# Go Liquid Template Parser [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/osteele/liquid.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/osteele/liquid) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/osteele/liquid)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/osteele/liquid) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/osteele/liquid?status.svg)](http://godoc.org/github.com/osteele/liquid) > "Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common Lisp." – Philip Greenspun `liquid` ports [Shopify Liquid templates](https://shopify.github.io/liquid) to Go. It was developed for use in [gojekyll](https://github.com/osteele/gojekyll). `liquid` provides a functional API for defining tags and filters. See examples [here](https://github.com/osteele/liquid/blob/master/filters/filters.go), [here](https://github.com/osteele/gojekyll/blob/master/filters/filters.go), and [here](https://github.com/osteele/gojekyll/blob/master/tags/tags.go). On the one hand, this isn't idiomatic Go. On the other hand, this made it possible to implement a boatload of Liquid and Jekyll filters without an onerous amount of boilerplate – in some cases, simply by passing a reference to a function from the standard library. - [Go Liquid Template Parser](#go-liquid-template-parser) - [Status](#status) - [Install](#install) - [Contribute](#contribute) - [Setup](#setup) - [Workflow](#workflow) - [Style Guide](#style-guide) - [Working on the Parser and Lexer](#working-on-the-parser-and-lexer) - [References](#references) - [Attribution](#attribution) - [Other Implementations](#other-implementations) - [Go](#go) - [Other Languages](#other-languages) - [License](#license) ## Status This library is in its early days. IMO it's not sufficiently mature to be worth snapping off a [versioned URL](http://labix.org/gopkg.in). In particular, the tag and filter extension API is likely to change. - [ ] Basics - [x] Literals - [ ] String Escapes - [x] Variables - [ ] Operators (partial) - [x] Arrays - [ ] Whitespace Control - [ ] Tags - [x] Comment - [ ] Control Flow - [x] `if`/`else`/`elsif` - [x] `unless` - [x] `case` - [x] `when` - [ ] `else` - [ ] Iteration - [x] modifiers (`limit`, `reversed`, `offset`) - [ ] `range` - [x] `break`, `continue` - [x] loop variables - [ ] `tablerow` - [ ] `cycle` - [x] Raw - [x] Variables - [x] Assign - [x] Capture - [ ] Filters - [ ] `sort_natural`, `uniq`, `escape`, `truncatewords`, `url_decode`, `url_encode` - [x] everything else ## Install `go get -u github.com/osteele/goliquid` ## Contribute ### Setup ```bash make setup ``` ### Workflow ```bash go test ./... ``` Test just the scanner: ```bash cd expressions ragel -Z scanner.rl && go test ``` Preview the documentation: ```bash godoc -http=:6060& open http://localhost:6060/pkg/github.com/osteele/liquid/ ``` ### Style Guide `make test` and `make lint` should pass. The cyclomatic complexity checks on generated functions, hand-written parsers, and some of the generic interpreter functions, have been disabled (via `nolint: gocyclo`). IMO this check isn't appropriate for those classes of functions. This isn't a license to disable cyclomatic complexity or lint in general willy nilly. ### Working on the Parser and Lexer To work on the lexer, install Ragel. On macOS: `brew install ragel`. Do this after editing `scanner.rl` or `expressions.y`: ```bash go generate ./... ``` ## References * [Shopify.github.io/liquid](https://shopify.github.io/liquid) is the definitive reference. * [Help.shopify.com](https://help.shopify.com/themes/liquid) goes into more detail, but includes features that aren't present in core Liquid as used by Jekyll. * Shopify's [Liquid for Designers](https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers) is another take. ## Attribution | Package | Author | Description | License | |-------------------------------------------------------|-----------------|----------------------------------------------|--------------------| | [gopkg.in/yaml.v2](https://github.com/go-yaml/yaml) | Canonical | YAML support (for printing parse trees) | Apache License 2.0 | | [jeffjen/datefmt](https://github.com/jeffjen/datefmt) | Jeffrey Jen | Go bindings to GNU `strftime` and `strptime` | MIT | | [Ragel](http://www.colm.net/open-source/ragel/) | Adrian Thurston | scanning expressions | MIT | Michael Hamrah's [Lexing with Ragel and Parsing with Yacc using Go](https://medium.com/@mhamrah/lexing-with-ragel-and-parsing-with-yacc-using-go-81e50475f88f) was essential to understanding `go yacc`. The [original Liquid engine](https://shopify.github.io/liquid), of course, for the design and documentation of the Liquid template language. Many of the tag and filter test cases are taken directly from the Liquid documentation. ## Other Implementations ### Go * [karlseguin/liquid](https://github.com/karlseguin/liquid) is a dormant implementation that inspired a lot of forks. * [acstech/liquid](https://github.com/acstech/liquid) is a more active fork of Karl Seguin's implementation. I submitted a couple of pull requests there. * [hownowstephen/go-liquid](https://github.com/hownowstephen/go-liquid) is a more recent entry. After trying each of these, and looking at how to extend them, I concluded that I wasn't going to get very far without a parser generator. I also wanted an easy API for writing filters. ### Other Languages See Shopify's [ports of Liquid to other environments](https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Ports-of-Liquid-to-other-environments). ## License MIT License