function = $function; $this->args = $args; $this->socket = $socket; } /** * Runs the thread code and the initialized function. * * @codeCoverageIgnore Only executed in thread. */ public function run() { /* First thing we need to do is re-initialize the class autoloader. If * we don't do this first, any object of a class that was loaded after * the thread started will just be garbage data and unserializable * values (like resources) will be lost. This happens even with * thread-safe objects. */ $paths = [ \dirname(__DIR__, 5) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php', \dirname(__DIR__, 3) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php', ]; $autoloadPath = null; foreach ($paths as $path) { if (\file_exists($path)) { $autoloadPath = $path; break; } } if ($autoloadPath === null) { throw new \Error('Could not locate autoload.php'); } require $autoloadPath; // At this point, the thread environment has been prepared so begin using the thread. try { \Amp\execute(function () { $channel = new ChannelledSocket($this->socket, $this->socket, false); $watcher = \Amp\repeat(self::KILL_CHECK_FREQUENCY, function () { if ($this->killed) { \Amp\stop(); } }); \Amp\unreference($watcher); return $this->execute($channel); }); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Sets a local variable to true so the running event loop can check for a kill signal. */ public function kill() { return $this->killed = true; } /** * @coroutine * * @param \Amp\Parallel\Sync\Channel $channel * * @return \Generator * * @codeCoverageIgnore Only executed in thread. */ private function execute(Channel $channel): \Generator { try { if ($this->function instanceof \Closure) { $function = $this->function->bindTo($channel, Channel::class); } if (empty($function)) { $function = $this->function; } $result = $function(...$this->args); if ($result instanceof \Generator) { $result = new Coroutine($result); } if ($result instanceof Promise) { $result = yield $result; } $result = new ExitSuccess($result); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $result = new ExitFailure($exception); } // Attempt to return the result. try { try { return yield $channel->send($result); } catch (SerializationException $exception) { // Serializing the result failed. Send the reason why. return yield $channel->send(new ExitFailure($exception)); } } catch (ChannelException $exception) { // The result was not sendable! The parent context must have died or killed the context. return 0; } } }