, w = '0', 2
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cFormat)) // nolint: gas
if s, ok := c.(string); ok {
C.localtime_r(&tt, &tm)
return s
size := C.strftime(&cOut[0], C.size_t(len(cOut)), cFormat, &tm)
if size == 0 {
// If size == 0 there *might* be an error.
if errno := C.read_errno(); errno != 0 {
return "", syscall.Errno(errno)
if f, ok := padding[conversion]; ok {
return C.GoString(&cOut[0]), nil
pad, w = f.c, f.w
switch flags {
case "-":
w = 0
case "_":
pad = ' '
case "0":
pad = '0'
if len(width) > 0 {
w, _ = strconv.Atoi(width) // nolint: gas
fm := fmt.Sprintf("%%%c%dd", pad, w)
if pad == '-' {
fm = fmt.Sprintf("%%%dd", w)
s := fmt.Sprintf(fm, c)
switch flags {
case "^":
return strings.ToUpper(s)
// case "#":
return s
}), nil
var re = regexp.MustCompile(`%([-_0]|::?)?(\d+)?[EO]?([a-zA-Z\+nt%])`)
var amPmTable = map[bool]string{true: "AM", false: "PM"}
var amPmLowerTable = map[bool]string{true: "am", false: "pm"}
var padding = map[rune]struct {
c rune
w int
'e': {'-', 2},
'f': {'0', 6},
'j': {'0', 3},
'k': {'-', 2},
'L': {'0', 3},
'l': {'-', 2},
'N': {'0', 9},
'u': {'-', 0},
'w': {'-', 0},
'Y': {'0', 4},
func replaceComponent(t time.Time, c rune, flags, width string) interface{} { // nolint: gocyclo
switch c {
// Date
case 'Y':
return t.Year()
case 'y':
return t.Year() % 100
case 'C':
return t.Year() / 100
case 'm':
return t.Month()
case 'B':
return t.Month().String()
case 'b', 'h':
return t.Month().String()[:3]
case 'd', 'e':
return t.Day()
case 'j':
return t.YearDay()
// Time
case 'H', 'k':
return t.Hour()
case 'I', 'l':
return (t.Hour()+11)%12 + 1
case 'M':
return t.Minute()
case 'S':
return t.Second()
case 'L':
return t.Nanosecond() / 1e6
case 'N':
ns := t.Nanosecond()
if len(width) > 0 {
w, _ := strconv.Atoi(width) // nolint: gas
if w <= 9 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%09d", ns)[:w]
return fmt.Sprintf(fmt.Sprintf("%%09d%%0%dd", w-9), ns, 0)
return ns
case 'P':
return amPmLowerTable[t.Hour() < 12]
case 'p':
return amPmTable[t.Hour() < 12]
// Time zone
case 'z':
_, offset := t.Zone()
var (
h = offset / 3600
m = (offset / 60) % 60
switch flags {
case ":":
return fmt.Sprintf("%+03d:%02d", h, m)
case "::":
return fmt.Sprintf("%+03d:%02d:%02d", h, m, offset%60)
return fmt.Sprintf("%+03d%02d", h, m)
case 'Z':
z, _ := t.Zone()
return z
// Weekday
case 'A':
return t.Weekday().String()
case 'a':
return t.Weekday().String()[:3]
case 'u':
return (t.Weekday()+6)%7 + 1
case 'w':
return t.Weekday()
// ISO Year
case 'G':
y, _ := t.ISOWeek()
return y
case 'g':
y, _ := t.ISOWeek()
return y % 100
case 'V':
_, wn := t.ISOWeek()
return wn
// ISO Week
case 'U':
t = t.Add(24 * time.Hour)
y, wn := t.ISOWeek()
if y < t.Year() {
wn = 0
return wn
case 'W':
y, wn := t.ISOWeek()
if y < t.Year() {
wn = 0
return wn
// Epoch seconds
case 's':
return t.Unix()
case 'Q':
return t.UnixNano() / 1000
// Literals
case 'n':
return "\n"
case 't':
return "\t"
case '%':
return "%"
// Combinations
case 'c':
// date and time (%a %b %e %T %Y)
h, m, s := t.Clock()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d", t.Weekday().String()[:3], t.Month().String()[:3], t.Day(), h, m, s, t.Year())
case 'D', 'x':
// Date (%m/%d/%y)
y, m, d := t.Date()
return fmt.Sprintf("%02d/%02d/%02d", m, d, y%100)
case 'F':
// The ISO 8601 date format (%Y-%m-%d)
y, m, d := t.Date()
return fmt.Sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", y, m, d)
case 'v':
// VMS date (%e-%b-%Y)
return fmt.Sprintf("%2d-%s-%04d", t.Day(), t.Month().String()[:3], t.Year())
case 'f':
return t.Nanosecond() / 1e3
case 'r':
// 12-hour time (%I:%M:%S %p)
h, m, s := t.Clock()
h12 := (h+11)%12 + 1
return fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d %s", h12, m, s, amPmTable[h < 12])
case 'R':
// 24-hour time (%H:%M)
h, m, _ := t.Clock()
return fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d", h, m)
case 'T', 'X':
// 24-hour time (%H:%M:%S)
h, m, s := t.Clock()
return fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s)
case '+':
// date(1) (%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y)
s, err := Strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", t)
if err != nil {
return s
return fmt.Sprintf("%%%c", c)
@ -19,17 +19,39 @@ func timeMustParse(f, s string) time.Time {
var conversionTests = []struct{ format, expect string }{
var conversionTests = []struct{ format, expect string }{
// {"%1N"},
{"%1N", "1"},
// {"%3N"},
{"%3N", "123"},
// {"%6N"},
{"%6N", "123456"},
// {"%9N"},
{"%9N", "123456789"},
{"%12N", "123456789000"},
{"%v", " 2-Jan-2006"},
{"%v", " 2-Jan-2006"},
{"%Z", "EST"},
{"%Z", "EST"},
// {"%:z", "-05:00"},
{"%:z", "-05:00"},
// {"%::z", "-05:00:00"},
{"%::z", "-05:00:00"},
{"%%", "%"},
{"%%", "%"},
var dayOfWeekTests = []string{
"%A=Sunday %a=Sun %u=7 %w=0 %d=01 %e= 1 %j=001 %U=01 %V=52 %W=00",
"%A=Monday %a=Mon %u=1 %w=1 %d=02 %e= 2 %j=002 %U=01 %V=01 %W=01",
"%A=Tuesday %a=Tue %u=2 %w=2 %d=03 %e= 3 %j=003 %U=01 %V=01 %W=01",
"%A=Wednesday %a=Wed %u=3 %w=3 %d=04 %e= 4 %j=004 %U=01 %V=01 %W=01",
"%A=Thursday %a=Thu %u=4 %w=4 %d=05 %e= 5 %j=005 %U=01 %V=01 %W=01",
"%A=Friday %a=Fri %u=5 %w=5 %d=06 %e= 6 %j=006 %U=01 %V=01 %W=01",
"%A=Saturday %a=Sat %u=6 %w=6 %d=07 %e= 7 %j=007 %U=01 %V=01 %W=01",
var hourTests = []struct {
hour int
expect string
{0, "%H=00 %k= 0 %I=12 %l=12 %P=am %p=AM"},
{1, "%H=01 %k= 1 %I=01 %l= 1 %P=am %p=AM"},
{12, "%H=12 %k=12 %I=12 %l=12 %P=pm %p=PM"},
{13, "%H=13 %k=13 %I=01 %l= 1 %P=pm %p=PM"},
{23, "%H=23 %k=23 %I=11 %l=11 %P=pm %p=PM"},
func TestStrftime(t *testing.T) {
func TestStrftime(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, os.Setenv("TZ", "America/New_York"))
require.NoError(t, os.Setenv("TZ", "America/New_York"))
@ -63,28 +85,13 @@ func TestStrftime(t *testing.T) {
if skip[format] {
if skip[format] {
name := fmt.Sprintf("Strftime %q (cf. Ruby)", format)
name := fmt.Sprintf("Strftime %q", format)
actual, err := Strftime(format, dt)
actual, err := Strftime(format, dt)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, name)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, name)
require.Equalf(t, expect, actual, name)
require.Equalf(t, expect, actual, name)
ins := []struct{ source, expect string }{
dt = timeMustParse(time.RFC1123Z, "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0500")
{"02 Jan 06 15:04 UTC", "02 Jan 06 10:04 EST"},
{"02 Jan 06 15:04 EST", "02 Jan 06 15:04 EST"},
{"02 Jan 06 15:04 EDT", "02 Jan 06 14:04 EST"},
// {"02 Jan 06 15:04 MST", "02 Jan 06 10:04 EST"},
{"14 Mar 16 12:00 UTC", "14 Mar 16 08:00 EDT"},
// {"14 Mar 16 00:00 UTC", "14 Mar 16 00:00 UTC"},
for _, test := range ins {
rt := timeMustParse(time.RFC822, test.source)
actual, err := Strftime("%d %b %y %H:%M %Z", rt)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, test.source)
require.Equalf(t, test.expect, actual, test.source)
dt = timeMustParse(time.RFC822, "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST")
tests := []struct{ format, expect string }{
tests := []struct{ format, expect string }{
{"%a, %b %d, %Y", "Mon, Jan 02, 2006"},
{"%a, %b %d, %Y", "Mon, Jan 02, 2006"},
{"%Y/%m/%d", "2006/01/02"},
{"%Y/%m/%d", "2006/01/02"},
@ -100,3 +107,42 @@ func TestStrftime(t *testing.T) {
require.Equalf(t, test.expect, s, test.format)
require.Equalf(t, test.expect, s, test.format)
func TestStrftime_dow(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, os.Setenv("TZ", "America/New_York"))
for day, expect := range dayOfWeekTests {
dt := time.Date(2006, 01, day+1, 15, 4, 5, 0, time.UTC)
format := "%%A=%A %%a=%a %%u=%u %%w=%w %%d=%d %%e=%e %%j=%j %%U=%U %%V=%V %%W=%W"
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Strftime", dt)
actual, err := Strftime(format, dt)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, name)
require.Equalf(t, expect, actual, name)
func TestStrftime_hours(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, os.Setenv("TZ", "America/New_York"))
for _, test := range hourTests {
dt := time.Date(2006, 01, 2, test.hour, 4, 5, 0, time.UTC)
format := "%%H=%H %%k=%k %%I=%I %%l=%l %%P=%P %%p=%p"
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s.Strftime", dt)
actual, err := Strftime(format, dt)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, name)
require.Equalf(t, test.expect, actual, name)
func TestStrftime_zones(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, os.Setenv("TZ", "America/New_York"))
ins := []struct{ source, expect string }{
{"02 Jan 06 15:04 UTC", "%z=+0000 %Z=UTC"},
{"02 Jan 06 15:04 EST", "%z=-0500 %Z=EST"},
{"02 Jul 06 15:04 EDT", "%z=-0400 %Z=EDT"},
for _, test := range ins {
rt := timeMustParse(time.RFC822, test.source)
actual, err := Strftime("%%z=%z %%Z=%Z", rt)
require.NoErrorf(t, err, test.source)
require.Equalf(t, test.expect, actual, test.source)
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