@echo off rmdir /s /q "%~dp0out" mkdir out xcopy "%~dp0other\backup" "%~dp0out" /E > nul java -version if errorlevel 1 goto errjava cls echo Custom LWP 2.6 echo Thanks : andrew121 for the app this script modifies echo Thanks : olivvv59 for the added # of images echo --------------------------------------------------- echo Insert ur images in placeimages here folder echo Continue when done echo Make sure the images are the same resolution echo as your device for optimal results echo U have up to 300 images you can use (n01.png...n300.png) echo They must be labelled in that format echo. PAUSE echo. echo How many images do you have ^? Remember, must be ^<^= 300 and ur value must be in echo hexadecimal. So if ur using 20 images, ur input would be 14 echo Use www.tiny.cc/converthex if u need assistance echo. set /P INPUT=Enter: %=% echo. echo Enter the name for this live wallpaper. This is shown when picking the lwp echo. set /P INPUT1=Enter: %=% echo. echo Enter the description for this live wallpaper. echo This is shown when picking the lwp echo. set /P INPUT2=Enter: %=% echo. echo Enter the package name for this live wallpaper. This should be one word. echo No spaces or fancy characters please. echo. set /P INPUT3=Enter: %=% other\rep "suvbsib" "%INPUT3%" out\smali\com\custom\lwp\suvbsib\*.smali /s cls other\rep "suvbsib" "%INPUT3%" out\res\xml\wallpaper.xml other\rep "suvbsib" "%INPUT3%" out\AndroidManifest.xml rename out\smali\com\custom\lwp\suvbsib %INPUT3% other\rep "appname" "%INPUT1%" out\AndroidManifest.xml other\rep "dscrp" "%INPUT2%" out\res\values\strings.xml other\rep "const/16 v1, 0x31" "const/16 v1, 0x%INPUT%" out\smali\com\custom\lwp\%INPUT3%\LiveWallpaperPainting$OutRunEngine.smali set counter=1 set placeholder=0 :loop if NOT EXIST "%~dp0out\res\drawable-hdpi-v4\n%placeholder%%counter%.png" (copy "%~dp0other\ph.png" "%~dp0out\res\drawable-hdpi-v4\n%placeholder%%counter%.png") set /a counter+=1 if %counter% EQU 10 ( set placeholder=) if %counter% NEQ 301 goto loop copy "%~dp0placeimages" "%~dp0out\res\drawable-hdpi-v4" DEL /Q "%~dp0customlwp-unsigned.apk" cls echo. echo Building Apk cd out del /S *temp_$ DEL /Q "%~dp0%INPUT3%-signed.apk" cls cd .. cd other java -jar apktool.jar b ../out "%~dp0%INPUT3%-unsigned.apk" echo. echo Signing Apk java -jar signapk.jar -w testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 "%~dp0%INPUT3%-unsigned.apk" "%~dp0%INPUT3%-signed.apk" DEL /Q "%~dp0%INPUT3%-unsigned.apk" cd .. cls echo. echo Done. echo. cls echo Would you like to install this apk ^? echo Ur device must be connected to ur pc and adb must be in ur PATH (y/n) echo. set /P INPUT4=Enter: %=% if (%INPUT4%)==(y) goto ains start www.simproduction.com goto exit :errjava cls echo Java was not found, you will not be able to sign apks or use apktool PAUSE goto exit :ains adb install -r "%~dp0%INPUT3%-signed.apk" start www.simproduction.com :exit